Given some of the decisions that Welcome to Marwen director Zemeckis has made lately thats a bit of a relief. Even though The Polar Express still makes gobs of money and Flight and Contact, and Cast Away have their fans, Zemeckis has never come close to matching his mega-hits Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, and Forrest Gump. So a cynic might expect hes long been primed to take the easy money and let someone else have a crack at the story and universe he co-created.However, both Zemeckis and Gale seem devoted to protecting the classic they made 40 years ago. Zemeckis loves to experiment with effects and is perfectly content if people hate his version of Beowulf or Pinocchio. Meanwhile Gale has devoted himself lately to curating the legacy of Back to the Future. Neither seems interested in exploiting the concept for something as ridiculous as money.Which shouldnt be too much of a surprise to anyone who well remembers the trilogy. Back to the Future Part II has received a lot of attention lately thanks to the parallels between the 2015 of the film, in which bully Biff uses his sports betting winnings to make himself into a gauche mogul, and our current era of powerful, gauche dummies and sports betting saturation.Yet relatively few Americans nostalgic for that movie have seemed to notice that Back to the Future Part II is deeply critical of the rich, suggesting that anyone who goes after money for the sake of money sells more than their souls.Given that premise in the second film, why would anyone expect Gale and Zemeckis to make a fourth? Looked at that way, Gales brusk response doesnt seem so mean.