CGI Animated Short Film: "A Cookies Adventure" by ESMA | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Roald: A Cookies Adventure Animated Short Film by Jrmie Amicone, Camille Triponney, Ileana Borzan, Zo Rivera, Myriam Lecomte, Alexis Bleusez, Margot Lemason And Romain Tersigni at ESMA. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery http://www.cgmeetup.com/gallery Dimitri, a cookie knight, and his faithful friend Ppite are heading to the cookie Kings castle. He gives them a very important mission : bring back the Princesss heart and win her hand. Their adventures across strange, sugary lands will be dangerous and scrumptious.Directors: Jrmie Amicone, Camille Triponney, Ileana Borzan, Zo Rivera, Myriam Lecomte, Alexis Bleusez, Margot Lemason And Romain TersigniMusic: Jeffrey BriceVoices: Guillaume Darnault, Sylvie Jacob, Nathalie Homs, Vronique Augereau, Emmanuel Curtil, David Krger Chanteuse / Singer: Lisa James BennettSound: Baptiste Leblanc, Tristan Lebozec, Yoann Poncet, Jos Vicente - Studio Des AviateursAnimation film produced as part of the 3D animated film training of the school ESMA http://www.esma-artistique.com/ 

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CGI Animated Short Film: "A Cookies Adventure" by ESMA | CGMeetup 
https://youtu.be/iVosGugVOMs&amp ;#13;

#cgi #animation #animated #3d #shortfilm #short #animatedshortfilm
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