3DVista VT PRO now supports 3d models. Add and seamlessly integrate 3d models with animations into your virtual tours - unleashing great potential. Animations, environments, lights, textures and seamless integration with your 360 media. An absolute game-changer. Try it out now!Fly-Over demo: https://www.3dvista.com/en/project/3d-model-of-a-place-fly-over-mode/ Orbital Mode demo: https://www.3dvista.com/en/project/3d-model-demo-orbital-mode/ CREDITS (by order of appearance)Archeological site scanned by WeScan Georgia Inspection model by Daryl Ferris / www.linkedin.com/in/daryl-ferris-6763606aLoft model modified and optimized by Ezo VisualsSkeleton model by Ruslan Gadzhiev / https://sketchfab.com/ruslangadzhiev Hand bones model and virtual tour by Tanbeen Amin / tanbeeamin.comTurbofan engine modelled by Blenderbird / https://sketchfab.com/blenderbirb Warehouse model modified and optimized by Tayeb Aissaoui / https://eureca3d.com