A Warm Glass of Milk and Other Drinks That Ease You to Sleep
We've all been there -- the relentless tossing and turning and the endless ticking of the clock as sleep eludes us in the darkest hours of night. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends 7 or more hours of sleep each night, but it isn't always so easy to find rest.But hope is not lost, as the solution could be in your own kitchen. In addition to popular bedtime snacks, there are some drinks that may help you sleep and maintain a better sleep schedule. These drinks serve as natural sleep aids and are loaded with beneficial ingredients for both your health and sleep. By instilling thesebetter sleep habits, you can improve your sleep quality, all with a simple trip to the store or your pantry.What should you not drink before bed?There are some drinks you shouldavoid before bed because they can negatively affect your sleep. Alcohol is one such example, as it can cause fragmented sleep, reduced rapid eye movement sleep and even insomnia. Breathing problems can worsen andsleep apnea can rear its ugly head. One study showed that total sleep was decreased by 1 hour after the consumption of caffeine 6 hours before sleep. Alcohol also causes frequent urination, causing you to get up throughout the night.Caffeine is another example of a beverage that should be avoided before bed. Coffee, soda and even chocolate hold enough caffeine to affect your sleep, and the added sugar not only keeps you up at night but also puts you at risk for a host of other health issues like diabetes and heart disease. WebMD suggests completely eliminating all caffeine for two weeks. After that, you can try slowly introducing caffeine back into your diet, but you should cease immediately if you start to have trouble sleeping again.10 best drinks for sleep Cavan Images/Getty ImagesWhile some drinks will keep you awake, there are drinks for sleep that will help you fall asleep -- and stay asleep -- without trouble. Before bed, try a cup of one of these beverages that contain natural ingredients to help induce sleep.Chamomile teaChamomile is one of thebest herbal teas that has been proven to help youfall asleep fast. It contains no caffeine to keep you awake and instead is made up of a natural sedative called apigenin. Chamomile has been proven to improve sleep quality, reducing the number of wakeups for uninterrupted sleep. In addition to its sleep benefits, chamomile can reduce inflammation, improve skin health and help those with diabetes.Warm milkBefore bed, a warm glass of milk could be just the trick to help you sleep better. It contains tryptophan, which increases yourmelatonin and helps ward off sleep disorders likeinsomnia. Studies especially show that warm milk can help the sleep of those 65 years and older. Milk is also one of the most nutritious drinks for sleep, providing you with calcium, potassium and Vitamin D.Banana smoothieLike milk, bananas also contain tryptophan, which can help you sleep better, so making a banana smoothie is one of the best sleepy drinks you can enjoy. They are also a rich source of magnesium, asupplement crucial formelatonin production and maintaining your normal circadian sleep cycle. The carbohydrates in bananas have been shown to help you fall asleep faster, and the potassium helps reduce muscle cramping for less interrupted sleep. Just be careful not toadd sugar to your smoothie so you do not counteract the positive effects of the banana.WaterA small amount of water can do wonders for your sleep. Itkeeps your body hydrated, regulating your temperature, and it helps break down waste so you can release toxins through sweat. It can ward off dehydration, constipation and even kidney stones. However, be careful not to drink too much water so you do not have to get up for bathroom breaks. Ice cubes could be a better alternative if you are worried a glass of water may be too much before bed.Valerian root teaValerian comes from the honeysuckle family, and its roots have been known to fight insomnia and encourage better sleep since the second century A.D. It's a gentle andnatural sleep aid used in lieu of prescription medications to treat a number of sleep-related disorders, as well as anxiety and restlessness. A cup of valerian root tea has also been shown to help you fall asleep faster, making it one of the best drinks to help you sleep on our list. The Sleepy Girl Mocktail went viral on TikTok for its sleep-promoting properties. Alena Frolova/Getty ImagesMagnesium drink mixIf you want to skip the banana smoothie, you can still get yourmagnesium intake through a simple drink mix. It can improve your sleep schedule so you sleep longer, and it increases the production of melatonin to help you sleep more soundly. In addition to better sleep, magnesium helps support the nervous system while strengthening your bones and improving your muscle function, heart rhythm and blood sugar. Try the Sleepy Girl Mocktail with tart cherry juice, sparkling water or soda and magnesium powder.Lemon balm teaLemon balm is a member of the mint family and is often referred to as bee balm. Like valerian, you can drink this herb in a warm cup of tea before bed. A calming herb, it works with other herbs like valerian to better your sleep and fight insomnia. It can also help with anxiety, and one study even showed a reduction in teeth grinding in children during sleep. Tart cherry juiceMontmorency cherries, or sour cherries, are used to create tart cherry juice, another fantastic drink before bed. There is a whole host of nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc. These have been proven to help you sleep longer and better, especially for those with insomnia. Packed with antioxidants, it also reduces inflammation and improves your immune system. Almond milkAlmond milk is a good option for those who are lactose-intolerant or simply prefer some flavor in their milk. A glass of it before bed provides a triple effect of tryptophan, melatonin and magnesium -- all ingredients that have been proven to promote better sleep. Almond milk helps fight insomnia while building immunity, strengthening bones and protecting the heart. Peppermint teaPeppermint is beloved for its cool, minty flavor, and a cup of peppermint tea before bed can help you find better rest. It is caffeine-free and serves as a natural muscle relaxant so your body can relax into sleep. There are a host of medical benefits: It relieves tension headaches and migraines, helps build better immunity and can improve energy. It has also been shown to help with gastrointestinal issues.There are many sleepy drinks you can enjoy before bedtime that will help you sleep longer and more soundly. With so many additional health benefits, you can improve your sleep and your overall health in just one glass. No matter which you choose, your body is sure to thank you.
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