Every Spider-Man and Spinoff Movie Ranked, From Worst to Best
With great power comes great responsibility ... and sometimes great movies.(Other times, not so much.)As hard as it may be to believe, the Spider-Man film franchise is now more than 20 years old. Or maybe Spider-Man franchises is more accurate. What started as one trilogy of films by Sam Raimi has now been rebooted and re-rebooted, and then spun off into unexpected directions featuring characters tangentially related to Spider-Man as part of Sonys efforts to turn their deal with Marvelfor the Friendly Neighborhood Web-Slinger into a cinematic universe all their own.Most of those spinoff movies have not been great. (AhemMorbius, ahem ahemMadame Web, ahem Kraven the Hunterahem ahem why oh why does my throat get so dry when writing about Spider-Man adjacent movies,verystrange.) Otherwise, the Spider-Man franchise has given us some of the best superhero movies of the century. Live-action or animation, Peter Parker or Miles Morales, Sam Raimi or Jon Watts or Lord and Miller; Spideys cinematic track record speaks for itself.But which is the best of the best? Below, Ive ranked every single one of Sonys Spider-Man movies, from 2002s very first film all the way through the bizarre web of Spider-Man spinoffs of today. Which reigns supreme? Youll have to read on to find out but, uh, yeah it aintMorbius.Ill tell you that much right now.Every Spider-Man and Spinoff Movie RankedAll of Sonys Spider-Man movies (plus their spinoffs), ranked from the worst to the best.Gallery Credit: Matt SingerREAD MORE: The Story of the Best Spider-Man Movie That Was Never MadeGet our free mobile appSpider-Man Co-Creator Steve Ditkos Run on Indiana JonesDuring the 1980s, Spider-Man co-creator Steve Ditko contributed artwork to Marvels Indiana Jones comic book.Filed Under: Kraven the Hunter, Madame Web, Marvel, Morbius, Spider-Man, Venom
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