Mufasa The Lion King: Adam Valdez (Production VFX Supervisor) & Audrey Ferrara (VFX Supervisor) MPC
InterviewsMufasa The Lion King: Adam Valdez (Production VFX Supervisor) & Audrey Ferrara (VFX Supervisor) MPCBy Vincent Frei - 28/01/2025 Adam Valdez first walked us through the visual magic made by MPC on The Jungle Book in 2016. After continuing his journey with The Lion King, he has stayed in the Pride Lands to unveil the story behind Mufasa: The Lion King.Starting her career in 2005 with Mikros Image (now MPC), Audrey Ferrara gained experience at various studios, including BUF, before becoming part of the MPC team in 2011. Her impressive portfolio includes work on Avatar, Prometheus, The Jungle Book, and The Lion King.How was the collaboration with the Director Barry Jenkins?Adam Valdez (AV): Barry is a great all-around person and creative spirit to work with. He has a great compass to follow, and is always open to what the film is trying to become in its own way, while holding onto what its about for him and ultimately, the audience. This was a four-year journey starting at the end of the pandemic, so we went through a lot together.How did you organize the work with your VFX Producer?AV: Barry St. John and I have made a few films together now, and so we have a lot of common language and understanding of process. We talked a lot at the start about how to get out of the films way and keep everything as supportive and adaptable as we could. These are big shows with many forces at play, including technical challenges, and the desire by all to make sure were giving the film anything it needs. So, we spend a lot of time each week looking at progress, process, and whats happening at all levels. Barry is a great partner in this, keeping his ear to the ground, so that I can daydream a bit and also focus on what is happening in any given room Im in. Its a great partnership.Adam, having worked on The Jungle Book and The Lion King, what were the biggest creative and technical challenges in bringing Mufasa to life compared to your previous projects?AV: This shows challenges were mostly scope and emotional connection. The film is bigger than some of the others weve done, with more types of worlds to build, and a bigger cast. Then, we needed to push what emotional impact a lions face could do, while making our toolset detail and subtlety. We are actually more naturalistic in our lion models this time, and yet I think we get more range and dexterity from them.Audrey, MPC is one of the leader in digital character creation. How did the team approach the design and animation to ensure Mufasas characters were expressive yet believable?Audrey Ferrara (AF): For Mufasa, MPC wanted to push the bar even higher, so the character LAB team poured all their efforts into sculpting way more details on the model, but also having way more hair in the fur. We also developed a new fur shader that would replicate the properties of hair more physically accurately. The rigging has been also a key component in allowing the animators in exploring the emotions of the characters, and see where they could push further the shapes, or stay subtle in the facial expressions. The animation team spent countless hours in scanning references of real lions, so they would know what felt natural and what was too extreme of a movement.Can you walk us through the pipeline for creating and animating one of the main characters in Mufasa? What are the steps from concept to final render?AF: What was very particular for this movie, is the fact that we are reconnecting with characters that we already know but at a different age. So we had to make sure we would keep what makes Mufasa Mufasa. Taka was very interesting, because we had to convey his physical change and his demeanor throughout the story.Mark Friedberg, the production designer, provided us with the 2D concept art, that we translated in 3D. Animation, driven by Dan Fotheringham, the animation supervisor, would then take the model, and do some performance tests, exploring the movements of young cheerful Taka, to gloomy vengeful Scar.Those tests would be presented to Barry and Disney, making sure we would be on track. Once Barry was happy, the animators would proceed working on the sequences, fine tuning the performances for each sequence of the movie, key-framing each single shot, and thats what was handed over to tech anim, who would simulate muscles and fur.Were there any new challenges in animating animals in more emotionally charged or complex scenes? How did you find the balance between photorealism and storytelling?AF: Its always a balancing act, and a difficult one. But Barry Jenkins is a fantastic director, very tuned in emotions, so he was a great guide for the ton of each scene. The animators were also able to explore the performances by trying versions more subtle or more pronounced, and Barry would tell them if it felt too much or not enough. It was by trying that we would find the balance, some times more emphasizing the photorealism of the animals, and sometimes putting the needs of the storytelling has the priority. Some scenes were a challenge in that regard that we would have to communicate emotions very subtly, and with no words, like when Mufasa and Eshe are coming back from the outsiders attack: a lot was said between Taka and Mufasa, without a word.How did you develop the fur simulation for Mufasa? Did you introduce any innovations compared to what was done for The Lion King?AF: For Mufasa, MPC developed a new fur pipeline called LOMA. It allowed the team to have more fur, better control of the curves of the hair, and more precise simulations. The different weather conditions throughout the movie resulted in new challenges for the techanim team: drenched fur, snow covered fur, close ups of lions fighting with their manes interacting with each other etc.. For example, there is a close up shot of Mufasas ear, and he tells about what he can feel through the wind. Suddenly, the fur simulation is the story of that shot, so we had to make sure the team was able to deliver what Barry was after. LOMA allowed the team to provide better techanim performances.For scenes with multiple animals interacting, how did you ensure the characters felt natural and the physics realistic without overwhelming the viewer?AV: Our show animation supervisor Dan Fotheringham is a master of animal behaviour and bio-mechanics. We work from on-stage human capture for the blocking, but that gets replaced with keyframed animation in post, and at that juncture the anim team will use a range of sources including their own performances and lots of animal reference. It all stems from the voice, what its making you feel as sub-text in the characters emotional moment, and you seek what reinforces that, rather than something broad and cartoony. The physicality of performance shouldnt step on these things, but support them, and this is tricky when they are doing athletic things.From a design perspective, what steps were taken to distinguish characters visually while keeping them within the same photorealistic world?AF: We maintained a family tree, where we could see all the lions, and how they were related to each other. With the support of the art work from art department, we kept a close eye how the models were evolving during the modeling phase, and made sure we could tell who is who. Sometimes, we would notice that 2 lions were very similar looking, so we would work on ways to differentiate them, with details such has eye colours, scars, markings etc.Did you face any creative or technical hurdles in portraying Mufasa as a younger version of the lion we know? How did you strike the right balance of familiarity and freshness?AF: For the lions that were already present in The Lion King, we actually started with the model of their skulls from their adult selves, and de-aged them, so we could keep the same psychical structure of the bones. We also maintained the colour palette used for each one of them: Mufasa is slightly more saturated orange, and Scar is more taupe for example. It was the same process with their eye colours. After gathering all the elements that were particular to them, we then started working on the bodies, adjusting the muscles for the appropriate age, and the length of the mane, to make it adequate for a teenager lion. We would constantly go back to the references of adult Mufasa, to make sure we were going in the right direction.Adam, since The Lion King, how have VFX tools evolved, particularly in terms of character animation and virtual production?AV: It hasnt actually been that long between films! Our main pivot was to use Unreal Engine, which gave us a lot of support from Epic, and increased photographic behaviour for our DP James Laxton to work with. MPC has developed a suite of tools on top of UE, and is using that know-how to bring more UE into life at MPC. Thats what I think is what were going to be seeing: more of the virtual-production mindset and creative flux being brought into the early phases of post. Its time to see some significant changes in how visual effects companies work, and this is a good point of leverage for MPC to differentiate and keep changing the game. Its exciting.Can you share how advances in real-time rendering or virtual production technology impacted your workflow on Mufasa?AV: Realtime is all about enabling rapid choice-making. It provides the feedback we take for granted in the real world. You swing a light, you move the camera, you change the staging, and you get more than a flat-grey proxy of what may some day feel like a movie. Instead, you get something that feels photographic. The depth-of-field, the atmos, the way the lights fall on the subject, all complement the choice youre making about where to work and how to frame up, and how the shot communicates. Then you add in how Unreal can input many devices and interface with a stage-setting, and its just a great combo.Machine learning and AI are becoming increasingly present in VFX workflows. Did these tools play a role in Mufasa, particularly for animation or rendering tasks?AV: We do use some machine-learning tools in the pipeline, but these are drop-in roles at the moment. For example de-noising using Disneys toolset is now well understood and worked well for us. We are obviously seeing ML being used today in a variety of deepfake situations, and in upstream steps like ideation for design. Like everyone else in the world, our industry is actively experimenting and challenging ourselves, but for Mufasa, it wasnt a major player.From both a creative and technological standpoint, where do you see the future of photorealistic VFX storytelling heading after Mufasa?AV: Mufasa is a big movie with insanely high levels of artistry. Companies like Disney and MPC exist to bring such great works into being, but its clear right now that the whole entertainment industry is recalibrating after some years of foundational change. Mufasa is one example of how the VFX industry rises to the challenge of realising anything you can imagine. Every pixel of it, for the entire length of the film. What we need to do as an industry is keep honing the toolsets and how we scale what we do, so that we can continue making such amazing feats of human ingenuity, on budgets that make sense, to keep connecting to audiences who love this stuff.Looking back on the project, what aspects of the visual effects are you most proud of?AV: Its just a beautiful film that also draws you in emotionally. Thats the achievement that all of the visual effects and digital wizardry accomplish. Its why I do it and what Im proud of.Which sequence or shot was the most challenging?AV: The flood when Mufasa is still a cub. Process wise, the staging was quite complex and it took time to support the editorial process while keeping some structure to the work so that we could go fast in post and plus it further. Water behaviour was critical to each cut, so making sure camera, edit, effects and character animation were in lock-step at all times was a lot of work for the MPC teams.Is there something specific that gives you some really short nights?AV: My only real worry is time. When you work on a film for a while, and youve put so much into all aspects of it, on a given scene you realize one day: okay, Ive only got a few weeks left to get this to full potential, because I have to move on and I dont want to impact other scenes. Thats the only major stressor.What is your favorite shot or sequence?AV: For me there are two big moments I love. The first is the stretch between the boys becoming teens and the fight in the grass, and the second is Takas big song as he charges through the snow. They show the range of the film and both combine photography and acting in ways where Im just in the movie.What is your best memory on this show?Sitting in the DI suite, seeing the movie almost like an audience for the first time. You see each shot hundreds of times, but one day all the burn-ins are off, and youre sitting in a room in the dark, and our colorist Alex Bickel has the film and is driving, and you are just watching passages go by And you just start watching it with his new layer of artistry on top and amazingly you can actually start to see it with fresh eyes, and its quite fun.How long have you worked on this show?AF: I started on the show December 2020, and finish delivering it November 2024. So almost 4 years filled with roaring lions!Whats the VFX shots count?AF: We delivered 1476 final shotsWhat is your next project?We are resting! ?A big thanks for your time.WANT TO KNOW MORE?MPC: Dedicated page about Mufasa: The Lion King on MPC website. Vincent Frei The Art of VFX 2025