Caras Holidays 2023 Feature
Julien Belin @julien - Winter Forest Hello everyone! The year is almost over and the warm shades of fall are leaving us in shifting to the colder tones of winter.This time of the year is always an inspiring for the arts: falling leaves or snowy forests, menacing creatures, snow queens or Christmas scenes are amongst the main characters of this colorful display of artworks we are treated to at this time of the year.We thought about this as a journey and an adventure to accompany us together into the new year.The Cara team wishes you Happy Holidays and a serene, beautiful start to 2024! The Cara Teamcara | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee Francisco Fuenzalida @fuenzalida - Envars Autumn vibes contest Irene Nogueron G @inogart - Nene's Hallows Eve & Day of the Dead Noukah @noukah - Leaf Collector Hang Bui @hangbui - Back from School Allison Chin @allisonchinart - Fiery Autumn Thu Cao @thucaoillus - Garnet's World 05 - Moon Festival Amy Nguyen @amynyan - Year of the Cat Caleb OBrien @cobrien - The Delivery Snowman 3D Max Turnbull @oats - snow day Ornella Greco @ornitoplatypus - Snowy paths Kuang Hong @noah-kh - Winterfall Max Bedulenko @maxbedulenko - Winter Orjan Ruttenborg Svendsen @orsvend - Troll/Snowman Tokity Balazs @tokitybalazs1208 - Winter Thomas Arnaud @chroma - Snowy Sunset Matt Taylor @matt - Merced River - Yosemite Jingna Zhang @zemotion - Winter's Rose Kamila Szutenberg @karamissa - Warm-up 06 Yun Ling @lingy000 - Winter Trip Christopher English @christopherenglish - Alone YangY @aayangy - Ice Age Ierlix @ierlix - HAppy Holidays Archie Eka @stevenarchie - Plein Airpril Day 3 Rhys Griffiths @rhys - Winter groeegr @groeegr - Winter Julia Metzger @juliametzgerart - Die Winterwacht Anton Fadeev @shant - The Lady of Winter and her friend Jeff Simpson @jeffsimpson - THE HUNTSMAN: WINTER'S WAR CONCEPTS Yasushi Matsuoka @yasuartstudio - Snowy River Mermaid Liko - Nicolas Nguyen@liko - Snow golden lake David Jones @davidjones - Snow Elf Yulia Zhuchkova @avalach - Winter Song Oliver Chen @oliwa066 - Snowfield shop Etienne Hebinger @ehebinger - Winter Evening Lidia Goryachewa @sadtea - Winter Cat Yulia Zhuchkova @avalach - Lunar Ravens Graeme @graemedalyart - Snow Day GREMO @greenmold - Christmas Luv @its-soulfy - New Year Fireworks / Sky: Children of the Light Valeriane Duvivier @valeriane - Happy holydaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Valeriane Duvivier @valeriane - Lady Snow and her helpers Foofarawr @foofarawr - Christmas in Pallet Town bkvoxel @bkvoxel - JPN02: Winter Wei Wu @weitoocool - Red Winter kaktuwanchik @kaktuwanchik - Koliadnyky(Christmas caroling) Marie Kister @marie - Christmas Campaign HK @bag2d - Winter 2022 KlausPillon @klauspillon - Personal Work Connect with us! cara.app | twitter | instagram | buy us a coffee