Looking forthe most recentMini Crossword answer?Click here for today's Mini Crossword hints, as well as our daily answers and hints for The New York Times Wordle, Strands and Connections puzzles.I'm writing about today's New York TimesMini Crosswordwhile tolerating some 4 Across, or, the stereotypical weather in the Pacific Northwest. And I also have a cat in this room whose nickname is 9 Across, though she wasn't named for anything relating to British politics. Today's puzzle was a pretty easy one, I thought. But if you're stuck on any of the clues today, we've got the answers. And if you could use some hints and guidance for daily solving, check out our Mini Crossword tips.The Mini Crossword is just one of many games in the Times' games collection. If you're looking for today's Wordle, Connections and Strands answers, you can visitCNET's NYT puzzle hints page.Read more: Tips and Tricks for Solving The New York Times Mini CrosswordLet's get at those Mini Crossword clues and answers. The complated NYT Mini Crossword puzzle for Dec. 23, 2024. NYT/Screenshot by CNETMini across clues and answers1A clue: Character who's blue in the face?Answer: SMURF6A clue: Mideast country that juts out from Saudi ArabiaAnswer: QATAR7A clue: Loosen, as a knotAnswer: UNTIE8A clue: Author's negotiatorAnswer: AGENT9A clue: Labourite's rival, in British politicsAnswer: TORYMini down clues and answers1A clue: What catchers do behind home plate or an adjective that might describe their physiqueAnswer: SQUAT2A clue: Tropical fruit in a sweet salsaAnswer: MANGO3A clue: Say aloudAnswer: UTTER4A clue: Like stereotypical weather in the Pacific NorthwestAnswer: RAINY5A clue: Bar on a guitar's neckAnswer: FRETHow to play more Mini CrosswordsThe New York Times Games section offers a large number of online games, but only some of them are free for all to play. You can play the current day's Mini Crossword for free, but you'll need a subscription to the Times Games section to play older puzzles from the archives.