Games Inbox: How powerful is the Nintendo Switch 2?
Theres still a lot of questions to answer (Nintendo)The Wednesday letters page wants Sony to prioritise PS5 games over movies, as one reader is keen to see Pikmin 5 on the Switch 2.To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@metro.co.ukUndefined powerEven with leaks of the motherboard and some expert analysis I dont feel we really know anything very definitive about the Switch 2s power levels. So, its basically similar to a PlayStation 4, except publishers will probably end up porting PlayStation 5 games to it anyway? That doesnt really lock anything down.At the end of the day, all that matters is what the games look like and Im already at the point where I barely recognise things like ray-tracing or 60fps, so Im not sure it really matters. I think thats always been Nintendos approach too and theyre probably only really trying at all in order to get more third party support. I agree well probably see a lot of PlayStation 4 era ports, and probably tons of Xbox stuff, but Im not sure thats why anyone buys a Nintendo console.At the end of the day, it sounds like its going to be a souped-up PlayStation 4 and thats fine. Theres plenty of games being released now that barely look any better than a PlayStation 4 game and if the Switch 2 can run those as a handheld, then that is going to be very good thing.LemmyUndead adaptationIt is really hard for me to understand what Sony is playing at the moment. The fact that they have so many movie and TV projects is one thing but why Gravity Rush and Days Gone, when theyre basically dead franchises? If you think these games are such a good idea, why dont you make more of them?Its the same thing with Twisted Metal and Uncharted. Do these even count as adaptations if theyve stopped making the games? Even The Last Of Us is in that situation, where weve got no guarantee of getting a third entry.Sony has had its priorities backwards for years now. Between this and the constant stream of new hardware it seems theyd do anything to avoid making new games.ChorltonIntellectual propertyIt makes me laugh that weve got these constant leaks about the Switch 2 console and yet we still know exactly nothing about any of the games. Like you said, theres got to be at least one new IP at launch and thats what Im most interested in.Its my one complaint about the Switch, which has barely had any new IP at all and nothing big budget. What was the biggest? ARMS? And that wasnt very big at all. You could say that the waters were muddied a bit with Splatoon being on Wii U, but I really want to see better on the Switch 2 and not just some throwaway thing like 1-2-Switch.You talk about how its hard to make a new Super Smash Bros., but what really makes it hard is that theres no new characters to add. Nintendo really need to invest in more new games.ZeffoEmail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.ukVegetable evolutionA tale of four PikminsNumber 1 on the GameCube I liked but didnt get that far because I seem to remember the calendar was limited and it all seemed too much of a rush.Number 2 on the GameCube removed the limited calendar but, again, I didnt get far. I think I gave up because I reached an impasse (I probably missed something obvious) and didnt know where to go. It seemed quite difficult as well, if memory serves correct.Number 3 on the Wii U and then the Switch. Yes, I bought it twice. Brilliant game that Ive finished on both formats which brings me toNumber 4 on the Switch. Ive put about 12 hours into it so far, but it just might be better than Number 3.Yes, its quite sedate and calm (and the massively improved targeting is more than welcome) but thats just right for a game where youre ordering carrots about to explore and fight.TL;DR. Much like the Pikmin themselves the series has evolved for the better, in my opinion, and Ill be buying Pikmin 5 day one.Chevy Malibu (PSN ID)GC: Pikmin 4 was much more successful than any of the previous entries, so a fifth is all but guaranteed.Billionaires clubIncredible to think how much modern video games take to make, with Call Of Duty probably up to $1 billion a throw now for a game that has built-in obsolescence after a year. At least GTA 5 lasted a decade or more before its replaced.I wonder whether other publishers know how much each of them are spending on games though? Maybe the reason they cant seem to bring themselves to cut back on budgets is that theyre convinced that its only the most expensive-to-make games that are the biggest hits.Im not sure thats true, because as I understand Fortnite was just a minor experiment when it started, but I bet the machinery to keep it going must be a billion or more a year as well.KlondikePocket monster backlogSay what you want about traditional Pokmon games but once you pays your monies, you certainly get your pounds worth.I paid about 40 off eBay for Pokmon Sword in mid-2021 and started playing it daily in November of that year.I liked it enough to complete the story mode and even buy and complete both DLC packs.Its even been with me on various holidays over the years, with the last one itll ever go on with me to Aiya Napa back in August 2024!And, as of 31st December 2024, I have finally completed all three pokdexes and levelled-up all Galar region Pokmon and post-Gen IV Pokmon.Being British-born and living in England, I do like the references as seen in-game to this country.Sword is now my favourite traditional Pokmon game, even beating Game Boy Advance Sapphire, which was my first Pokmon game back in 2004.In 2005, a faulty GAME GameCube Memory Card deleted my save file from Sapphire/Box and I didnt have the heart to start again after having lost 999:59+ hours of gameplay.After that anguish and heartache, I got into Custom Robo: Arena but sadly, there were no further games for me to play.Apart from Pokmon Go! it took me years for me to pick up another Pokmon game and after getting a hard-to-find V2 Switch during the July 2020 lockdown, decided to try Lets Go, Eevee!, which I liked and helped ease me back.Even though I completed Pokmon Violet weeks after its release, I never really went back to it as I wanted to really focus on completing Sword proper.As of 1st January 2025, Ill be focused on levelling-up all the Paldea region Pokmon only.After Sword, I have decided to only level-up a games regional Pokmon and no more due to the time it takes as I really want to get though my backlog!LeighDappaFortnite DeluxeI agree that a Deluxe version of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the only thing that makes sense for the Switch 2. But even thats just delaying the problem, because what are they going to do after that? Just keep remastering the same game and adding a couple of new characters each time?Its not the worst idea, in theory, but the balancing alone is going to be a nightmare with that. If Nintendo had the nerve to make it free though, they could try pushing it as their take on a Fortnite style live service game.ZeissCautious pessimismLike many Im looking forward to the Switch 2 reveal over the next few months and, also like many, will be picking one up as soon as the initial scramble tails off and we know of any potential hardware faults (my first out-the-factory Switch was plagued with the old dead pixel screen issue).However, I would like to sound a note of caution over one aspect of Nintendos next generation device, that being third party support. There are reasons to be sceptical over the levels of support we will see pr at least ask why we expect it to be any better than the original Switch.Looking at Switch software sales most gamers pick up Nintendo titles mixed with a few zeitgeisty indie games like Stardew Valley or Hollow Knight; third party triple-A games just didnt sell well on the system. If its the case EA or Ubisoft cant shift millions of units of Need For Speed or Assassins Creed on a machine that has an install base of 150 million then putting the resources in to convert larger and more complex PlayStation 4 titles has limited appeal.Sure, they were older Xbox 360 third party games, likely to have been played before on other formats, but that is the equivalent of porting PlayStation 4 games to the Switch 2. Especially as in the early years theyll only be relatively low numbers of Switch 2s out there, to sell to as it builds market share.Good news though, Japanese publishers and developers will likely rush their older titles to the platform, given Nintendos status as the main player over there. Im holding off on Metaphor: ReFantazio and Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree for this very reason, so I can play them portably in the future, even if its some years out. I should be ready for a second run at Elden Ring by 2026.MarcGC: Wed be shocked if Elden Ring wasnt ported across, and probably Metaphor: ReFantazio too.Inbox also-ransTencent is on a Pentagon blacklist? Is it me or did the world just get really weird and stupid all of a sudden? Seems like we switched timelines to an even worse one after the new year.LenSo, the day after Julian displays his Transformers collection, including the legendary Optimus Prime, the codename for the new Xbox is the Xbox Prime. Does this count as unintentional inbox magic? I really feel like the gaming world could have put the magic to better use!NatorDomGC: A decent Transformers game would be a good start.More TrendingEmail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.ukThe small printNew Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Readers Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.You can also leave your comments below and dont forget to follow us on Twitter.ArrowMORE: Games Inbox: Could Sony quit the games industry? GameCentralExclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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