The Science of Cynicism and the Transformative Psychological Power of Hope
January 30, 2025Can Hopeful Skepticism Replace Harmful Cynicism?Giving in to cynicism makes us less trusting, less connected, and even less physically and mentally healthy.By Rachel Feltman & Fonda Mwangi Anaissa Ruiz Tejada/Scientific AmericanSUBSCRIBE TO Science QuicklyRachel Feltman: For Scientific Americans Science Quickly, this is Rachel Feltman.No one wants to be a sucker. But do most of us go too far in our efforts to avoid naivety? In other words, are we all a little overly cynical?My guest today is Jamil Zaki, a professor of psychology at Stanford University. Hes also the author of a new book called Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness. Hes here today to tell us what the research says about cynicismand how we can harness the power of hope to live better, happier lives.On supporting science journalismIf you're enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by subscribing. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.Thanks so much for joining us to chat today.Jamil Zaki: Its my pleasure.Feltman: So what inspired you to write this book?Zaki: I decided to write a book about cynicism because I was drowning in it [chuckles]. Its a little bit surprising to people because Ive studied things like empathy and kindness for 20 years, so a lot of people assume that I must walk around just being blissed out by how great humanity is all the time. But it turns out that, like so many people, I often have trouble trusting others. I sometimes feel like maybe human beings are not that great. And especially early in the pandemic I found myself really feeling pretty gloomy about the state of our species and the state of the world. And I thought, Well, if this is happening to me, then imagine how other people feel. So thats, thats what inspired me to begin this journey.Feltman: Yeah, and would you tell us a little bit more about your background?Zaki: Yeah, so Im a behavioral scientist. I teach at Stanford, and I run Stanfords Social Neuroscience Lab, and we use tools from neuroscience, psychology, economics and all sorts of other fields to figure out how people connect with one another and how they can learn to connect more effectively.Feltman: So I believe at one point you, in your book, you call cynicism a disease of social health. Can you tell us more about that?Zaki: Yeah, so lets define our term first. Cynicism is the belief that people in general are selfish, greedy and dishonest. Its also on the rise; much more people feel this way than they did 50 years ago. The reason I call it a disease of social health is because its really a barrier to our ability to connect with one another.So more cynical people, because they feel like others cant be trusted, are much less likely to take chances on them. They are less likely to strike up conversations with strangers, to confide in friends, to try and put faith in others at work, and because of this, cynics relationships stagnate over time; they end up lonelier and because of that less mentally and physically healthier as well.Feltman: Right, and you mentioned that cynicism is on the rise. Could you tell us more about that and why you think that thats happening?Zaki: Yeah, in 1972 about half of Americans believed most people can be trusted. By 2018 that had fallen to a third of Americans ...Feltman: Wow.Zaki: [Laughs] Over that same period our faith has plummeted in all sorts of institutions, from education to science, to government, to industry, to mediayou name it. And, you know, theres lots of reasons for this collapse, this real trust deficit and this rise in cynicism.I think one is the way that we consume media, you know? Medianot your show, of coursebut [laughs], but many are often oriented not to keeping people informed or healthy or connected but to keeping them online ...Feltman: Sure.Zaki: To, to make sure that we keep on gawking at whatever is presented to us. And people, it turns out, even though we dont find negative information to be pleasant, were very hungry for negative information. We pay lots of attention to bad news and bad signals, and so thats what the news gives us. And the more time we spend on legacy media and especially social media, the more likely we are to feel that the world is getting worse and that people are pretty terrible, too.Feltman: Yeah, well, lets talk about the cynics. You mention in your book that cynics often believe theyre more astute, more realistic than people who arent cynical. What does the research actually say about what cynicism does for us?Zaki: The great writer George Bernard Shaw once said, The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who havent got it, right? [Laughs] And the idea is that cynicism is a form of wisdom or intelligence.And its not just cynics who believe that. Researchers presented people with a story about one person who trusts nobody and thinks people are awful and somebody else whos pretty trusting and thinks people are generally good. And they asked those folks: Which one of these two people do you think would be better at a bunch of different tasks?Seventy percent of people believe that cynics will be smarter than noncynics ...Feltman: Wow.Zaki: And 85 percent believe that cynics will be socially smarterfor instance, better able to know whos lying and whos telling the truth. In other words most of us put our faith in people who dont put faith in people [laughs] ...Feltman: Mm.Zaki: Which is a, a bit of a tongue twister, but its true. And most of us are wrong.So the research is clear that cynics, compared to more trusting people, actually perform less well on cognitive tests and are worse at spotting liars. So it turns out we think that cynics are, like, social geniuses, but in fact, if anything, the opposite is true.Feltman: Hmm, and do we have any idea of why that is?Zaki: We do. So if you are very cynical, you might not have faith in people, but you have lots of faith in your assumptions, right? You are sure that folks are terrible. And like a lawyer looking to defend their case, you look only for evidence that supports your bleak assumptions, right? And when you try to think that way, like a lawyer, when you try to argue your case instead of thinking like a scientist, you know, you might do a good job convincing other people, but you do a terrible job learning about the world. So being closed off to others also means, in many cases, being closed off to evidence.Feltman: So speaking of, you know, being open, you make the distinction between cynicism and, and what you call hopeful skepticism. Could you unpack that a little bit for us?Zaki: Yeah, so if cynics think like lawyers, skeptics think like scientists. Skepticism is defined as a desire for more information and an unwillingness to accept claims without learning more about their evidence, right? You know, even though skepticism and cynicism are often almost used interchangeably, theyre actually quite different, right?So skeptics, because they hold on lightly to their beliefs, are actually really agile. They can learn and adapt quite quickly. Hopeful skepticism combines that sort of scientific mindset, right, that openness to evidence, with a second piece, which is understanding that oftentimes our assumptions arent just wrong; theyre systematically wrong in one direction, which is that we tend to be biased negatively. We pay way more attention to the harm people do than to the good stuff that they do. We pay more attention to threats than to helpers, for instance. And because of that, our baseline is skewed way too negatively.So hopeful skepticism is thinking like a scientist and also understanding that when we let go of our assumptions and start paying attention to the evidence, people are probably a lot better than we think, in many cases.Feltman: Mm. I think something I hear a lot from folks, especially on social media, where were, of course, all our [laughs], our best selves, is that, you know, they feel like being too optimistic, too hopeful, you know, too opposed to the idea of cynicism is like putting their heads in the sand. You know, its, its a privilege to be able to do that. We shouldnt be doing that.What advice do you have for people who really want to, you know, effectively advocate for change, who wanna help make the world better, protect people who, who need help, they wanna be the helpers without, you know, falling into cynicism and despair?Zaki: You know, I hear this question all the time, and, and I find it really important, right? Theres this assumption that maybe being positive in any way is like hopewashing our problems ...Feltman: Mm.Zaki: Ignoring all the problems. As you said, that its a privilege to think anything positive about any person ever and that cynicism maybe is a radical emotion, right? Maybe if we focus on everything thats wrong, well have a better chance of improving it.Thats intuitive, but it turns out, when you look at the science its backwards. So cynics see lots of problems and maybe they even talk about problems with our culture and our society, but they act as though nothing else is possible. I mean, if our broken social systems, right, if things like racism and oppression are just a reflection of who we are deep down inside, how could you ever hope to change any of that, right?Feltman: Mm.Zaki: And so cynics end up with what I would call a dark complacency, right? They dont think things are gonna be great; they think things are gonna be terrible. But they also dont have to do anything about it because why bother? So cynics, for instance, vote less often than noncynics. They take part in social movements and protests less often than noncynics. And in fact, I would argue that cynicism is a tool of the status quo. If you want nothing to change, one of the best things you can do is convince everybody that change is impossible.Feltman: So for people who are listening who are like, Okay, Im ready to change; Ive looked in the mirror and realized that I am being cynical and its not helping me, what advice do you have for them?Zaki: I think theres a few places to begin if you want to replace cynicism with hopeful skepticism.First, I wanna be clear: Im not asking people to be naive or to, you know, just be bubbly all the time and imagine that everyone and everything is wonderful. Hopeful skepticism is a response to difficult times. Its a great way of adapting to and working through adversity, whether thats personal or collective.Now, what can you do? Well, first, I think its important to fact-check our cynical thoughts and feelings. I do this all the time. I mean, even though I [laughs] wrote this book and study how to defeat cynicism, I still experience it all the time. Ill meet somebody new and Ill think, Oh, this person just gives me a bad vibe. I, I probably shouldnt trust them. But, you know, a human cannot live on vibes alone, and maybe theyre not actually ...Feltman: [Laughs]Zaki: [Laughs] Maybe theyre not actually that helpful. Oftentimes, if I interrogate my thoughts and I say, Well, wait a minute, Zaki, youre a scientist. What evidence do you have that you shouldnt trust this person? I realize: I have no evidence, and in fact, maybe I just skipped lunch and, and am in a bad mood, right?So I think that the first thing is to ask ourselves: Do we have the evidence we need to draw a conclusion, especially a broad conclusion about all of humanity? If you dont have that evidence, a second step is to collect it; take leaps of faith on people. You know, Im not saying recklessly giving your bank information to a prince whos gonna wire you $14 million, but maybe allow people to show you who they are, give them a little bit more of a chance to express themselves.And the research is clear: when we do that, when we put faith in other people, they actually become more trustworthy. Theyre more likely to show up for us. So, you know, share that difficulty youre going through with a friend, strike up that conversation with a stranger, give your colleague a little bit more responsibility at work if youre their supervisor. All of these are ways to build our hope and also give the gift of that hope to others.And then the last thing Id say is to try something I call positive gossip, right? We tend to focus on the negative, and we also tend to talk a lot about the negative, right? If you have nine pleasant interactions in a day and one with somebody whos sort of a jerk, who are you gonna talk about that night [laughs]?Feltman: [Laughs]Zaki: We all know the answer: its the jerk, right? But you dont have to do that. I would encourage folks to try and pick out one example of human goodness that you see during your day and then share it with the people in your life that evening. I think this can help you fight their cynicism, but it can also fight yours because when we know were gonna share something, we start to notice it more easily.Feltman: Yeah, thats great advice.You know, youre not just a writer, of course; you, you research human behavior. What questions about human connections are you still trying to answer? You know, what are your, your next big things to tackle now that this book is out in the world?Zaki: My lab and I are really focused right now on using anti-cynicism, as it were, to fight loneliness in young people and young adults in particular. As you might know, there is a crisis of disconnection among young adultsthese are people between the age of 18 and 30. And in fact, thats cost young adults so much happiness that the U.S. fell out of the worlds top 20 happiest countries for the first time last year, driven entirely by a drop in young adults.We think that this is tragic because its so avoidable.Feltman: Hmm.Zaki: Our research is really clear that young adults really crave connection. They want to help each other. They want to be with each other. But they dont realize that the people around them want the exact same thing.So were sort of all avoiding each other because we think thats what everybody wants when its actually what nobody wants [laughs]. Its like if social connection is a psychological form of nourishment, young adults these days are starving while standing in the middle of an organic grocery store, unaware of the resources available to them, so in our lab were trying to make young adults more aware of those resources. Were showing them just real data about how much people in their generation and their communities want to connect. And we find that when we give them that datanot lying to them but telling them the truththeyre more willing to go out on a limb, and they end up more connected as a result.Feltman: Well, thats really cool.This has been so interesting and definitely has made me feel a little less cynical, so thank you so much for coming on today.Zaki: Thank you. This was delightful.Feltman: Thats all for todays episode. Dont forget to check out Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness. Well be back on Monday with our weekly science news roundup.Science Quickly is produced by me, Rachel Feltman, along with Fonda Mwangi, Kelso Harper, Madison Goldberg and Jeff DelViscio. Shayna Posses and Aaron Shattuck fact-check our show. Our theme music was composed by Dominic Smith. Subscribe to Scientific American for more up-to-date and in-depth science news.For Scientific American, this is Rachel Feltman, hoping that you will have a wonderful weekend!
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