The eleventh edition of the AIA International Design Awards program named a brand new group of winners last month as part of the chapters annual conference meeting in Hong Kong. The field, which this year includes five Honor Award recipients and 11 Merit Award selectees, was led by the Firm Award winner T. R. Hamzah & Yeang from Malaysia. Joining them were the seven winners of the special Sustainable Future and Sustainable Future Awards. Five select categories (Architecture, InteriorArchitecture, Urban Design, Unbuilt Design, Open International) helped discern their unique characteristics, with latter being specially created to recognize members for projects that are particularly "respectful of their localculture, unique program and international context."The 2024 AIA International Design Awards jury included former AIA Hong Kong president Grover Dear, Sara Topelson de Grinberg, and the AIA's new President-Elect for 2025 Illya Azaroff.