html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"The GIMP development team has released GIMP 3.0, the first major update to the free and open-source image editing and retouching software in seven years.The release adds non-destructive layer effects and text styling, off-canvas image editing, support for the Adobe RGB color space, and better interoperability with Photoshop.There are also a number of long-awaited usability improvements, including the option to multi-select layers.Support for non-destructive editing of layer adjustmentsThe first major update to the GNU Image Manipulation Program since 2018, GIMP 3.0 is a correspondingly significant release.The main change is support for non-destructive layer effects, making it possible to edit filters and image adjustments like Curves and Hue-Saturation after they have been applied.Adjustments can also be toggled on or off, re-ordered, or merged.Non-destructive (NDE) filters can be saved in GIMPs XCF file format, making it possible to continue to edit layer adjustments after re-opening a file.Non-destructive text outlining and new GEGL Styles filterThe options for styling text have also been extended, with the Text tool getting new options for generating outlines around text non-destructively.A separate GEGL Styles filter GEGL being the Generic Graphics Library, GIMPs image-processing engine also generates drop shadows, glows and bevels, as shown above.Other new features: off-canvas editing and an experimental Paint Select toolOther new features include support for off-canvas editing, with a new Expand Layers option for the paint tools making it possible to paint beyond the current boundaries of a layer.The layer is automatically resized to fit the new paint strokes, up to the boundaries of the image.There is also an experimental new selection tool, Paint Select, which makes it possible to select parts of an image for editing by progressively painting in the selection.Several key workflow improvements, including multi-selection of layersGIMP 3.0 also features some long-awaited workflow improvements: notably, the option to multi-select layers, channels and paths.Previously, it was only possible to edit multiple layers by selecting and linking them individually.It is also now possible to organize layers into layer sets, and to search for layers by name; and copying and pasting now creates a new layer by default, not a floating selection. There is also a new Welcome dialog (shown above), which provides quick access to documentation, recent files, and UI settings, including color themes, and icon and font scaling.In addition, the Search command now shows the menu location of the action you have searched for in the search results.Pipeline integration: support for new color spaces and image formatsThe release also introduces support for RGB color spaces beyond simple sRGB, making it possible to load and edit images with Adobe RGB color profiles without losing information.The change also lays the groundwork for support for the CMYK and LAB color spaces.Interoperability with Photoshop has been improved, expanding support for the PSD file format, and making it possible to load JPEGs and TIFFs with Photoshop-specific metadata like clipping paths, guides and layers.It is also now possible to import color palettes in Adobes ACB and ASE formats, as well as the open-source SwatchBooker palette.Other changes include support for new lossless image compression formats QOI and JPEG XL, and for DDS game texture files with BC7 compressions.And while it isnt currently possible to edit in CMYK mode, it is possible to import and export CMYK JPEG, JPEG XL, TIFF and PSD files, with GIMP converting from RGB color space.Compatibility-breaking changes to the plugin APIGIMP 3.0 also introduces support for more languages for developing scripts and plugins: it is now possible to develop add-ons using JavaScript, Lua and Vala as well as C. The update also switches GIMP from Python-fu to standard Python 3.The changes break compatibility with add-ons written for GIMP 2.10, although some popular plugins like GMIC are already available for GIMP 3.0.Faster release schedule for GIMP 3.x updatesThe GIMP development team now plans to switch to smaller, but more regular, releases.The next feature update, GIMP 3.2, is due for release within a year, following a series of 3.0.x bugfix releases.License and system requirementsGIMP 3.0 is compatible with Windows 10+, macOS 11.0+ and Linux, including Debian 12+. Source code is available under a GPLv3 license.The software is free, but if you want to support future development, or support its core developers, you can find details of how to do so on the Donate page on the GIMP website.Read a full list of features in GIMP 3.0 in the online release notesHave your say on this story by following CG Channel on Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). 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