Hollywoods guiding philosophy over the past few decades goes something like this: If it worked once before, it will work again.Once an idea connects with audiences, studios will run it into the ground with sequels, remakes, reboots, prequels, and legacyquels. Original concepts? Bold ideas? Feh! Giveem an old hit, a second (or third, or tenth) time. That will work, right?Not always. Despite what studio executives might believe, sure things are no certainty, and for every bona fide blockbuster sequel there areaa dozen that stopped a franchise in its tracks. Plus, Hollywood has made so many sequels in the last few years, that only the most dedicated film nerd could possibly remember themall.Lets see how manyyouremember. Here is a list of 20 sequels, most released in the 21st century. See how many remain etched in your mind just a few years later, and how many you forgot about, even if (or maybeespecially if) you watched them once upon a time. Keep in mind: These are not sequels to obscure foreign titles, orcheapo junkthat went direct-to-video. These are marquee movie brands with A-list stars, based on movies that in most cases remain quite popular on home video and streaming. Its just that sometimes when things work once, theycantwork the same again.(By the way: Weve made a list of forgotten movie sequels before. None of the obscure titles on that list repeat here. Hollywood makes a lot of sequels! )20 Sequels You Forgot ExistedThese hit films all got sequels although most were flops, and all are now forgotten.READ MORE: 10 Once-Beloved Movies That Have Faded Into ObscurityGet our free mobile appOnce-Beloved Movie Gimmicks That Have Faded AwayMovie theaters have resorted to some interesting tactics to lure in viewers through the years.