[Event] MerMay 2024 Challenge
Jeff Simpson @jeffsimpson Let's make a splash with ocean- and mermaid-themed artwork this May! Wanna join? Then dive into the challenge with us:About the Event MerMay is a community event celebrating the month of May with mermaid-themed artwork!To participate in the challenge, you are free to use one of the many theme lists that are meant to inspire you like the official MerMay themes, Cara's List or your very own!Whether you draw a mermaid a day throughout the entire month or participate with a single entry is completely up to you: You can join in as much or as little as you want and can.How to join MerMay 2024 on CaraParticipate by posting new work youve made following either Caras Theme List, the official MerMay themes or your own ideas.Make sure to mention # mermay2024 in the description box when posting and feel free to add the day and theme if you drew inspiration from a list!A new tab on our explore feed featuring #mermay2024 entries along with posted features on our Instagram and Twitter pages will boost your entries throughout May!After the challenge has ended, another blog post is going to summarize the event and commemorate a selection of entries in a final feature. Tobias Kwan @tobiaskwan - Mermay 2023 Cara Theme ListWe encourage you to take this chance to explore new ideas, experiment with your art and take a chance at learning something new within our aquatic theme. Most of all, we are excited to see everyone having fun with their art and raving about each other's works in the comments!We hope you can forge fresh friendships, discover new artwork and artists, collaborate and enjoy MerMay together. We look forward to seeing your creativity unfold! - The Cara Team Nabs @nabsdraws - MerMay Illustrations from 2 Years ago Patryk Chudzinski @patichudy17 - Day 1 #mermay2023 Omichi @omichiart - Flower Mermaid enn @entropienn - Mermaids based on Planets - Mercury Ying Lam @inglam - Line Art 01 Fernando Salvaterra @salvaterra - A MerMay Thing Katerina Ladon @lumen - The Mermaid Queen Margo 37 @margo37 - Mermay2023 George Patsouras @cgmythology - Mermaid Creature Nodens @nodensart - Luminosity Mermaid Rona Ks @rona-ks - Mermay Kitten Anthony Brooks @anthonybrooks - MerMay 2023 Glass Nandito @fernandodoesart - Mermaid Virginie Juteau @virginiejuteau - Mermaid inspired by Underwater Photography Katerynka @handrosaur - Mermay Willy Merry @willymerry - Mermay 2023 Izzy @izzymedrano - Late Night MerMay Sketchies Alessia Hilary Valastro @alessiahv - THE SEA BELONGS TO US