Hi everyone! Cara is currently experiencing very high traffic load and we are aware some users have had trouble accessing the platform or signing up these last couple days. We would like to post an update on the sites current status:First of allweve had a spike in new user signups and we want to say a warm welcome to all new users! Unfortunately, there were also some attacks on Cara mixed in, so it took a while for our team to disentangle things, but services should start returning to normal now. Currently known issues & troubleshooting infoCan't signup Signups were blocked for a few hours while we fixed things, please try again now & let us know if you still can't sign in or sign up. Profile pictures not saving on mobile app Try using cara.app in browser and see if that solves the issueOTPs sent to emails timing out We can't figure out what's causing this, please contact us with info on the email service you're using/any screenshots.You can also use Google/Apple instead of email to sign up, but you dont wish to, rest assured we are actively looking into the issue.AI detection alerts Edge cases where alerts pop up for AI detection and user can't publish their postthis was a feature in our early beta from over half a year ago, and its already been depreciated and should no longer be happening. If this occurs, please verify you're on latest version of the app and contact us with your device and OS version, and any other info you can provide!Glaze is temporarily disabled This is due to our security measures and we will work to reenable it as soon as we can get through all other security and access issues.TLDR: Site experienced huge traffic spike of genuine traffic mixed in with some attacks on Cara. We have some temporary measures in place now which should help the site return to normal while we work on permanent solutions. If you still experience slowness or outages, please report to the team as it helps us immensely to be aware of whats happening. We appreciate everyones patience and understanding as we work through all this! Gentle reminder that Cara is still in beta so there may be hiccups and things are far from polished. We hope you can be patient with us as Cara is built by a group of volunteers and we are a very small team! Supporting Cara You can support Cara with Buy Us a Coffee. Everything go towards hosting and server costs to help keep Cara running. If youd like to join our volunteer team at Cara, we are looking for engineers, project assistants, moderators, and social media and support staff to help our growing community. Check out our blog post for more info. Bug ReportsBug reports are always helpful!Cara is a huge engineering effort for a small team, and we cant always catch every bug. If you let us know when you encounter issues, then we can look into them, or else we may not even be aware!So please contact us if you encounter any bugs or issues. You can reach us via Discord or email: support@cara.app Thank you for the support! - The Cara Team Have questions? Join us on Discord!cara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee