Zaha Hadid Architects upcoming Shenzhen Institute of Financial Technology Tower is taking shape. Construction work on the 46-story structures sculptural faade has begun.Image: Xue LiangLocated on a narrow site in the center of Shenzhens Futian district, the tower aims to accommodate the Institutes ongoing expansion to serve Chinas growing fintech industry.Image: Xue LiangThe roughly 818,000-square-foot building will house research and development laboratories, technology exchange, data centers, and a training campus, together with management, support, and administrative departments.Image: Xue LiangThe towers composition is defined by its surrounding urban environment. Its volume features set-backs, which were determined by mapping and modeling the annual paths of sunlight across the site. The set-backs optimize the amount of direct sunlight that reaches the surrounding streets, public plazas, and buildings. In addition, the towers envelope is set to incorporate high perfo...