Following our previous visit toOFFICEUNTITLED (OU), we are keeping ourMeet Your Next Employer seriesin Los Angeles this week to explore the work ofAUX Architecture.Founded in 2008 and led by Brian Wickersham, the 40-person studio has amassed a portfolio along an ethos that brings craft and clarity to designs at every scalefrom hearth to urban realm. Archinect has previously reported on the firms success at the 2023 AIA|LA Design Awards, the 2022 American Architecture Awards, and the 2022 AIA California Design Awards, while 2022 also saw Archinect speak with Wickersham on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on architectural practice.Over on Archinect Jobs, the firm iscurrently hiringfor a Designer to join their Los Angeles team. For candidates interested in applying for a position or anybody interested in learning more about the firms output, we have rounded up five unique Los Angeles projects by AUX Architecture that exemplify the firms ethos.Glorya Kaufman Performing...