A new survey from Bluebeam has documented the widespread use of AI technology in every facet of the AEC industry.According to their survey of management employees in seven countries, around three-quarters (74%) of all businesses have implemented AI into their workflows. This is especially true in the design and planning stages of projects. Its worth noting, however, that only 11% of responses came from architecture firms. Of the others, 71% are construction and 18% are engineering firms.In the way of a broader adoption of digitalization and AI stands a lack of training amongst staff, which, at 32%, was the highest tallied reason ahead of general resistance to change within organizations (26%), concerns about data privacy (22%), budget constraints (19%), and other issues.Related on Archinect: AI is Good For Architects (For Now)Also in terms of budgeting, the highest number of responses (40%) to a query said they are currently allocating between 11% and 25% of their IT resources ...