According to Bloomberg, Jerry Seinfeld is now a billionaire. All because in the late 1980s, he had a lunch with a fellow comic named Larry David and they hatcheda revolutionary idea. They would create a sitcom about nothing about the all the little annoyances and hassles ofthe mundane reality they faced in their day-to-day lives, and howthose issues then informed their standup material.The concept becameSeinfeld, which aired for nineyears on NBC. Although the shows early days were rocky NBC almost didnt pick up the pilot, and Seinfeld and David only received enough money to make four additional episodes that first season Seinfeldhasremained one of the top shows in cable, and now on streaming, for more than 25 years. After more than a quarter century,viewers still love watching Jerry, George (Jason Alexander), Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), and Kramer (Michael Richards).Seinfeldendedthe show after only nine seasons, whileit was still the top-rated series on television. That left fans with an incredibly consistent library of episodes. Ive seen everyone countless times on broadcast, on local syndications, and now on Netflix (where you can watch the show today), so why not rank them all?Admittedly itadds up to a whole lot of yada yada about nothing, but its fun to do all the same.(By the way: Dont gettoo upset about the rankings.Seinfeld has alot of classic episodes.If your favorite isanywhere in the top 100, that already means its a hilarious TV show.)Every Seinfeld Episode, Ranked From Worst to BestHere is a whole lot of writing featuring the show about nothing every Seinfeld episode ever made, ranked.READ MORE: Once-Beloved TV Shows That Have Faded AwayGet our free mobile app10 TV Spinoffs That Became Bigger Than the OriginalThese shows got so popular, you might not even know they were part of something else.