The Mauritius fody (Foudia rubra) is a rare and endangered species of bird in the weaver family, Ploceidae. It is endemic to the southern Indian Ocean island of Mauritius, where it resides in several types of forest, including degraded areas, as well as plantations. With a length of around 14 centimetres (5.5 inches), breeding males are olive brown, with a red head, breast and rump patch, and black lores. Females, non-breeding males and juveniles are olive brown with white wing bars and a brown bill. The bird feeds on insects such as grasshoppers, beetle larvae, caterpillars, and also spiders. Berries are eaten regularly by some individuals, and it feeds on nectar regularly, using its specialised brush-tipped tongue. This male Mauritius fody was photographed on the le aux Aigrettes, an island off Mauritius's south-eastern coast.Photograph credit: Charles J. SharpRecently featured: Caroline HillOrngeStephanolepis hispidusArchiveMore featured pictures