The Most Controversial Movies Ever
For my money, theres no better site forfilm lovers than Letterboxd, the app and social media hub where users can log everything they watch, keep tabs on their friends viewing habits, create lists, and rank hundreds of thousands of films on a zero to five star scale.You can also see the results of those rankings, and here at ScreenCrush, we already have pieces where you can browse through Letterboxds best and worst movies at a glance. But there are millions of users on Letterboxd, and they dont always agree on whatconstitutes the best and whatconstitutes the worst, and that brings us to the topic of todays piece.These are the movies that drew the most disparatereactions from Letterboxd voters, the ones that drew half-star reviews (the lowest-possible score) and five-star reviews (the top score) in equal measure. Are they brilliant or horrible? Ingenious or maddening? You know what they say about how one mans trash is another mans treasure. Whether you call these movies controversial or polarizing or divisive, they are the ones that some Letterboxd users had the widest range of responses.The 25 movies below are drawn from a Most ControversialFilms on Letterboxdlist by user thisisdrew with any and all short films, television series, and documentaries stripped out. (That last one especially seems like a subject worthy of its own list at some point down the line.) When youfilter out all those other things, here are the most controversial films you are left with, ranked in ascending order...The Most Polarizing Movies Ever, According to LetterboxdThese are the movies with the widest variance in their star ratings from zero to five on the movie website Letterboxd.READ MORE: 25 Movies With Surprising Letterboxd ScoresGet our free mobile appFive-Star Raves For Horrible Movies on LetterboxdYou (and most people) might hate these movies, but not these fans on Letterboxd, who gave these films five star raves.Filed Under: Letterboxd, Neil Breen, The Room, Tommy Wiseau
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