DBD update 8.4.0 patch notes reveal Chapter 34 killer and survivor abilities plus more
You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games here Contents hide Dead By Daylight fans have a lot to enjoy. Not only is the return of 2v8 on the horizon, but we are also getting killer updates, and players on PC can now enjoy the Chapter 34 PTB. BeHaviour has just shared the DBD update 8.4.0 patch notes, and they reveal the skills and special abilities for the Chapter 34 killer and survivor. The release date for the Dead By Daylight Chapter 34 PTB was originally slated as November 12th, but it surprisingly dropped today and is now live for players on Steam. Next week will see the return of 2v8, and there is more included in the November 2024 roadmap so far. In addition, there are active codes for players to redeem right now for Bloodpoints and charms. While the DLC wont launch on all platforms for another few weeks, players on Steam are able to play the Chapter 34 PTB right now. The update 8.4.0 patch notes have been shared, and they reveal the new DBD killer and survivor special abilities and skills. Dead By Daylight update 8.4.0 patch notesBelow are the Dead By Daylight update 8.4.0 patch notes: ContentNewKiller The HoundmasterKillerPower Scent of BloodThe Houndmaster and her dog operate as one. Her commands are followed without question or delay.Special Ability: ChaseThe Chase Command sends the dog out at high speed. Pressing the Power button again redirects the Chase, pivoting the dogs path.When the dog catches aSurvivor, the dog starts a Grab. TheSurvivorbecomesHinderedand is pulled toward The Houndmaster. TheSurvivorcan get free by stunning the dog or can be rescued by anotherSurvivor. Grabs that end without Injury leave theSurvivorHindered. Grab duration is shorter forSurvivorswith theEndurancestatus effect.Special Ability: SearchThe Search Command sends the dog to a target location, creating a Search Path. It has its ownlullabyand, as it moves, its Houndsense radius rises over distance traveled.Survivorswho enter the radius are affected by Houndsense and revealed byKiller Instinct. If The Houndmaster follows the dogs Search Path, she gains increased movement speed over time. Leaving the Search Path ends the bonus movement speed.Special Effect: HoundsenseHealthySurvivorsaffected by Houndsense receive Deep Wounds when Injured. InjuredSurvivorsaffected by Houndsense suffer from louder Grunts of Pain and longer Pools of Blood when put into the Dying state.Perks:All-Shaking ThunderAfter you fall from a height, yourlunge attackdistance is increased by 75/75/75% for 8/12/16 seconds.This perk has a 5/5/5-second cooldown.Scourge Hook: Jagged CompassAt the start of the trial, up to 4 random hooks are changed into scourge hooks. You see theiraurasin white.When aSurvivoris unhooked from a non-scourge hook, it becomes a scourge hook. When you hook aSurvivoron a Scourge Hook, theauraof thegeneratorwith the most progress is revealed in yellow for 6/8/10 seconds.No QuarterWhen aSurvivorreaches 75/75/75% of a self-heal, they are faced with continuousskill checks.If one of theseskill checksis missed or the heal is interrupted, theSurvivorbecomesbrokenfor 20/25/30 seconds.NewSurvivor Taurie CainPerksInvocation: Treacherous CrowsWhen in the Basement near the circle, press the ability button 2 to begin the Invocation. Invocations take 60/60/60 seconds. OtherSurvivorswill see yourauraduring this and can join an ongoing interaction. Once the Invocation is completed: Completing the Invocation disables that perk for allSurvivors.You become injured andbrokenfor the rest of the trial.WhenaSurvivoris in theTerror RadiusandtheKillerscares a crow, theiraurais revealed to allSurvivorsfor 1/1.5/2 seconds.Clean BreakAfter you finish healing another Survivor, while being healed by another Survivor, press the ability button 1 to become Broken.After 80/70/60 seconds, you become healthy.This perk does not activate if you are alreadybroken. The effect is cancelled if you go in the dying state.Shoulder the BurdenOnce per trial, as long as you are not on death hook, press the ability button 2 in front of a hooked Survivor to unhook them. When they are unhooked, they lose 1 hook state and you gain 1 hook state. You also scream and becomeExposedfor 30/25/20 seconds.New MapA new map on the other side of Mount Ormond is here for testing on the PTB only! Explore The Ormond Lake Mine. (this map will not be part of the Chapter release)FeaturesSurvivorActivity HUD ImprovementsAll activities will now surface their progress on the activity HUD (previously was justGeneratorsand Recovery)A new activity was created to differentiate when aSurvivoris Mending or Healing themselvesA new activity was created to differentiate when aSurvivoris Blessing a totemSomeKillerpower interactions which were previously missing are now included on the activity HUDPerks HUD improvementVisual differentiation between a Perk being temporally unavailable from being disabled completely. First time implementation for new Invocation Perk.Characters Bio PagesRe-added Power and Perks previews on Bio pageStoreFeatured Page main carousel can also display Bundles.Featured Page bundle widget is now a carousel that shows Bundles and Collections.KillerUpdatesThe Dark Lord BasekitIncrease shapeshift cooldown to 3.5 seconds(was 2.5)Vampire Form: Increase Hellfire cooldown to 10 seconds(was 7)Wolf Form: Increase the spawn rate of Scent Orbs to 1 every 5 seconds(was 1 every 6 seconds)Wolf Form: Decrease Wolfs pounce charge time to 0.85 seconds(was 1)The Demogorgon BasekitDecreasePortalsetting time to 0.85 seconds(was 1)DecreasePortalentry time to 1.35 seconds(was 1.5)Increase Upside Down travel speed to 28 m/s(was 20)The Demogorgon AddonsViscous Webbing:Increases the Sealing time of Portals by 10%(was 16%)Thorny Vines:Increases the Area of Effect of Active Portals by 1 meterIncreases the Sealing time of Portals by 8%(was 11%)Upside Down Resin:Increases the Sealing time or Portals by20%(was 28%)Lifeguard Whistle:RevealSurvivorsnear active portals without chargingOf The Abyss (REMOVED)Increases the number of Portals by2(NEW)The Ghost Face BasekitDecrease Night Shrouds cooldown to 17 seconds(was 20)Decrease the time to MarkSurvivorsto 4.5 seconds(was 5)The Ghost Face AddonsPhilly:Decreases the time to MarekSurvivorsby 10%(was 20%)Walleyes Matchbook:Decrease Night Shrouds recovery time by 3 seconds(was 6)TheGood Guy BasekitDecrease the Scamper time to 1 second(was 1.3)IncreaseHidey-Ho Modes cooldown to 12 seconds(was 10)TheGood Guy AddonsRat Poison:Decreased range to 6 meters(was 12)Decreased duration to2.5 seconds(was 5)The Lich BasekitDecreased Dispelling Spheres cooldown to35 seconds(was 38)Decreased Flight of the Damneds cooldown to35 seconds(was 38)Decreased Flys cooldown to 25 seconds(was 38)Increased Mage Hands cooldown to40 seconds(was 38)Increased the cooldown after cancelling a spell to 1.25 seconds (was 1)Decreased the time Dispelling Sphere disables magic items to 45 seconds (was 60)The Lich AddonsPearl of Power:Decreases the cooldown of all Spells by3 seconds after a successfulBasic Attack(was 5)Ring of Spell Storing:Decreases the cooldown of all Spells by2 seconds (was 4)The Mastermind BasekitDecreased Virulent Bounds cooldown to 5.5 seconds(was 6 seconds)The Mastermind AddonsLeather Gloves:Decreases Virulent Bounds cooldown by 8%(was 10%)The Shape BasekitIncreased Evil Within I movement speed to 4.4 m/s(was 4.2 m/s)Increased maximum stalk perSurvivorto 20 points(was 10)Decreased the amount of Evil Within required to reach Evil Within II to 3(was 5)Increased the Evil Within gain multiplier when stalking from afar to 1(was 0.1)Decreased the Evil Within gain multiplier when stalking from up close to0.4(was 1)The Shape AddonsFragrant Tuft of Hair:Increased the Evil Within III requirement to 20(was 10)Lock of Hair:Decreased the Evil Within III requirement to 50% (was 100%)Judiths Tombstone:Increased the Evil Within III requirement to 20(was 10)Tombstone Piece:Increased the Evil Within III requirement to 15(was 7.5)Scratched Mirror:Decreases Evil Within I movement speed to 4.2 m/s(NEW)KillerPerk UpdatesDominance:The first time each totem and eachchestis interacted with by aSurvivor, that totem orchestis blocked by the Entity for 8/12/16 seconds.(was 4/6/8)Human Greed:You see UnopenedChestsaurasandSurvivoraurasare revealed for3/3/3 secondswhen they enter a8/8/8-meterrange.You also gain the ability to kickcheststo close them. This ability has a30/25/20-secondcooldown.(was 60/45/30 seconds)Languid Touch:When aSurvivorwithin 36 meters of youscares a crow, they gain theExhaustedstatus effectfor6/8/10 seconds.This perk has a5-secondcooldown.(was 20 seconds)Weave Attunement:When any item becomes depleted for the first time each match, it is dropped. You see theaurasof dropped items.Survivorswithin8 metersof dropped items have theiraurasrevealed to you.(was 12 meters)AffectedSurvivorssee the itemsaura.(NEW)When aSurvivorpicks up aSurvivoritem, they suffer theObliviousstatus effectfor20/25/30 seconds.SurvivorUpdatesGeneralDecreased the time it takes to unlockcheststo 8 seconds(10 seconds)SurvivorPerk UpdatesAce in the Hole:When retrieving an item from achest, there is a 100%chance that aUltra Rare(or lower) add-on will be attached to it.(was Very Rare or lower)50/75/100%chance to finding an add-on ofUncommon rarityorlower.(was 10/25/50%)When escaping, keep any add-ons your item has.Buckle Up:Updated the perks description for clarity.Invocation: Weaving Spiders:Description was updated to match the new invocation (Treacherous Crows), but no gameplay change otherwise.Pharmacy:When injured, Pharmacy activates(REMOVED)Unlockingchestsis70/85/100%faster.(was 40/60/80% faster)The hearing distance for noises from unlockingchestsare reduced by20 meters.(was 8 meters)Pharmacyguarantees anEmergency Med-Kit upon completing the interaction.Plunderers Instinct:Theaurasof unopenedchestsand items in the environment are revealed to you when standing within a32/48/64 metersrange.(was 16/24/32 meters)Increases the odds of finding higher rarity items fromchestsby 50%.(was 14/24/46%)Scene Partner:Scene Partneractivates when you are in theKillersTerror Radius.Whenever you look at theKiller, scream, then see theKillersaurafor4/5/6 seconds.(was 3/4/5 seconds)There is a chance you will scream again, if you do, you will see theKillersaurafor an additional 2 seconds.Scene Partner(was 60 seconds)Bug FixesBotsImprovedSurvivorbot locomotion.Environment/MapsFixed missing cracks during the End Game CollapseFixing floating assets on multiple maps.Fixed brief bright light when returning to the Main Menu from the Store.Fixed sudden brief burst of bright light when viewing a Mori.Fixed occurrences of exit tiles not matching themed maps.Fixed a visible seam at the Exit Gates on Ormond Lake Mine.Fixed pools of blood that failed to appear in multiple places on the Ormond Lake MineFixed missing textures on multiple tiles of the Ormond Lake MineFixed a clipping issue the bridge in Ormond Lake MineFixed collision issues ontunnelstairs, tower scaffold ground, and tower tile collisions, on Ormond Lake MineReworked complex collisions preventingKillerprojectile to pass through on the top floor of the Ormond Lake Mine BuildingFixed issues of Camera Fade exclusion for the Mori Update featureFixed an issue in Lerys Hospital where theKillercould not grab asurvivorfrom one side of ageneratorFixed an issue with collision on Ironworks of MiseryFixed an issue with collision on The Underground ComplexFixed an issue with collision on The Nostromo WreckagePerksFixed an issue that caused the Hex: Thrill of the Hunt interaction speed values to be incorrect if cleansed before Hex: Undying.Fixed an issue that caused the Deathbound perk not to be disabled when grabbed by theKiller.Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Devour Hope to gain a token when aSurvivorself unhooks with the Deliverance perk.UIFixed an issue where cinematics can be skipped by L-stick or R-stick on the controller.Fixed a crash that could occur when using the virtual keyboard.Fixed an issue where the Beginner Tooltip text can be seen overflowing in certain languages.Fixed an issue where the prestige buttons progress bar isnt reacting accordingly to thebloodpointsbalance.Fixed a crash that could occur when equipping and unequipping the banner and badge.Fixed an issue where thesurvivoraction icon on the player status is missing after spectating thekillerin a custom game.Fixed an issue where the blood splatter effect on the player status is missing in various states.Fixed an issue where unnecessary lines appear when opening the event popup.MiscFixed an issue where platform exclusive outfits cannot be seen by other platform playersFixed an issue that caused Aestri Yazar, Lara Croft, Trevor Belmont, The Lich and The Dark Lord prestige outfits unlock in wrong order.The Wraith is now correctly able to move and attack after doing certain interactions when using the The Serpent Soot Add-onFixed an issue that causedKillersto be able to spam the Mori interaction.Known IssuesThe HoundmasterThe Search Path can appear above the ground when Search Command sends the dog to a different elevation.While running on the Search Path, The Houndmaster very rarely does not earn the movement speed bonus.Survivorsperforming the Grab Rescue interaction on anotherSurvivorwill play the corresponding animation after rescuedSurvivoris freed from the dog, instead of during the ongoing interaction.Survivorsinvolved in a Grab display theBrokenstatus effectsymbol instead of theIncapacitatedstatus effectsymbol.The Houndmaster is missing her dog during the Match Result Screen.The Houndmasters dog position is desynced with theSurvivorduring the Mori when performing multiple actions.The collision on the Houndmasters dog prevents the Killer from being blinded by flashlights.The Houndmasters dog visually does not always complete the vault animation, but still continues the path.Frequently, the Clean Break perk does not trigger whilst being healed by another Survivor that also has the Clean Break perk equipped.For more Dead By Daylight, check out our guide to thebest expansions.Dead by DaylightPlatform(s):Google Stadia, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series XGenre(s):Action, Survival Horror7VideoGamerSubscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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