The New York Times has plenty of word games on its roster today with Wordle, Connections, Strands, and the Mini Crossword, theres something for everyone but the newspapers standard crossword puzzle still reigns supreme. The daily crossword is full of interesting trivia, helps improve mental flexibility and, of course, gives you some bragging rights if you manage to finish it every day.While the NYT puzzle might feel like an impossible task some days, solving a crossword is a skill and it takes practice dont get discouraged if you cant get every single word in a puzzle.Recommended VideosIf youre having trouble completing todays NYT Crossword, were here to help. Weve got all the answers for todays clues down below.RelatedNew York TimesAcross1 App also called the Gram, informally : INSTA6 Put money (on) : BET9 Store with a mazelike layout : IKEA13 Its capital is Kathmandu : NEPAL14 Insect flitting around a flame : MOTH15 Seize : GRAB16 Island-hopping vacation that might start and end in Miami : CARIBBEANCRUISE19 MSNBC host Melber : ARI20 Michelob ___ (light beer) : ULTRA21 Painters propper-upper : EASEL22 Dub : NAME24 Raggedy doll : ANN25 Huffer and puffer in a classic fairy tale : BIGBADWOLF30 Aardvarks fare : ANTS34 Fall flower : ASTER35 Letter-shaped girder : IBAR36 Confident : SURE37 With 4-Down, island-themed cocktail : MAI38 Laundry product that was once the subject of a viral internet challenge : TIDEPOD41 The second O of O-O-O : TAC42 Ole Miss rival : BAMA44 Own (up) : FESS45 Put into law : ENACT47 Cake decorator : ICER48 Raps off the cuff : FREESTYLES50 Islet : CAY52 Burglars booty : HAUL53 Popular sans-serif font : ARIAL56 Ancient Mexican : AZTEC59 ___ McMuffin (fast-food sandwich) : EGG62 Trio of average guys, as seen at the ends of 16-, 25- and 48-Across : TOMDICKANDHARRY65 Early Ron Howard role : OPIE66 Pub purchase : PINT67 Writer ___ Allan Poe : EDGAR68 The M in Y.M.C.A. : MENS69 Pick a card, ___ card! : ANY70 Final authority : SAYSODown1 Ancient Peruvian : INCA2 Within earshot : NEAR3 When cherry blossoms bloom : SPRINGTIME4 See 37-Across : TAI5 Visual accompaniment to a musical release : ALBUMART6 Wild pig : BOAR7 Europes highest active volcano : ETNA8 Active ingredient in marijuana, for short : THC9 Tropical lizards : IGUANAS10 Momager of the Kardashians : KRIS11 Simplicity : EASE12 Brother of Cain : ABEL14 Ran into : MET17 Ran, as colors : BLED18 Kylo ___ of Star Wars films : REN23 Rightmost president on Mount Rushmore, familiarly : ABE24 Hairdo that might be combed with a pick : AFRO25 Disneys follow-up to Dumbo : BAMBI26 Physicist Newton : ISAAC27 Dentists Just a little more : WIDER28 Very overweight : OBESE29 Expire, as a subscription : LAPSE31 Reason to use sunflower butter in a PB&J : NUTALLERGY32 Tiny amount : TRACE33 Religious offshoots : SECTS39 Kinda borderline : IFFY40 Breaks off : DETACHES43 Places to play Pac-Man and Skee-Ball : ARCADES46 Sch. whose campus includes Washington Square and Union Square : NYU49 Remove, as a layer : SHED51 ___ Baba : ALI53 Chemistry building block : ATOM54 Tug-of-war equipment : ROPE55 Lets do this! : IMIN56 Related (to) : AKIN57 Kooky : ZANY58 Explosive stuff : TNT60 Mardi ___ : GRAS61 Pita sandwich : GYRO63 Busy bee in Apr. : CPA64 Nabokov novel : ADAEditors Recommendations