• Scream 7 Needs To Unite The Fanbase
    Scream 7 has recovered after a series of controversies in the lead up to production getting underway in December 2024. The firing of Melissa Barrera has led to many fans claiming they will boycott the upcoming sequel, in solidarity with the actress who portrayed Sam Carpenter in Scream 2022 and Scream 6. However, many long term fans are quite happy with Scream 7's planned focus on the legacy of the franchise with the return of Neve Campbell, and Kevin Williamson's hiring as director.
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  • How To Unlock Torrent Charge in Elden Ring (Spirit Raisin Recipe)
    In Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, Torrent has a health bar just like the player. Torrent can be revived using a flask charge, or healed using a Rowa Raisin that is easily crafted. Shadow Of The Erdtree introduces another type of raisin that players can craft and use, the Spirit Raisin.
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    By TREVOR HOGGImages courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd. and Disney+.When Jedis associated with a tragic incident that took place in a witch coven situated on Brendock are assassinated, a Jedi Master is drawn into the mystery. When it is suggested that his former padawan is responsible for the killings, the Jedi Masters investigation uncovers a much larger Sith conspiracy. A force to be reckoned on the High Republic Era set of the The Acolyte, which occurs a century before the Star Wars prequel trilogy, is creator, executive producer, showrunner, director and writer Leslye Headland. Consisting of eight episodes, the Lucasfilm and Disney+ production has Julian Foddy moving from being a visual effects supervisor at ILM to working client side where he was responsible for digitally augmenting 2,800 shots.Ive done quite a lot of big Marvel films and various other Star Wars projects where they had a lot more reliance on CG content. [Director] Leslye Headland wanted to try to keep everything real and practical. The mantra was, What would have George Lucas done when he was making the original trilogy? Creatures and sets should be real. I had to approach the project with the view to minimizing the number of visual effects in most shots.Julian Foddy, Production Visual Effects SupervisorApproximately 2,800 visual effects shots were produced for the eight episodes by ILM, Rising Sun Pictures, Luma Pictures, Hybride, beloFX and Outpost VFX, with previs created by Proof.This is the first show that Ive done where I was the overall Production Visual Effects Supervisor, so straight away it was a different experience, Foddy states. Ive spent a lot of time on set for various projects before but have never been involved quite as early as I was on The Acolyte. As the Production Visual Effects Supervisor, youre onboard from day one, so I was party to original drafts of scripts and had a creative voice throughout all of the prep. That was fantastic, and Im keen to stay in a production role.The forest world of Khofar, where the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca lives in isolation, is introduced in The Acolyte.Amandla Stenberg plays twin sisters Mae and Osha Aniseya, and Lee Jung-jae portrays Jedi Master Sol Mogra under the direction of Leslye Headland.Extensive work was done by beloFX to achieve the proper mood and lighting for shots.Other differences were prevalent. It was a change from things Ive worked on over recent years. Ive done quite a lot of big Marvel films and various other Star Wars projects where they had a lot more reliance on CG content, Foddy notes. Leslye Headland wanted to try to keep everything real and practical. The mantra was, What would have George Lucas done when he was making the original trilogy? Creatures and sets should be real. I had to approach the project with the view to minimizing the number of visual effects in most shots. Despite the practical mantra, CG elements were unavoidable. One thing that is all CG are the ships with the exception of a shot where we used a miniature. Often, we had a practical ramp, or the inside of a compartment was a real set, but whenever you see the whole ship from the outside, whether its on the ground or out in space, those area always CG. The ships were designed by Kevin Jenkins [Production Designer] and the art department, and they always built physical models. Quite often, we had gray scale or balsawood models. We always had something there to visualize the form of the ship before getting it into CG; that allowed us to talk about things like the scale of the ship and what movement characteristics would they have when in space.One thing that is all CG are the ships with the exception of a shot where we used a miniature. Often, we had a practical ramp, or the inside of a compartment was a real set, but whenever you see the whole ship from the outside, whether its on the ground or out in space, those area always CG. The ships were designed by Kevin Jenkins [Production Designer] and the art department, and they always built physical models. Quite often, we had gray scale or balsawood models. We always had something there to visualize the form of the ship before getting it into CG.Julian Foddy, Production Visual Effects SupervisorThe mandate was to rely more on practical locations and sets, with beloFX doing some of the needed digital augmentation to the landscape and sky.CG also assisted in transitioning a signature pink Lightsaber from The High Republic novels into its cinematic counterpart. Full confession, declares Foddy. While all of the other Lightsabers do have tubes of LED lights, the Lightwhip itself did not have a practical component for safety reasons, as well as for technical and practical ones. The Lightwhip was something that Leslye desperately wanted to get into the show. I tasked the ILM art department with coming up with various concepts for how the Lightwhip might work and engaged in lengthy discussions with Pablo Hidalgo [a creative executive in story development at Lucasfilm] to make sure we got this right. Not only did we want to respect the fans of The High Republic novels but also discuss the technology of a Lightsaber and the physics of how the blade would work. We worked that out with Pablo to make sure that we did the whip so it felt plausible. We explored lots of different looks and pursued the idea that maybe the whip was made from small sections of a chain consisting of short Lightsaber blades or like a cat o nine tails that had more than one strand. Ultimately, we came down to the simplicity of the single strand. Its down to the nonchalance of how Vernestra Rwoh uses the whip as well. There is the touch of Indiana Jones in the way she flicks it. Leslye was keen to make sure we see that the Lightwhip is not only the badass weapon, but that Vernestra looks like a total badass when she uses it. It is a normal Lightsaber and has been modified to turn into the whip. There is an instance when Vernestra deploys or retracts the whip, and it snaps into a straight blade before returning into the hilt.Bluescreen was unavoidable but not heavily relied upon by the production.Martial arts and ninja tactics such as throwing daggers were incorporated into the lightsaber fight choreography. Wherever we could do it for real. we did it for real, Foddy explains. Obviously, you cant throw real knives, but we did have rubber-bladed ones that could be thrown; however, that is still dangerous. In Episode 101, when Mae [Amandla Stenberg] is fighting Indara Force [Carrie-Ann Moss], who snatches the knives from her that was a mixture of cunning switcheroos on the day [of shooting]. Amandla Stenberg would hold the knives in position, wed cut the camera, shed drop the knives, then we would run the camera again. There are some CG knives in the instances where theyre thrown or when Indara Force pulls them out of Maes belt. Most of the shots where you see Mae flipping the knives into her hands, thats all real. Amandla learned all of the knife skills and the manual dexterity to do those things, like twirling the knives from her palm into her grasp.For safety and logistical reasons, the daggers thrown by Mae were digitally added.Practical LEDs were used for the Lightsabers to get the correct interactive light, except for the Lightwhip.The architecture and spaceships of the High Republic are not significantly different from what are seen in the prequel trilogy, which occurs 100 later, as technology evolves slowly in the Star Wars universe.Anything that the cast would have to interact with was physically constructed and the rest extended in CG.A simple design language was utilized for the UI.Coruscant of the High Republic Era had fewer levels than what was seen in the prequel trilogy.Elements like hyper drives were treated as heavy bulk attachments for the spacecraft.The Trade Federation Fallon freighter ship is brought to life by ILM.Full confession. While all of the other Lightsabers do have tubes of LED lights, the Lightwhip itself did not have a practical component for safety reasons, as well as for technical and practical ones. The Lightwhip was something that [Director] Leslye [Headland] desperately wanted to get into the show. I tasked the ILM art department with coming up with various concepts for how the Lightwhip might work and engaged in lengthy discussions with Pablo Hidalgo [a creative executive in story development at Lucasfilm] to make sure we got this right.Julian Foddy, Production Visual Effects SupervisorTwins Leah and Lauren Brady were used for the scenes of Young Mae and Young Osha, while Amandla Stenberg portrays the adult versions of both sisters. You will see more of the adult twins together as the series progresses, Foddy reveals. It has been a mixed approach. Amandla had a performance-double named Shanice Archer, who was fantastic, and she spent several months in prep with a movement coach learning to adopt Amandlas physicality. All of the over the shoulders are Shanice. Quite a few shots have split screens. Also, we had quite a lot of involvement in the walk-throughs with the directors of photography and talked about how we could shoot scenes in a way that favored over the shoulders or seeing the two girls from behind. There are only very few instances where we had to worry about being able to do both of the twins faces. As well as split screens, we quite often shoot switcheroos as well, where I would literally have the girls swap places. In some cases, that gave us a facial element to put on the other actor who was done in the exactly same lighting conditions and camera position.A breakdown of a shot by ILM from plate to final compositing.Impacting the world-building was the time period of the High Republic. We are 100 years before the prequels. This is something we consulted with Pablo Hidalgo and Dave Filoni [CCO at Lucasfilm] about, Foddy states. Dave pointed out that the Republic has existed for thousands of years, so technology evolves at a fairly slow rate in the Star Wars universe. What that meant is, for the previous 100 years, things are not going to look radically different in terms of ship design, technology available or weapons. We did change a few little things to help sell that 100 years. If you look at Coruscant, the city is constantly building on top of itself, and the layers keep growing. A hundred years earlier, the surrounding buildings around the Jedi temple were all a bit lower. You can see that in some of the establishing shots. Its a subtle touch while still keeping it recognizable for the audience. A good example of different technology are the ships. While the ships are capable of hyperspace travel, hyper drives at this point in time are so big and bulky that theyre a separate attachment. Weve seen this in the Star Wars prequel films where ships have a hyper drive ring that they attach to the ship that allows them to travel at light speed. Every ship in this era has to have an attachment because theyre too big and bulky. We see that in Episode 101. When the Polan-717 arrives at Karlach, it detaches from its rear section and makes its way down to the planet.Ultimately, we came down to the simplicity of the single strand [for the whip]. Its down to the nonchalance of how Vernestra Rwoh uses the whip as well. There is the touch of Indiana Jones in the way she flicks it. [Director] Leslye [Headland] was keen to make sure we see that the Lightwhip is not only the badass weapon, but that Vernestra looks like a total badass when she uses it. It is a normal Lightsaber and has been modified to turn into the whip. There is an instance when Vernestra deploys or retracts the whip, and it snaps into a straight blade before returning into the hilt.Julian Foddy, Production Visual Effects SupervisorAmong the extensive simulations for ILM was fire involved with burning down the witch coven castle on Brendok.Full CG elements were among the most complex to design, create and execute. The Coruscant establishers were quite a lot of work to provide all the level of detail of the city and the ships flying in the background, Foddy remarks. For Episode 103, with the big fortress on the top of the mountain [which features fire and destruction], anytime you bring effects simulations into the mix and animation, thats where things get complicated. There were lots of layers going into the composite and multiple departments involved. There is also some complex creature work. In Episode 103, the look development for the translucent butterfly creatures that the girls are playing with at the opening took a long time to get right. There is an almost Jell-O-like feel, and you can see light scattering through them. They had an iridescence to them. That was complex work to get that looking right and feeling natural, in particular when the creature lands on her finger and sits there.Miniatures of the spaceships were created as points of reference by Production Designer Kevin Jenkins.The Acolyte forges its own way narratively and aesthetically. The Acolyte is the first live-action series to explore new characters in a completely new story arc outside of [LEGO Star Wars:] The Skywalker Saga. When Disney acquired Star Wars, there was talk about exploring the Star Wars universe, and that is what The Acolyte is doing. Its allowing existing Star Wars fans to see more of what goes on in the other planets and in the history of the galaxy prior to the times that weve seen in the films. Also, for people new to Star Wars, you come at this fresh and dont have to have seen any of the other films or books because its all new characters. Hopefully, it will open your eyes to the bigger galaxy.
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  • Star Wars Outlaws: hands-on report
    Ubisoft Massive is almost ready to let PS5 players become a notorious space scoundrel in the first open-world Star Wars game, coming to PS5 on August 30. Crash landing onto the lush yet dangerous moon of Toshara, I spent time as rookie rogue Kay Vess, meeting her little buddy Nix, discovering visual options inspired by the original trilogy, and taking jobs for crime syndicates.Nix the lovable critter companionKays furry and all-too-cute partner Nix (not a pet, stresses his voice actor, Dee Bradley Baker) has already gained a dedicated and adoring following. Yes, the doe-eyed Merqaal is genuinely helpful, from distracting guards with cuteness (or causing explosions), and picking up weapons, to showing players interactive elements in the environment but its Nixs little touches thatll win over fans across the galaxy.Gain boosters for your speeder and Nix is forced to hang on for dear life, his little tail and hind legs flailing in the air. If you aim Kays blaster at him, hell impishly mimic being shot and roll over to play dead, causing Kay to chuckle and encourage his performance.Star Wars at its most vibrantOutlaws executes open-world Star Wars with flair, delivering a rich and responsive environment thats lively and joyful to explore. Floating fishing nets ripple in the wind. Broken starship detritus is scattered across lakes, mountains, and moisture farms. And yes, you can pet the well, animals far more exotic than dogs, and even feed some of the fauna native to Toshara.Ubisoft Massive has also created discoverable vista points where you can stop and watch beautiful-yet-deadly world go by. The scenic views are striking enough to encourage players to seek them all out.View and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageView and download imageDownload the imagecloseCloseDownload this imageCapturing the original trilogy vibeThe Star Wars Outlaws team knows its a big deal to set its game between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, and has gone the extra parsecs to make it feel authentic to its source material.To that end, you can select a special 21.9 cinematic mode that creates a widescreen effect and replicates the lenses Lucasfilm used when shooting Episodes 4 to 6. The result is a gritty, nostalgic visual grain with a modern-day high-definition punch.Variety is the spice of scoundrel lifeWhether its overhearing the juiciest scoundrel scuttlebutt or hitting up gangland bosses for work, there are plenty of objectives to tackle across Outlaws.One mission, New Tricks, involves hunting down an ion module for your blaster to disrupt some pesky electrical systems. The quest begins with a hunt for the right merchant, then spirals into an adventure through the bustling city of Mirogana and into the craggy wilds.Meanwhile, a Hutt task demands you steal a client list, but at any time you can deviate from your current mission to sneak into an outpost, slice through encrypted info databases, race speeder bikes, infiltrate mysterious shelters, or help townsfolk repel gunslinging bandits (or not. Youre an outlaw, after all).Whether youre eager to put your blaster to good use or prefer to venture across the Outer Rim, there are plenty of wretched hives of scum and villainy to explore when Star Wars Outlaws lands on PS5 August 30.
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  • Wildermyth, a procedural storytelling RPG, comes to PS5 & PS4 on October 22
    Hello, PlayStation players! We here at Auroch Digital have teamed up with Worldwalker Games to bring the critically acclaimed Wildermyth to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, launching on October 22.Play VideoAllow us to set the scene!The Yondering Lands, where the game is set, is a richly layered papercraft world with every scene looking like it is straight out of a pop-up picture book. Reminiscent of tabletop roleplaying games, Worldwalker Games have paid loving attention in creating something truly unique, breaking moulds and exploring new ideas: forget orcs, elves, or goblins how about telepathic insect-dragons and the clockwork undead instead?Extreme character depthLike the best tabletop roleplaying experiences, your characters and the choices you make are at the heart of Wildermyth. Each of your heroes has their own unique generated history, personality, and appearance, and will form relationships with your other heroes. All of these elements change and develop as characters age, encounter mysteries, and overcome challenges.Choices that matter.As your heroes journey from humble farmers to legendary warriors, you will encounter numerous events and situations that will present you with choices some of which can have everlasting, character-defining effects.whether thats in tactical battles against a myriad of malevolent creatures using the right abilities to bolster allies or debilitate your enemies.or when you encounter one of the games many story events. Choosing to trust in the enigmatic wolf god may lead to some hair-raising changes in a heros appearance and combat abilities.and should romance blossom between your characters further story developments and shared combat buffs may occur.A new approach to deathThere are, of course, times when the unthinkable may happen: character death. Should the worst occur, and a hero falls in battle, youll be presented with choices. Fall back and live to fight another day with permanent consequences or go out in a blaze of glory with one final strike and be remembered for generations to come.No adventure can last forever, and as characters age and campaigns end, your heroes can be enshrined in a custom pantheon of legends, calling upon them in later playthroughs.Whats new in Wildermyth: the Console Edition?At Auroch Digital, weve been meticulous in ensuring that much loved experience from Wildermyths original release isnt lost when optimizing it for consoles. With that in mind, weve redesigned the UI and controls with gamepad in mind, ensuring that in-game elements are easily readable and the controls feel intuitive for the best gaming experience.Another new feature coming in Wildermyth: Console Edition is the Monster Compendium. This tactical tome provides an insight into the creatures youll face on your journeys through the Yondering Lands, as well as enchanting excerpts of lore and background information about the games various factions. Were also introducing local cooperative multiplayer, allowing up to four players to take command of multiple characters and share in an unfolding story together.If all of that wasnt enough to get you excited, we have even more news to share!Pick up the physical edition of Wildermyth: Console Edition and youll receive your very own Monster Compendium, the trusty tome made physical! Alongside this, youll also receive the Off-hand Item Skin Pack (DLC), which features a treasure trove of off-hand item skins, such as shields, torches, daggers and more!Stay tuned for more news and updates and be ready to begin your Wildermyth adventure on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on October 22, 2024.
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  • New Helldivers 2 Freedoms Flame Warbond burns bright on August 8
    They say you cant start a fire without a sparkWell, Helldivers, were about to spark a galactic-scale inferno. Your new Premium Warbond is deploying to all active patriots on 8 August codename Freedoms Flame.*Play VideoIncinerate everything standing in your path with new weaponry almost too hot to handle; survive the heat of battle with lifesaving armor; and burn brightly across the cosmos with fresh emotes, capes, and skins.Right now, swarms of disgusting bugs and packs of mechanized monstrosities are invading innocent worlds.Stop them destroy them cremate them.Lets cook, Helldivers. Light it up in the name of liberty!FirepowerPrimary:SG-451 CookoutBurn, baby, burn! A pump action shotgun that unleashes a burst of incendiary phosphorus pellets at your helpless enemies.FLAM-66 TorcherA lightweight flamethrower shooting pressurized fuel through a nozzle into a roaring, open flame. Sounds safe. It isnt. Watch where youre standing.Secondary:P-72 CrisperA flamethrower that fits in your pocket for the Helldiver on the go! What will those guys think of next? This lovely compact handgun projects a jet of freedom flames over short distances.Booster:Fiery Drop Firebomb HellpodsScorch the earth (and anything else) below as you touch down with attitude and ignite the dropsite.Armor:I-09 HeatseekerProudly display the burnished blood-red plates that were forged in righteous fire, like the heroes they were wrought to protect a true vision of democracy.I-102 DraconaughtAh, theres nothing quite like those satisfying screeches as the enemies of freedom burn. Enjoy it all in this 14-cm sheathed silica fiber foam armor with an exclusive tube-to-ear feature.Armor PassiveInflammable! Enjoy 75% damage resistance to fire as you run head-first into danger like the unstoppable legend your mum said youd be.Title: Fire Safety OfficerYou can now call yourself a Fire Safety Officer. Doesnt come with a certificate.Skin: Safety OrangeRepaint your Shuttle, Hellpod, and Exosuit in striking Safety Orange.Capes & CardsPurifying EclipseA heartfelt tribute to the Liberation of Choepessa IV in the First Galactic War, in which so much orbital ordnance was detonated that its sun was occluded by ash for an entire lunar cycle.The BreachThe final mission of the 361st Freedoms Flame saw this storied unit deploy into the heart of a Supervolcano in a mission of heroic sacrifice. Triggering a huge eruption, this act of incredible bravery wiped out a massive Terminid swarm. As documented in the bestselling graphic novel The Breach, it is available at all good book shops on Super Earth.EmotesBig Stretch, Deep Reflection, and Thoracic Collision Exultation Manoeuvre Co-emote. If youre going to win. Win in style.Freedoms Flame is rolling out to your Destroyers Acquisitions panel on 8 August.So ramp up the temperature to fry up some tasty justice, served with a side order of delicious grilled democracy.Tonight, we dine and dive in hell.See you planetside.*Requires base game, paid purchase of Super Credits, and game progression to unlock. PSN account required.
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  • (For Southeast Asia) First Look: Astro Bot Limited Edition DualSense Wireless Controller
    Hi everyone! Its a pleasure to be back here to make another Astro Bot-related reveal.Play VideoIf you have been following Astro news as of late, then you know Team Asobi have been hard at work on a brand-new game coming out on September 6. The game features over 50 planets, new powerups, lots of enemies, secrets and PlayStation-infused characters to collect. And it also features a DualSense wireless controller turned into a living character and helping Astro on his mission.Today, it is an immense pleasure to announce that you will be able to charge into Astros new supersized adventure along with the cool new DualSense wireless controller Astro Bot Limited Edition.We know many of you were hoping for this after seeing the game trailer. So, we quickly asked our lovely bots to engineer this beauty and tada! No, no, Im just kidding; it had been in the making for some time, carefully crafted by the amazing teams at SIE. And what splendid work they did.The controllers design features Astros signature blue accents on the handles and buttons, carved-in, sci-fi lines as well as the trademark playful pair of eyes on the touch pad. It is a true work of art, and we could not be happier with the end-result at Team Asobi.With this dynamic addition to your set-up, a supersized space adventure awaitsThe DualSense wireless controller Astro Bot Limited Edition will be available in limited quantity in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam for SGD 114 / MYR 399 / IDR 1,449,000 / THB 2,690 / PHP 4,590 / VND 2,299,000 and will launch on September 6, day-in-date with the launch of Astro BotPre-orders will be available through local retailers starting from Friday, August 9, 2024.I will take this chance to summarize some of the cool things this new Astro Bot game does with the DualSense wireless controllerFirst, as many of you expect from an Astro game, you can feel the surfaces that Astro runs and slides on, from grass, sand, metal to more squishy textures or water. That was already the case with Astros Playroom, but we have increased the number of textures you can feel through the controller.Next, we doubled down on the adaptive triggers combined with haptic feedback, by tying them tightly to Astros new powers. For example, when using Barkster, the bulldog Jetpack, you can feel the thruster ratting against your finger in synch with the animation, giving a very dynamic and immersive feeling. Every new power up has been given that same special treatment so you will be able to experience various expressions through your fingers.Finally, given the number of enemies and boss battles we added to this new adventure, it was important to work on battle and impacts by combining all of the above. Whether its stretching, pounding or pummeling hard surfaces, there are many new types of impacts that can be experienced in Astro Bot.And of course, we could not finish this post without mentioning the Dual Speeder, one of Astros most recurrent gadgets, allowing him to fly into various planets. The Dual Speeder makes full use of motion control, adaptive triggers and haptic feedback. Here is a piece of very early concept art and how it looks in the final game.Thats all from us! Well be back soon for more news around Astro Bot. Until then, please tell us in the comments what you think of this cool DualSense wireless controller Astro Bot Limited Edition!Astro Bot is out on PS5 on September 6, we are waiting for you all to join Astro for his first big new adventure.Team Asobi out.
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  • Devolver divulges deeper Cult of the Lamb: Unholy Alliance details, out August 12
    In Unholy Alliance, the next major update for Cult of the Lamb, were giving our holy hero a playmate: the Goat. Summoned by blood and born in corruption, this wicked new ally can join the Lamb in local co-op. Crawl dungeons, slay heretics, build your cult, and seek new powerstogether.In co-op, one player will inhabit the role of the Lamb and the other will take on the mangy mantle of the Goat. Together, this unholy pair can indulge in new two-player twists on existing minigames like fishing and Knucklebones, as well as discovering and equipping a selection of corrupted weapons, tarot cards, curses, and relics to aid them on their epic cooperative crusades.That alone is worth your undying worship, but theres more to Unholy Alliance than just co-op. The update also introduces a vast array of new follower traits to the game, making your flock more diverse, charismatic, and unpredictable than ever before. Cultists can be insomniacs, bust law-breaking friends out of prison, enter a catatonic state after the trauma of a resurrection, wake everyone up with their demonic snoring, or become afflicted with a curse.Followers sent on missions may return with their mental state altered. They could be inspired by their success, spreading positivity among the flock. Or the horrors theyve endured may have been too much, leaving them frozen with fear. Followers can even be polyamorous, meaning theyll never get jealous if the Lamb marries someone else while others may become jealous enough to kill.These are just a few of the new follower traits in the Unholy Alliance update, which will make your flock a true cult of personality. As the cult grows and more followers join its ranks, even more quirks, flaws, and eccentricities will emerge. If you thought they were a handful before, you aint seen nothing yet.Unholy Alliance also adds two new structures to the game. You can build a nursery to care for three babies at once, but be warned: theyre still gonna poop a lot, and youre still gonna have to clean it up. Hey, at least youll never be short on fertilizer. When a baby reaches 14, theyll outgrow the nursery, opening up a space for more offspring to be nurtured.Then theres the new Knucklebones arena. You can only have one of these in your cult at a time, letting you play one match of Knucklebones a day against a follower of your choosing. The difficulty of the match is based on the followers level, and winning against them will level them up instantly.We havent forgotten about crusades, either. Unholy Alliance throws a heap of new relics and tarot cards into the mixsome of which have been designed with co-op in mind. The Lamb and the Goat can swap weapons, deal extra damage when fighting back-to-back, or deal a critical hit if their attacks are in sync.The Ashes of the Mercurial Mun relic detonates a ring of explosives that surrounds both players, while the Wishbone of the Marbais relic grants one player 10 seconds of invincibility if the other takes damage. Equip the Rivals tarot card, and youll both deal 2x weapon damage if youre fighting far apart. Or how about the Bonds of Battle card, which connects the Lamb and the Goat with a beam of unholy energy that will damage any enemies who stray into it?Experience all of this and moreincluding new quests and quality of life improvementswhen the free Unholy Alliance update brings the Lamb and the Goat to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on August 12.
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