GTA Online: The Black Box File Mission Guide In Agents Of Sabotage
The Black Box File is one of the main jobs you can take on for Jodi in the Agents of Sabotage update in Grand Theft Auto Online. This job requires you to bring down an IAA plane to recover its black box, which apparently has some juicy secrets on it.To do this, you need to procure a means to hack the plane and an aircraft to bring it down from the sky. Then, you have to submerge underwater to grab the black box once it's been shot down. All of this nets you close to $200k if done correctly.Follow our step-by-step walkthrough of The Black Box File below. Procure the Hacking Device Your first job in The Black Box File is to secure a Hacking Device, which is used to intercept the plane's communications from the air. The Hacking Device is located on a roof in downtown Los Santos, and you can head to its waypoint right after Jodi is done explaining the job from your headquarters at the garment factory.At the waypoint, you have to climb a ladder to get to a roof, where a few enemies are waiting for you. Kill them and open the green box to obtain the Hacking Device. Then, descend back down the ladder and head to LSIA, which is located a short distance away. Once you're at LSIA, go to the control tower marked on your map and take out the red cameras unless you want cops on the scene. Climb up the right ladder on the control tower and keep ascending the ladders until you reach the top. There, you can plant the Hacking Device on an electrical box and parachute/climb down. Head back to the garment factory to accept your next mission in the job. Steal the TulaNext, you'll want to steal a weaponized aircraft for the job. In this case, you need to go a Merryweather barge out in the middle of the ocean where a helicopter called the Tula is being kept. When you reach the waypoint on your map after accepting the mission, you can take either a boat or jetski to the barge.It doesn't really matter which one you take, as there is a Merryweather helicopter, two machine gun boats, and several enemies waiting for you on the barge. Take everyone out and hop in the Tula that's sitting in the middle of the barge.Once inside the chopper, you have to take out six different Merryweather helicopters that attack you. This isn't too difficult, as the enemy choppers can't truly harm you. When the choppers are dealt with, head to LSIA and descend with the Tula to park it in the marked location. Secure Sonar EquipmentThe final mission before the grand finale is the steal some sonar equipment that will be used to locate the black box after the plane has gone down.The sonar equipment is located on a tugboat near the Los Santos docks. Specifically, you can find the right near the dock entrance on the eastern side. You'll find a few enemies to kill on the tugboat but it likely won't take you too long. Once they're handled, go on the tugboat and head to the front of it, where you'll find a storage box that contains the sonar equipment.With the equipment in hand, return to the garment factory and access the computer to start the final job of The Black Box File. Hack Air Traffic Control and find the planeThe first step in the final mission is to head back to LSIA and hack into air traffic control at the control tower you previously visited. All you have to do is press the designated button when near the tower, so no climbing is required. Next, head to the Tula at the nearby terminal and drive it to catch up to the IAA plane that's already in the sky. This will take some time, as the Tula is quite slow and the plane is already quite a ways away from the airport. Hack the plane and search for the Black Box When you catch up to the plane, you have to get right near it in order for the hacking to commence. After you get close enough, bring out the SecuroServ app on your phone and you should see a percentage on the screen. Keep up with the plane as this percentage starts to rise. If the percentage stops going up, you need to re-situate the Tula to be closer to the plane. Once the percentage reaches 100, the plane will be hacked and your next task is to blow out one of its engines. This can be tricky, as the Tula's machine gun is wobbly and inaccurate. However, you only have to shoot one of the four engines to take the plane down. If you manage to do so, the plane will crash and end up in a lake on the ground. Descend with the Tula and hop out once you're close enough to the crash site of the plane. From here, head underwater and use your sonar equipment to find the black box. It's located in the front section of the plane, so you have to go inside the cockpit to find it. This requires a sticky bomb to blow up the cockpit doors. With the black box in hand, rise to the top of the lake and find the nearby dinghy that's been provided for you. Escape the cops and find the buyerYou'll need to man the machine gun turret on the dinghy to get the driver to go. Shoot any cops you see along the way, and eventually, the dinghy will bring you to the buyer's location. If you die during this process, you'll respawn on a jet ski and have to retrieve the black box from wherever you died. From there, simply go to the buyer yourself on the jet ski.Once you reach the buyer, you'll exchange hands and receive payment. You can earn a max of $185k for the job, with bonuses for:Destroying all four plane enginesRecover all plane contents underwaterKill five enemies during the dinghy escape