LokiMarvel RivalsMarvel Rivals season 1 arrives this Friday, January 10, but a select group of high profile creators got their hands on the new content early, and on stream, we got to see things like Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible Woman on display.But we also got a look at the season 1 battle pass, which has a full 10 different skins in addition to all its other items for just $10. Now, thanks to these streams, we have the full roster of skins here, almost all of which are vampire-themed, and you can check out below:Rocket Raccoon - Bounty HunterMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsScarlet Witch - Emporium MatronMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsAdam Warlock - Blood SoulMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsMORE FOR YOUIron Man - Blood Edge ArmorMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsNamor - Savage Sub-MarinerMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsPeni Parker - Blue TarantulaMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsLoki - All-ButcherMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsMoon Knight - Blood Moon KnightMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsMagneto - King MagnusMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsWolverine - Blood BerserkerMarvel RivalsMarvel RivalsAs you can see, its quite the selection. Rivals has also gotten a lot of attention for its first two Reed and Sue skins that will be available in the shop which include an...eye-catching outfit for Invisible Woman specifically. But these ten skins? Only $10 in a game where most skins would be more like $15-20. Quite a deal, and a game like say, Fortnite, does not have that many skins in its battle pass.In addition to all these skins, this is also a battle pass that does not expire if you buy it, so you will be able to unlock them at your own pace in the future. Its a real player-forward system and though Rivals didnt invent it (thank you Halo Infinite) its certainly great to see it employed here.The battle pass also lets you unlock 600 Lattice and 600 Units if you complete it, so you will be well on your way to either next seasons battle pass, or another skin if you want it. Be forewarned though, NetEase has said that future seasons are not going to be as huge as season 1, so we may not get this many skins next time.Follow me on Twitter, YouTube, Bluesky and Instagram.Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.