Sony is now taking reservations for the Afeela 1, a blandly-styled sedan they've been developing with Honda. An all-wheel-drive EV with a 300-mile range, the car is laden with over 40 sensors to support semi-autonomous driving; the vehicle's abilities will be between Level 2 and Level 3 autonomy, meaning it can control steering and braking while utilizing adaptive cruise control, offers hands-free driving on highways and can change lanes. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that Sony, a brand that brought affordable electronics to the masses, is targeting (sigh) the luxury market. The Afeela 1 will start at $90K. And the semi-autonomous features will be offered for free for the first three years and, annoyingly, after that revert to a subscription model. As far as features, the car features a panoramic dashboard screen, and a strange nose-mounted exterior screen that apparently flashes benevolent messages to anyone who happens to be staring at the nose of the car. The rear seat armrest features a wireless charging pad, and there's an under-seat standard 120V power outlet as well as an accessory socket. If you pony up for the $103K Signature model, you get side mirrors that have cameras, two large screens for the rear seat passengers, and an in-cabin camera system that watches you to make sure you're not drowsing off. Those who have ever taken a taxi in Japan will recognize the following feature: As you approach the vehicle (assuming the key fob is on you), the driver's door automatically opens. Once you enter the car, you step on the brake, and the door automatically closes. The driver's seat and steering wheel then move themselves from their ingress/egress position into your preferred driving position.Here's the car's pitch video:It's striking to see how different car commercials have become in just ten or twenty years. Previously they were about driving, but now they're about anything but: Ordering coffee, finding a place to eat, talking to people on the phone, listening to music, watching movies.In a calculated move, Sony has made reservations available only to people who live in California. Presumably they hope to generate buzz and build some momentum with that state's EV-hungry population before they go wide.The Afeela 1 Signature is expected to roll out next year, with the Origin base model coming out in 2027.