Cyberpunk 2077CDPRFortnite is the home of a million crossovers, most recently of which has included Mariah Carey, of all people. But now the game is treading into territory I am very well familiar with, releasing skins from my favorite game of all time, Cyberpunk 2077. Think Im crazy for saying that? Go and play it in its final form now. Youll get it.We now know who and what from Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to Fortnite, and while I think there should have been double the amount of skins, I am not surprised with who has been picked. Heres what we know, and this stuff will hit the shop on Monday, December 23, via dataminers:V Skin (1,500 V-Bucks)Johnny Silverhand Skin (1,500 V-Bucks)Johnnys Katana (800 V-Bucks), Wrap (500) and EmoteVs Mantis Blades (800 V-Bucks), Quadra Vehicle (1,800 V-Bucks)FortniteEpicA few things to note here. First, we do not know whether this V is going to be one specific gender, or maybe both. However, Fortnite just posted an official teaser for the collab that only features female V. I would argue she is the better choice in the game itself, but as is the nature of games, she had a much lower % pick rate than male V. It seems like the obvious option here is to have both of them, but theres no word on that, or if it could be buy-one-get-one as an alternate style. Fortnite has not really dealt with the created character issue from video game crossovers much. Regardless, they are certainly sure to look like the default versions used to promote the game.Johnny showing up as the second skin is no surprise. This will be the second skin to feature Keanu Reeves likeness in the game, the first being John Wick (and before that, Fortnite had its own bootleg John Wick), This is another thing that doesnt happen often, and the only example I can think of is a double Zendaya feature for Chani from Dune and Mary Jane from Spider-Man.MORE FOR YOUFinally, Mantis Blades as a mining tool? Oh, absolutely yes. That is instantly going to be one of the coolest tools in the game, right up there with Wolverine claws, Id argue. I am guessing these are not exclusively for V, but I do wonder if they will have some sort of special pop out animation or something. Probably not, but either way, very cool.Sometimes with big crossovers Epic circles back to release more skins, and I would kill for Judy and Panam skins to join these as the other two most iconic characters from this game. But alas, we only have the leads right now.I am sure visuals of the skins will leak pretty soon, and I will be picking these up immediately. I dont think Johnny would appreciate being sold as a microtransaction in Fortnite, however. V wouldnt care so long as she got paid.Follow me on Twitter, YouTube, Bluesky and Instagram.Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.