See the Haunting Stone Face of a Ptolemaic Statue Unearthed Near the Ancient Egyptian City of Alexandria
The marble head datesto Egypt's Ptolemaic period (305 to 30 B.C.E.), but it was foundin a seventh-century C.E. house. Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and AntiquitiesAs a team of French archaeologists excavated a seventh-century C.E. dwelling at Taposiris Magna, an ancient city located around 30 miles west of Alexandria along Egypts northern coast, they found two cold marble eyes staring back up at them from the sandy ruins.Although its nose had been broken off, the statue of a mans head still showed remarkable detail. His forehead bore wrinkles. Crows feet marked the corners of his wide eyes. His veins bulged at the temples. His eyebrows arched up sternly.Led by Joachim le Bomin, an archaeologist at the University of Lyon and the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo, the team determined that the marble head dates back to the Egyptian Ptolemaic period, which lasted between 305 and 30 B.C.E., according to a statement from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Double the sizeof a normal human skull, the ancient marble head was likely part of a larger-than-life statue that loomed over a public space or building. Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and AntiquitiesThat means the head dates back at least seven centuries earlier than the ruins of the medieval house it was found ina captivating enigma thats left the team puzzled, as La Brjula Verdes Guillermo Carvajal writes.At about 15 inches talldouble the size of a normal human skullthe marble head was likely part of a larger-than-life statue that loomed over a public space or building, rather than a private residence, as Mohamed Ismail Khaled, the secretary-general of Egypts Supreme Council of Antiquities, says in the statement. Its body has not been recovered.Mohamed Abdel-Badie, an official at Egypts Supreme Council of Antiquities, adds that the statues model may have been a prominent public figure or member of the elite, but he likely wasnt a king, underscoring the importance of Taposiris Magna during the Ptolemaic period.The name Taposiris Magna comes from the Egyptian Per Wsir, which translates to house of Osiris, the Egyptian god of both fertility and death. The city and temple were established by the pharaoh Ptolemy II Philadelphus between 280 and 270 B.C.E. in honor of the god. Dating to the Ptolemaic period, Taposiris Magna is a rich archaeological site on Egypt's northern coast. Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and AntiquitiesIn more recent years, the site has also generated suspicions that the ill-fated lovers Mark Antony, a Roman politician and general, andCleopatra VII, the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty, were entombed nearby after their suicides in 30 B.C.E.Earlier this month, Kathleen Martinez, a criminal lawyer turned archaeologist who has been digging for Cleopatras tomb at the site since 2005, unearthed a small white marble bust that she thinks depicts the last Egyptian queen, infamous for her romantic and strategic relationships with Roman leaders Julius Caesar and Antony, as Smithsonian magazines Julia Binswanger wrote. Archaeologists debate whether this bust found at Taposiris Magna truly depicts Cleopatra. Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and AntiquitiesBut not all archaeologists agreed with Martinezs claim that the bust depicted Cleopatra.Zahi Hawass, a former Egyptian minister of tourism and antiquities who wasnt involved with the dig, told Live Sciences Owen Jarus that the statue may date to a period after the queens death. I looked at the bust carefully. It is not Cleopatra at all; it is Roman, he said.Although Martinez hasnt found Cleopatra's tomb yet, her other incidental discoveries attest to the richness of the ancient city and temple. In 2022, for instance, Martinez and her team at the University of Santo Domingo discovered a 6.5-foot-tall, 4,300-foot-long tunnel some 40 feet beneath the temple while searching for the tomb.If theres a one percent chance that the last queen of Egypt could be buried there, it is my duty to search for her, she told the blog Heritage Key in 2009.But even if those odds fall to zero, discoveries like the recently unearthed stern marble head show that Taposiris Magna still has many secrets to reveal.Get the latest stories in your inbox every weekday.Filed Under: Ancient Egypt, Archaeology, Cool Finds, Egypt, History, Kings, Mysteries, Queens, Religion, Religious History, Statues
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