Games Inbox: What will be the first Zelda game on Nintendo Switch 2?
What will be the Switch 2s first Zelda? (Nintendo/Metro)The Tuesday letters page remains to be convinced about Battlefield 6, as one reader tries to make sense of Sonys attitude towards Bloodborne.To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@metro.co.ukFour swordsOK, so whos willing to make a bet with me on what will be the first Zelda game on Nintendo Switch 2? Seems to me there are a lot of possibilities and not a lot of ways to guess which it is. But Im going to break it down as I see it:The Wind Waker/Twilight PrincessThe boring option. I cant see it being this just because theyd make a poor advert for the Switch 2 and theyve been remastered before anyway.Unknown spin-offI wouldve said this was more likely if it wasnt for last years Echoes Of Wisdom. It is possible, if Nintendo use a different developer, but Im going to guess not as its hard to guarantee the quality with someone else making it.Unknown remakeA Link To The Past or Ocarina Of Time seem like good bets here and I think this is my favourite option too, in terms of something that is likely to happen and would be worthwhile.Breath Of The Wild remasterPossible but only if its used to show how paying for remasters works, rather than having to buy the game brand new again. If Nintendo can keep the upgrade price below 10 Ill be happy.So what do you think? Even if its not at launch Zelda is coming, so whats going to be first? I think Id probably go with four, but wouldnt be surprised at three. Hopefully well find out in April!ZeissWeakly optimisticThe new Battlefield footage looks great and all, but graphics have never been the series problem. It also constantly promises to have tons of destruction and then you find out that its all in the story campaign and theres still not as much in-game as there was in Bad Company (which I have just looked up and is now a staggering 17 years ago).Ill remain optimistic but four developers working on the same game already sounds like too many cooks spoiling the broth. Not to mention having the guy that invited Call Of Duty in charge seems weird.I also dont like the idea that the game being good hinges on them testing it with a gazillion people first. Id have more confidence in a developer that knew whether the game they were making was any good or not without having to ask someone else first.JesseForgotten classicSonys attitude to Bloodborne is just so baffling to me. With the time and money they wasted banning a four year old fan patch they couldve just released an official one. I mean, its only five years overdue at this point. Why wont they do it? Theres no theory that makes any sense.At some point I assume theyll announce a remake or sequel and I assume this is in some way a prelude to that (cant sell a remake if a free update makes it not so appealing!) but theres not a clue as to when something is going to happen. It really makes me think less of Sony to be honest. Theyve got this amazing game and theyre letting it be forgotten, where most casual gamers probably have no idea it even exists.St1ngerEmail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.ukMaster and apprenticeI love how if you watch the video of that ex-Sony guy, when hes talking about Microsoft being like Sega, hes trying not to smile. He knew what he was saying, even if Sega are an obvious comparison to make.I cant imagine anyone aspires to being Sega though, especially not Microsoft. Although the two do have a long history. Microsoft were going to buy them at one point early on and always looked to them as inspiration in the early days thats why their X/Y and A/B buttons are the wrong way round.I could make an obvious joke about how Microsoft took a bit too much inspiration, in terms of the constant mistakes and slip-ups but Im going to assume that with $3 trillion more in the bank than Sega, the future prospects of Xbox are somewhat rosier.84ColbatThird party softwareSorry if GameCentral or a reader has already mentioned this but the Epic Games Store app is available on Android and iOS tablets/mobiles now and they are giving away free games each week on mobile and PC on a Thursday. They have two games free on mobile currently: Bloons TD 6 and Dungeon Of The Endless. You can use the same account on PC on your mobile to download the games.Epic Games Store is classed as a third party app on Android so you have to allow it when you try to install the app on your Android mobile/tablet. Heres the link for the Epic Games Store mobile app.Andrew J.Currently playing: Kona (PS5)Console comparisonsNaturally, Im hoping that there will be a Sony State of Play this month, but Ive given up trying to guess what will be in it. What I wonder though is what Sony must be thinking about the Nintendo Switch 2 coming up and how theyre going to work around that.The two big things this year are Switch 2 and GTA 6 and if Switch 2 is launching in June I think thats a clear sign Nintendo dont want the two things happening at the same time. That would seem to leave Sony out in the cold, but I do think the chances of a marketing campaign with Rockstar, possibly involving the PS5 Pro is very likely.Im sure thats good for Sony but it could mean another lean year for first party games. Because, lets face it, if youve GTA 6 in your pocket you dont need anything else. I cant believe that the last time Sony had dominance like this it was with the PlayStation 2 and look at the difference in games output between those two consolesXaneWate of spaceAs regards Lemptons email about the size of the Switch 2 game cases, I hope theyre actually 33% smaller, as there is so much unused real estate in the current Switch cases, especially as there are no longer instruction booklets. Although I do buy the ones sold by MBPUK off Etsy.I think the Switch 2 game cases on the shop shelf should be bigger, so they can be seen easily but the actual ones we take home should be smaller.LeighDappaDont sleep on itI picked up Citizen Sleeper 2, following your review last week, and havent been left quite so conflicted about a game in such a long time.By the way, your review did an excellent job of explaining to me what the game was and sold me, hook, line and sinker; and I consider that no bad thing at all.However. However. Where to begin?Well, its not pushing my PlayStation 5 to its limits, but then it wasnt sold on its groundbreaking graphical capability a Digital Foundry breakdown of its technical abilities might be their shortest episode ever (of note, too, is that that might be no bad thing either).My first impressions of the game were basically, What on earth have I bought here?, so underwhelmed I was.Give it a chance, though, and theres something with an undeniable hook underneath, despite all of Fellow Travellers (lack of) razzamatazz.I know this as Saturday morning disappeared into Saturday evening, me completely oblivious.It was only as I got into a situation with several broken die, following a period of them glitching, and the game pushing me towards an inevitable fail state that I grumbled my way back up to reality in a fit of pique.Was it the story that compacted all that time? Perhaps, certainly alongside the subtle musical backdrop which, although nearly invisible, builds a mildly trance induced state both of these factors are excellent.But the gameplay has me completely I want to say non-plussed but thats not right, baffled, not that either its a devil, for sure virtually rolling dice for dopamine kicks, I just cant find the right word.And yet theres strategy to it; planning, too, an upgrade system; the risk reward values that you create in your own head to, for sure this time, coerce the game your way.Its an oddity.Its an oddity that has me thinking about it outside of game time, and Im going to have to go back again to try a different approach.Thats an achievement any game developer should be proud of.Shambling RegInbox also-ransRE: XCOM 2. Ive put almost 200 hours into it on my Switch, but I didnt realise it is a free download on the PlayStation 5, if you have an account. It is one of the best games ever made.SimonGC: Its certainly one of our favourites.I will say again that if Phil Spencer ever brings back Blinx: The Time Sweeper I will forgive him for all his many failings. I fell confident neither thing will happen.TollyMore TrendingEmail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.ukThe small printNew Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Readers Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.You can also leave your comments below and dont forget to follow us on Twitter.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy