Divers Discover 2,500-Year-Old Shipwreck Off the Coast of Sicily
Over the centuries, mollusks have eaten away at the ship's hull, which was constructed using the "on the shell" technique. University of UdineA 2,500-year-old shipwreck discovered off the coast of Sicily could offer new insights into ancient Greece, which colonized the Mediterranean island for hundreds of years.Underwater archaeologists discovered the shipwreck during a recent three-week excavation project off the southern tip of Sicily. It was buried beneath 20 feet of sand and rocks, according to a statement from Sicilys Superintendent of the Sea.Experts say the wreck likely dates to the fifth or sixth century B.C.E., during the period of Greek colonization. The ships hull was constructed using the on the shell technique, a method that involved connecting beam boards to create a self-supporting structure.Over the centuries, mollusks have eaten away at the hull, which has made it extremely fragile, according to astatement from Italys University of Udine.Using photogrammetry techniques, researchers were able to create a 3D model of the delicate wreck. They also plan to study samples gathered from the site to determine what materials were used to build the ship.Nearby, divers also unearthed several anchors. Two are made of iron and shaped like an upside-down T, and they likely date to the seventh century C.E. Four of the anchors are made of stone and likely date to the prehistoric era. One of the stone anchors is broken, though it appears to have been outfitted with two wooden flukes.The discovery of artifacts from such different periods in history highlights the regions robust seafaring heritage, as theGreek Reporters Abdul Moeed writes.Together, the finds could help shed more light on maritime history in the Mediterranean, including the relationship between the ancient Greeks andCarthaginians, perCBS News Emily Mae Czachor. For many years, the two groupsalong with the Romansbattled for control of the central Mediterranean.The Romans took control of Sicily in 241 B.C.E. at the end of theFirst Punic War with the Carthaginians. The team also found anchors from several different time periods, including two made of iron and shaped like an upside-down "T." University of UdineThe underwater excavations were part of theKaukana Project, which has been running since 2017 and seeks to explore the waters off the coast of Sicily. The project is led by the University of Udine in partnership with several other research institutions.The discovery of this wreck underscores the importance of Sicily as a strategic point in trade routes with ancient Greece, writes La Brjula Verdes Guillermo Carvajal. The materials and techniques found not only provide insight into the nautical skills of the time but also highlight the intense commercial and cultural activity that flourished in the Mediterranean.This is far from the only shipwreck discovered in the Mediterranean in recent years. In 2021, archaeologists exploring near Palermo, Sicily, announced the discovery of anancient Roman wreck filled with jars used for transporting wine and olive oil. The following year, an international team of researchers documentedRoman shipwrecks in the Skerki Banks, a channel between Sicily and Tunisia.Get the latest stories in your inbox every weekday.Filed Under: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Archaeology, European History, History, Italy, Roman Empire, Ships, Shipwrecks, Water, Water Transportation