V.E. Schwabs Best Books Ranked
Were thrilled to offer some of New York Times bestselling author V.E. Schwab V.E. Schwabsbest novels in our latest book bundle, The Magical Worlds of V.E. Schwab!To help you decide if this bundle is worth cozying up for this winter, here is an overview of eachtitle included, including what readers like and dislike.The Invisible Life of Addie LaRueGood Reads Score: 4.18/5 Barnes & Noble Score: 4.5/5The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab is a captivating fantasy novel that exploresthe life of Addie LaRue, a young woman from 18th-century France who makes a Faustianbargain to live forever. However, bargaining with devils has consequences, and Addie is cursedto be forgotten by everyone she meets.Her existence is marked by 300 years of loneliness as she wanders the world as a vagabond,yearning for recognition and meaningful connection. But fate is a fickle fool, and when Addieencounters a man who remembers her name, her life dramatically shifts to explore unknownpaths.The story delves deeply into themes of memory, identity, and the human need for connection,woven together by Schwabs lyrical prose.The tale unfolds across two timelines, alternating between Addies past and present, providing arich narrative structure that enhances and strengthens the narrative. The novel also exploresprofound philosophical questions about existence, the quest for acknowledgment, and thelegacy you leave behind, adding layers of depth and self-reflection to Addies journey.Despite its many strengths, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue has a few criticisms. Somereaders find the pacing slow, with certain sections dragging, while others feel that Addiescharacter development could be deeper, given her centuries of experience. However, theseflaws do not detract from the books emotional resonance and thought-provoking exploration ofimmortality and identity, making it a worthwhile read for fans of introspective and literary fantasy.The Fragile Threads of PowerGood Reads Score: 4.29/5 Barnes & Noble Score: 4.6/5The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab is an engaging sequel to her Shades of Magictrilogy, set seven years after A Conjuring of Light. The novel expands on the world of theLondons, introducing familiar characters like Kell, Lila, Rhy, and Alucard. Alongside fan favoritesemerge new faces like Tes, a young woman with the ability to manipulate the threads of magic,and Kosika, the enigmatic Queen of White London.Akin to much of Schwabs writing, the worldbuilding remains a standout feature. Rich cultures,layered magic systems and evolving political dynamics create page-turning immersion.The plot is filled with political intrigue, dangerous quests and unexpected twists, creating asense of depth and complexity. However, some readers have noted that the pacing is slow,particularly in the early chapters, which might detract from the overall momentum.Despite these criticisms, the novels open-ended nature left many readers eager for the nextinstallment, with new questions arising as some old mysteries are resolved.Overall, The Fragile Threads of Power is a worthy addition to the Shades of Magic universe.While its pacing and familiar elements may not appeal to everyone, Schwabs intricatestorytelling and the blend of old and new characters make it a rewarding read for fans of theseries.A Conjuring of LightGood Reads Score: 4.31/5 Barnes & Noble Score: 4.8/5A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab is the thrilling and emotional conclusion to the Shades ofMagic trilogy. Set across the parallel Londons, the novel follows Kell, Lila, Rhy and Holland asthey battle Osaron, a dark force threatening their world.Schwabs rich world-building, with its intricate depictions of the distinct Londons and their uniquecultures and magic, continues to captivate readers. The novel deepens the magical lore andhistory from the previous books, adding complexity to the narrative. Similarly, she weavessignificant character development to amplify the emotional depth of the story.The emotional relationships, especially between Kell and Lila, are poignant and authentic,though some argue that their romance overshadows other important elements. While the novelfeatures thrilling action sequences and intense battles, some readers note pacing issues,particularly in the slower, introspective sections.Despite these minor flaws, A Conjuring of Light delivers a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. Itsstrong world-building, character development and emotional depth make it a compelling andimpactful read for fans of fantasy and romance.A Gathering of ShadowsGood Reads Score: 4.21/5 Barnes & Noble Score: 4.5/5A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab is the second book in the Shades of Magic series,continuing the adventures of Kell, Lila, Rhy, and other beloved characters across parallelLondons.The novel delves into the aftermath of the first book and introduces the Element Games, amagical tournament that brings competitors from various realms, adding vibrant new elementsto the world-building and complexities for the characters to face. Throughout the book, Schwabs engaging prose further develops her intricate magical universe,balancing action with deeply introspective moments.As with most of Schwabs novels, the book raises thought-provoking themes about identity,power and self-mastery, further developing her characters, like Rhy evolving into a moreresponsible leader and Lilas self-discovery journey.However, some readers have pointed out pacing issues, particularly with the buildup to theElement Games, which takes up less narrative space than expected despite significantmentions. Additionally, the novel ends on a cliffhanger, leaving some plot threads unresolveduntil the third book.Overall, A Gathering of Shadows is a captivating continuation of the series, with rich world-building and compelling characters, though its pacing and open-ended conclusion may leavesome readers wanting more.ViciousGood Reads Score: 4.2/5 Barnes & Noble Score: 4.7/5Vicious by V.E. Schwab is a dark and thought-provoking novel that explores the morallyambiguous side of heroism. Set in a world where individuals gain extraordinary powers throughnear-death experiences, the story follows Victor Vale and Eli Ever, two college roommateswhose shared ambition for power transforms their friendship into a toxic rivalry.Their intense and manipulative relationship, filled with betrayal and love-hate dynamics, drivesthe narrative forward, making it a captivating exploration of toxic friendships and the blurredlines between good and evil.Schwabs morally gray characters, particularly Victor and Eli, are complex and difficult tocategorize as purely good or evil, making the story all the more compelling. The world-buildingis dark and atmospheric, though some readers may feel it lacks depth, leaving them wantingmore immersion in the setting.Despite these minor flaws, Vicious remains a captivating and complex tale of ambition, revengeand the moral ambiguity of power, making it a must-read for fans of dark fantasy and antiheronarratives.VengefulGood Reads Score: 4.14/5 Barnes & Noble Score: 4.7/5Vengeful by V.E. Schwab is the gripping sequel to Vicious, continuing the exploration of morallyambiguous characters and complex superhuman abilities. The story picks up with Victor Valesresurrection and his ongoing rivalry with Eli Ever. New characters, particularly Marcella Riggins,bring fresh dynamics and complexities to the narrative. Marcellas pursuit of power and hertransformation into an ExtraOrdinary (EO) adds an intriguing subplot, making her a captivatingfigure as she embarks on a vengeful, glamorous path.One of the novels strengths is its exploration of the toxic and complex relationship betweenVictor and Eli, which continues to be a major highlight. Schwab uses this relationship to explorethemes of power, revenge and the blurred lines between heroism and villainy, evoking acomplex quandary about the nature of good and evil.As with many of Schwabs novels, her unique power system, where abilities are gained throughnear-death experiences, adds an extra layer of intrigue and danger throughout the tale, keepingyou wondering if characters will escape near-certain demise.However, the novel does have flaws. Pacing issues arise, with some sections feeling uneven,and while the plot twists are engaging, they may be seen as excessive or predictable. Marcellascharacter, though compelling, is underutilized, and the non-linear structure and multipleperspectives may disrupt the narrative flow.Overall, Vengeful is a thought-provoking continuation of the Villains series, offering suspense,betrayal, and a deeper dive into the complexities of its morally gray characters. While it may notsurpass its predecessor, it remains a captivating read.A Darker Shade of MagicGood Reads Score: 4.05/5 Barnes & Noble Score: 4.6/5A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab is a captivating fantasy novel set in a world of parallelLondons, each with a unique magic system. The story follows Kell, one of the lastAntarimagicians who can travel between these worldswhose role as an ambassador andoccasional smuggler intertwines with that of Delilah Bard, a daring thief from Grey London.Together, they embark on an adventure filled with magic, danger, and political intrigue.Schwabs world-building is a major strength, with each London offering distinct cultures andrelationships to magic. The creation of Red, Grey, White, and Black Londons provides a richand imaginative backdrop for the story. The characters, particularly Kell and Lila, are well-developed, and their dynamic partnership adds depth to the narrative. Kells enigmatic natureand Lilas fierce independence make them relatable and memorable protagonists.However, some readers have pointed out pacing issues, as slower sections interrupt theotherwise fast-paced action. Additionally, while the romance between Kell and Lila plays asignificant role, it may overshadow other important plot elements. The magic systemsinconsistencies have also been noted, potentially undermining the stakes and tension of thestory.Overall, A Darker Shade of Magic is an engaging and well-written introduction to the Shades ofMagic series, with an imaginative setting and compelling characters, despite some pacing andplot clarity concerns.Warm UpGood Reads Score: 3.76/5 Barnes & Noble Score: N/AWarm Up by V.E. Schwab is a chilling prequel novella to her Villains duology, offering readersan intriguing glimpse into the world of ExtraOrdinaries (EOs) and the dark side of superhumanabilities. The story follows David, a man who gains the power to manipulate shadows aftersurviving a near-death experience. Initially exhilarating, his new ability soon becomes a burden,isolating him from society.Schwabs evocative prose and atmospheric world-building create a gripping narrative,immersing readers in a dark, gritty world that sets the stage for the Villains series.The novella delves deeply into Davids internal struggle, exploring themes of isolation, identityand the blurred lines between hero and villain.Schwab effectively develops Davids character, making him both sympathetic and menacing.However, the novellas brevity is a double-edged sword; while it provides a concise andemotionally resonant story, it leaves certain plot points unresolved. The short length limits the exploration of supporting characters and the broader world-building,which may frustrate some readers.Overall, Warm Up is a compelling prelude that enriches the Villains series, offering valuablecontext for the main duology. While it may not stand alone as a fully satisfying read, itshowcases Schwabs ability to create complex, morally ambiguous characters and sets the tonefor the dark world of EOs.
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