The video game industry is full of famous faces and notable names, but if you're looking for engaging tours through history, a visit to Sid Meier's library of classics is always a good idea. Over at Humble, several of the legend's games have been collected into a bundle that's now on sale . While games like Sid Meier's Railroads, Pirates, and Ace Patrol are a fascinating look back at an older era of PC gaming, the real treat here is for Civilization fans, as they can get the sixth game in the series and a ton of DLC to go with it. See at Humble Pricing for this bundle starts at $5 for five items, including the games Pacific Skies, Starships, Railroads, Ace Patrol, and Civilization 3. Chip in $9, and you'll get Civilization 4, Civilization 5, Civilization: Beyond Earth, Civilization 6, and Pirates. For $12, you'll unlock eight pieces of DLC for Civilization 6, and the full 20-item bundle for $18 throws in two more pieces of premium DLC for the turn-based strategy game.Proceeds from sales will go toward two charities--Covenant House and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research--so you'll be helping worthwhile causes while getting a fantastic deal. The bundle itself is valued at $397, so this is quite the savings. Civilization is the big draw here, as you're getting older games that have stood the test of time and DLC that extends Civilization 6 for many more hours.Continue Reading at GameSpot