In case you haven't checked outArchinect's Pinterestboards in a while, we have compiled ten recently pinned images from outstanding projects on various ArchinectFirmandPeopleprofiles.Today's top images (in no particular order) are from the boardDoors & Gates.Tip:Use the handyFOLLOW featureto easily keep up-to-date with all your favorite Archinect profiles. The Old Town Hall's Ground Floor Interior inPrague, Czech Republic byStudio Olgoj Chorchoj; Photo:Honza Zima IMA House inSan Jos del Cabo, Mexico byEzequiel Farca Studio; Photo:Fernando Marroqun SC Residence inManhattan Beach, CA byLaney LA; Photo:Roger Davies Lake Hayes Home inQueenstown, New Zealand byBen Hudson Architects; Photo:John Williams West Seattle Chalet inWest Seattle, WA bySHED Architecture & Design House in Kutn Hora inKutn Hora, Czech Republic byBYR architekti; Photo:Alex Shoots Buildings Ju+ Coffee inNanjing, China bymodum atelier; Photo:Howie Fergie-Whistler Cab...