Looking for the most recent Wordle answer?Click here for today's Wordle hints, as well as our daily answers and hints for The New York Times Mini Crossword, Connections and Strands puzzles.Today's New York TimesWordleanswer describes a place where some people like to go, especially in winter, to warm up. It is not e place I would ever choose to go, but to each their own. (I'll take a hot tub any day.) The word itself has three vowels, and one is repeated, so it could be a stumper. If you need hints and answers, read on. Today's Wordle hints Before we show you today'sWordleanswer, we'll give you some hints. If you don't want a spoiler, look away now.Wordle hint No. 1: RepeatsToday's Wordle answer has one repeated letter.Wordle hint No. 2: VowelsThere are two different vowels in today's Wordle answer, but one of them is repeated, so you'll see three vowels total.Wordle hint No. 3: EndingToday's Wordle answer ends with a vowel.Wordle hint No. 4: First letterToday's Wordle answer begins with the letter S.Wordle hint No. 5: MeaningToday's Wordle answer can refer to a small room used as a hot-air or steam bath.TODAY'S WORDLE ANSWERToday's Wordle answer is SAUNA.Yesterday's Wordle answerYesterday's Wordle answer, Dec. 22, No. 1282, was BRAWN.Recent Wordle answersDec. 18, No. 1278: HEFTYDec. 19, No. 1279: STRAYDec. 20, No. 1280: FLASHDec. 21, No. 1281: BLADE