60 British slang words that will confuse anybody who didn't grow up in the UK
A few sandwiches short of a picnicA picnic with sandwiches. Malcolm P Chapman/Getty Images "A few sandwiches short of a picnic" means someone who lacks common sense. The phrase was first documented in the BBC's "Lenny Henry Christmas Special" in 1987."She's great fun, but she's a few sandwiches short of a picnic." AnorakNerd. Shutterstock "Anorak" refers to someone who's a little bit geeky, with strong interests or expertise in a niche area.Although it's more often used as a synonym for raincoat, an anorak is something slightly different in playground slang. This word probably originates from the "uncool" appearance of anorak coats and the people wearing them."Thomasis suchan anorak when it comes to train trivia." BagsyPeople grabbing chicken off a serving plate at a family-style dinner. EyeWolf/Getty Images "Bagsy" is the British equivalent of calling "shotgun" or "dibs" when something, like the front seat of the car or food, is offered up to a group. School kids might call "bagsy" on items in their friends' pack lunches, like an apple or a cereal bar, that the friend isn't going to eat."Does anyone want thi""Bagsy!" Bee's kneesBeekeepers. Manuel Medir/Getty Images "Bee's knees" refers to something at the "height of cool." This phrase became mainstream in the USA in the 1920s despite its British origins, but its popularity has dwindled since the turn of the century.When first documented in the 18th century, the "bee's knees" referred to small or insignificant details. Since then, the phrase has evolved and now refers to something popular or cool."The Beatles are the bee's knees." BenderPeople drinking cocktails. HEX/Getty Images A "bender" is an extended period of drinking, usually in excess. Someone on a spree of excessive drinking and mischief is "on a bender." Benders can last over 24 hours, and so you might say that someone is on "a weekend bender," or a "three-day bender.""I bumped into him towards the end of his four-day bender. He was a wreck." BirdBirds. Taufik Ardiansyah/Shutterstock A "bird" is an informal word for a girl or young woman.While the phrase can be interpreted as misogynistic, it's still commonly used. It's usually used to describe a woman between the ages of 18 and 50, particularly one who is attractive."Look at that bird over there. She's fit." Pull a blinderPeople playing soccer. skynesher/Getty Images To "pull a blinder" involves achieving something difficult faultlessly and skillfully. The phrase is most commonly used when the individual has been lucky and the person saying it is in disbelief that the first person has managed to pull it off."And did you see that equalizing goal in the last minute of injury time? He pulled a blinder there." BloodyRon Weasley in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stoner." Warner Bros "Bloody" or "bleeding" is used to add emphasis to adjectives, similar to how "wicked" is used in New England. The origins of the word are widely disputed. Some believe it's derived from the Dutch word "blute," meaning "bare." Others believe the word is a contraction of the 17th-century phrase "by our lady," and is blasphemous.This second theory has been disproved, however, by the slang's first documentation predating the widespread use of the phrase "by our lady."Nowadays, "bloody" is used widely it's even used in children's films such as "Harry Potter" andis arguably one of the most quintessentially British words on the list."That was bloody good." Bob's your uncleSnapping fingers. Nisara Tangtrakul/EyeEm/Getty Images "Bob's your uncle" is the very British equivalent to "hey presto!" or "et voil!" This phrase is often used to describe a process that seems more difficult than it actually is."Press down the clutch, put it into gear, then slowly ease off the clutch again. Bob's your uncle you're driving!" Bog-standardEmpty dining room. Emilija Manevska/Getty Images Something that is "bog-standard" is completely ordinary with no frills, embellishments, or add-ons. Its origins are somewhat unclear, but a "bog" is another word for a toilet in British slang, adding to the connotations that something "bog-standard" is unglamorous and unspecial."How was the hostel?" "Oh, nothing exciting to report. Just your bog-standard dorm, really." BootCar boot. supergenijalac/Shutterstock The "boot" of a car is the trunk in American English. A popular pastime in the United Kingdom is attending or having your own "car boot sale," in which people usually sell knickknacks and old personal items out of the back of their cars."Shovethe shopping in the boot." Botch jobA broken TV on a shelf. rawf8/Shutterstock A "botch job" is a repair job that's been completed in a hurry and will probably fall apart reasonably soon. A "botch job" can also refer to anything that's been done haphazardly, like a work assignment."Sam did a botch job on these shelves they're wonky!" BrollyMeghan Markle holding an umbrella over Prince Harry. Ian Vogler/PA Images via Getty Images A "brolly" is a shortened word for an umbrella. On a rainy day in London, you would definitely want a brolly on hand."Grab your brolly, it's drizzling outside." Budge upPeople sharing a park bench. Westend61/Getty Images "Budge up" is similar to "scoot over" or "move over." An informal way of asking someone to make room where they are sitting for you to sit down, too, would be asking them to "budge up.""Hey, there's loads of room on that bench. Budge up and make some room for us, too!" Builder's teaEnglish breakfast tea. Emma Fierberg/Business Insider "Builder's tea" is the name of a strongly brewed cup of English breakfast tea with milk and sugar.It's common courtesy to offer a laborer or builder working on your house a builder's tea while they're working especially if they're working out in the cold. This is probably how the term came about."A bacon sandwich and a builder's tea. Now that's a proper breakfast." Butcher's hookButcher handling sausages. Westend61/Getty Images "Butcher's hook" is Cockney rhyming slang for "look." Therefore, if you're "having a butchers," you're having a look at something."Would you take a butchers at this broken bike for me?" CheekyA child with marker on his face. Catherine Delahaye/Getty Images "Cheeky" refers to an act that could be deemed impolite or shameless but, for some reason, comes across as funny or endearing to others. "Being cheeky" means being funny or humorous, but slightly mischievous at the same time."Joe's children are absolute rascals they tied my shoelaces together last week!""Those cheeky monkeys." ChinwagA couple having a conversation. Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images A "good old chinwag" is a good chat, catch-up, or gossip with someone.The action of chatting away with thejaw bobbing up and down resembles a chin "wagging" like a dog's tail."Those twoare having a proper chinwag I haven't been able to get a word in edgeways for half an hour!" ChockablockBumper-to-bumper traffic. Tetra Images/Getty Images "Chockablock" could be used to describe something that's full to the brim or rammed. This is sometimes shortened to "chocka." The phrase is most often used to describe heavy road traffic."We should've taken the other route. This road is chocka!" ChuffedA happy group of people. Klaus Vedfelt/getty Images "Chuffed" means overjoyed and full of pride. If you get a promotion or meet someone special, you might describe yourself as "chuffed.""I heard you got the promotion. Congratulations! You must be chuffed." CodswallopA person taking a lie detector test. Edward Kitch/AP "Codswallop" means something untrue, often made up for dramatic effect.Although no one is completely sure of the word's origins, it could derive from thewords "cod" and "wallop," which historically meant "imitation" and "beer" respectively implying that "codswallop" is the kind of rubbish you make up when drunk."Oh, what a load of codswallop!" Cream crackeredA person tired at their desk. shapecharge/Getty Images "Cream crackered" is Cockney rhyming slang for "knackered," or incredibly tired.The term probably came about because it rhymes with "knacker." A "knacker" was the person who slaughtered worn-out horses in the 19th and 20th centuries for their meat, hoofs, and hides. So, if you're "ready for the knacker's yard," you're exhausted beyond relief."This week's done me in already, and it's only Tuesday. I'm cream crackered." DenchSpaghetti alla carbonara. Nattaphat Littlekop/Getty Images "Dench" is an adjective used to advocate something that is impressive or agreeable. Dench is also the equivalent of "solid" or "cool" when used in response to someone else.Its reported creator, British rapper Lethal Bizzle, elusively told The Guardian that the word "means anything you want.""I'm going to make us spaghetti carbonara for dinner.""Dench." DimA dim lightbulb. Oleksandr Filon/Getty Images "Dim" refers to someone who lacks common knowledge. On the other hand, someone who's intelligent might be described as "bright.""She's a bit dim." DoddleA person doing homework. NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty A "doddle" is an easy task. The word could be a variation of "toddle" like a young child's first steps."This will be a doddle." Dog's dinnerA dog making a mess. Shutterstock A "dog's dinner" is a mess or fiasco. It is also sometimes referred to as a "dog's breakfast.""You've made a dog's dinner of that paint job." FaffA person sitting on a couch on their phone. Oscar Wong/Getty Images To "faff" or "faff about" is to waste time doing very little. "Faff" comes from the 17th-century word "faffle," which means to flap about in the wind."What did you do on your day off from work?""We were just faffing about." FitZac Efron. Brendon Thorne/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures "Fit" is used to describe someone physically attractive, usually referring to their physique. If you see someone you find attractive, you would call them "fit.""He's fit." FlogA woman browses a box of old books. Westend61/Getty Images To "flog" means to sell something, usually quickly and cheaply."Flogging" also refers to whipping a racehorse in order to make it move faster, so there is some speculation into whether you flog goods in order to make them shift faster, too. However, there is no proof for this theory."I'm trying to flog my old sofa. Do you know anyone who might be interested?" Full MontyBritish roast dinner. Emma Farrer/Getty Images A "full Monty" refers to pursuing something to the absolute limits.After "The Full Monty" film was released in 1997, there was some international confusion over the phrase, which was taken as a euphemism for stripping. However, "the full Monty" now usually refers to taking something as far as it can go, similar to "the whole nine yards.""The full Monty" historically refers to an old tailor called Sir Montague Burton. Going "the full Monty" meant purchasing a full three-piece suit, a shirt, and all of the trimmings."Our Christmas dinner had everything from sprouts to Yorkshire puddings. If you're going to have a roast, have the full Monty!" Full of beansSpectators at the Gay Pride Parade in Greenwich Village. DanielBendjy/Getty Images "Full of beans" can be used to describe someone who's energetic, lively, or enthusiastic. This phrase could be a reference to coffee beans, although these claims have been disputed."Goodness, you're full of beans this morning!" GaffA house with artwork and decorations. Andreas von Einsiedel/Getty Images "Gaff" is an informal word for "home." Although the origins of this phrase are largely unknown, a gaff in the 18th century was a music hall or theater, and so it's believed to derive from this."What are you up to this weekend? We've got a party at our gaff, if you fancy it?" GeezerA man in a business suit texting. Shutterstock A "geezer" is a man who could be described as "suave" or "dapper," and is often suited and booted. Men from east London are also commonly referred to as "geezers," where the term is more interchangeable with "lad."Geezer is thought to stem from the 15th century "guiser," which meant well-dressed."That guy's got suchswagger he's a proper geezer." GuttedA sad child. Ute Grabowsky / Contributor/Getty Images "Gutted" means devastated or extremely upset. If your favorite football team were to lose, you'd be "gutted.""I was absolutely gutted." InnitFriends hanging out outside. iStock "Innit" is an abbreviation of "isn't it," most commonly used among teenagers and young people. This phrase is used to confirm or agree with something that another person has just said."It's really cold today.""Innit." KipA person napping at the airport. Thomas Lohnes/Getty A "kip" is slang for a short sleep or nap. The term is usually used to refer to a nap, but it can also mean a long sleep."What a long day. When we get home, I'm going to take a quick kip." Leg itPeople run away as Kurdish animal rights activists release a bear into the wild after rescuing bears from captivity in people's homes. Ari Jalal/Reuters "Leg it" means to make a run for it, run away, or escape. It's used most commonly when you're trying to get out of a situation by physically running away."That's when all of the lights came on, and so we legged it." MiffedAn annoyed couple. Tara Moore/Getty Images "Miffed" means slightly irritated or annoyed and possibly derives from the German "muffen," meaning "to sulk.""I was a bit miffed,I can't lie." Mint