• What are the security risks of bring your own AI?
    Since the launch of ChatGPT by Open AI in November 2022, interest in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools has increased dramatically. Its ability to generate a response based on a question or request has seen it used for a variety of purposes, from writing emails to underpinning chatbots.The recent Work trend index report by Microsoft, based on a survey of more than 31,000 professional employees, shows that 75% of knowledge workers are now using some form of GenAI in their jobs, and nearly half of those surveyed started using it within the past six months. However, nearly 80% of those using GenAI are bringing their own AI to work, and the percentage increases slightly when focusing on small businesses. It is worth noting that this adoption is not just by younger users, who are typically more likely to embrace new technology, but by users of all ages.As more information is generated and needs to be processed, we increasingly struggle with what is known as digital debt. An example of this is email overload. The Microsoft report notes that approximately 85% of emails are read in less than 15 seconds this shows why people are keen to move towards tools that help streamline the mundane tasks in their working lives.There is this digital debt that has built up over decades, but it has been accelerated during the pandemic, says Nick Hedderman, senior director of the modern work business group for Microsoft. 68% of the people we spoke to said theyre struggling with the volume and pace of work. Nearly 50% said they feel burnt out.The generative AI tools that are typically being used by professionals are those found on smartphones (such as Galaxy AI) or on the internet (such as ChatGPT). Unfortunately, because these tools are open source, they are outside of corporate oversight. Furthermore, when an online tool is free, then the user is frequently the product as their information is usable by others.If its free, you need to think about it in the same way as any social media site. What data is it being trained on? In essence, are you now the commodity? says Sarah Armstrong-Smith, chief of security for Microsoft. Whatever you put in, is that going into training models? How are you verifying that data is held securely and not being utilised for other purposes?More than anything else, the use of external generative tools is a data governance challenge, rather than a GenAI problem, as it relies on shadow IT hardware or software used in an organisation that is not overseen by the IT department.Youve always had sanctioned versus unsanctioned applications. Youve always had challenges with data sharing across the cloud platforms, says Armstrong-Smith. If its that easy to cut and paste something out of any corporate system and put it into a cloud application, irrespective if its a generative AI app or any other app, you have a problem with data governance and data leakage. The fundamental issues of data control, data governance and all of those things dont go away. In fact, what its highlighted is the lack of governance and control.The data governance problem of using external generative AI tools is twofold.First, there is data leakage, where users are copying potentially confidential information and pasting it into an online tool that they have no control over. This data could be accessed by others and used in the training of AI tools. If you take a random dataset that you have not verified and dont know what its trained on, and then bring that dataset into a corporate environment or vice versa, you can poison the model or algorithm because youre introducing non-verified data into the corporate dataset Sarah Armstrong-Smith, MicrosoftThere is also leakage into an organisation, if unverified and uncorroborated information is added to an organisations knowledge base. Users are all too often assuming that the information provided by an external GenAI tool is correct and appropriate they are not corroborating the data to ensure it is factually accurate, which they would be more likely to do when searching for information on the internet.The danger is, if you take a random dataset that you have not verified and dont know what its trained on, and then bring that dataset into a corporate environment or vice versa, you can even poison the actual model or the algorithm because youre introducing non-verified data into the corporate dataset, says Armstrong-Smith.This latter is the more serious problem, as potentially incorrect or misleading data is incorporated into a knowledge base and used to inform decision-making processes. It could also poison datasets that are used to train in-house AI, thereby causing the AI to give misleading or incorrect information.We have already seen instances of improperly used GenAI tools leading to poor results. Generative AI is being trialled within the legal profession as a possible tool to assist in writing legal documents. In one instance, a lawyer used ChatGPT to prepare a filing, but the generative AI hallucinated fake cases, which were presented to the court.In a corporate environment, you have to be mindful of the fact that it is business data, says Armstrong-Smith. It is a business context, so what tools do you have available today that are going to have all the governance in place? Its going to have security; its going to have resilience. Its going to have all of those things built in by design.If a significant proportion of employees are routinely relying on external applications, then there is demonstratively a need for that digital tool. To ascertain the most appropriate generative AI solution, it is best to identify the use cases. That way, the most appropriate tool can be deployed to meet the needs of employees and to seamlessly fit into their existing workflow.The key advantage of using a corporate generative AI tool rather than an open platform, such as ChatGPT, is that data management is maintained throughout the development process. As the tool is kept within the network boundaries, corporate data can be protected. This mitigates possible leakages from using external tools.The protection offered by using a corporate AI tool is that the back-end system is protected by the AI provider. However, it is worth noting that protection for the front end as in the use cases and deployment models remains the responsibility of the user organisation. It is here that data governance remains key and should be considered an essential element of any development process when deploying generative AI tools.Weve always referred to it as a shared responsibility model, says Armstrong-Smith. The platform providers are responsible for the infrastructure and the platform, but what you do with it in terms of your data and your users is the responsibility of the customer. They have to have the right governance in place. A lot of these controls are already built-in by default; they just have to take advantage of them.Once generative AI tools are available in-house, employees need to be aware of their presence for them to be used. Encouraging their adoption can be challenging if employees have developed a way of working that relies on using external GenAI platforms.As such, an awareness programme promoting the generative AI tool would educate users on the tools accessibility and functionality. Internet moderation systems could also redirect users from external platforms to the in-house GenAI tool.Generative AI is here to stay, and while expectations may have peaked, its uses are likely to grow and become ubiquitous.I think for a lot of companies, and where you will certainly see Microsoft focusing, is on this concept of agentic generative AI, says Henderson. This is where you take a business process and figure out how an agent might serve an organisation internally. An agent could operate within an organisations network and carry out specific functions, such as scheduling meetings or sending invoices.Although generative AI is a new technology, which could mitigate mundane and time-consuming tasks, data protection continues to remain a key concern. It is therefore incumbent upon organisations to make employees aware of the risks posed by using external tools and to have the appropriate generative AI tools within their own network to protect the sanctity of their data.As we know with technology, as it gets more commoditised, the price is going to come down, which means AI is going to be more mainstream across the board and youve got more choice about what model to use, concludes Armstrong-Smith.Read more about generative AI riskAs its adoption grows, GenAI is upending business models and forcing ethical issues like customer privacy, brand integrity and worker displacement to the forefront.At the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium, enterprise leaders grappled with AIs benefits and risks, emphasising the need for cross-team collaboration, security controls and responsible AI.With great power comes, in the case of GenAI, great security and compliance risks. Learn how an AI acceptable use policy can help ensure safe use of the technology.
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  • Storage explained: Consumption models of storage procurement
    Storage has long been the monolith of datacentre components. Deployed in forklift upgrades on multi-year refresh cycles, shiny new arrays have not taken long to lose their sheen and become complex to manage and laggardly in performance.Meanwhile, the cloud has emerged and made pay-as-you-go a norm that perpetually retains the sheen of newness for the customer. It brings flexibility in use, deployment, upgrades, scalability, speed of development and roll-out, and with the promise of better cost efficiency.And so storage suppliers have adapted. Procurement options now range from full ownership with lifetime upgrades to pay-as-you-go with storage capacity and performance upgrades triggered viaAIOps monitoring.In this article, we look at consumption models of storage, the pros and cons and whats available from vendors.The traditional storage refresh cycle takes place every three years and entails the entire replacement of all storage infrastructure by new hardware. It is a capital purchase in which ownership is transferred entirely to the customer, with licensing and support contracted from the supplier from then on.There are some benefits to the traditional storage refresh cycle. These include that the customer gets a brand new set of hardware, with adequate capacity and sufficient storage controller power, plus confidence in the security and software update status of the equipment. Customers will likely see a huge improvement in performance following a refresh.Often, new equipment will be more energy efficient and need way less maintenance, both of which cut costs. Scalability will be enhanced and new systems are more likely to provide better flexibility and integration with newer components of the wider infrastructure. Here, think cloud connectivity or containers, for example.Most things that are benefits in traditional procurement cycles can also become downsides.While equipment may arrive shiny, new and work well, with huge amounts of capacity to move into, performance will likely degrade over time.With storage, increases in the volume of data held can affect performance and reliability. Technologies move on, and what was good two years ago might be in sore need of an upgrade now and old hardware might just not scale easily after a certain point in its lifespan.There are also limits to improvements that can come via software patching. The concatenation of updates over time can result in a complex build-up of infrastructure patches.Older hardware will tend to suffer performance degradation and likely more outages. Meanwhile, outdated hardware will struggle to meet the needs of newer software and applications.And then, when the time comes to upgrade infrastructure, there is likely to be huge disruption as installation, migration and go-lives take place.Buying storage hardware outright entails a transfer of risk from the vendor to the customer. The customer may pay for maintenance going forward, but ultimately its the customers business that suffers if outages occur and/or the infrastructure falls short of whats required.Capital expenditure (capex) is money spent to buy or upgrade physical, non-consumable assets. Its a one-time investment with ownership transferred to the buyer. Capex cant usually be deducted from taxes, but fixed assets can be depreciated over time to spread out expense over the lifetime of the asset.Operational expenditure (opex) is money spent on day-to-day running costs that can be one-time or recurring. In storage and IT, the obvious example is payment for cloud services.Opex is listed in financial statements and can be deducted for the year in which it occurs, and it is listed on the companys balance sheet.Opex is included in calculations of operating income, which is then used to calculate net income, or the bottom line.Notably, some organisations in the UK public sector, for example have mostly paid for infrastructure via capex purchases, but that is changing.Why is all this relevant to storage purchasing? The emergence of the cloud and models of operating and purchasing that have arisen from it have brought opex as a commonly used method of expenditure for storage and IT.The cloud operating model arose with the consumption methods of purchasing prevalent in the cloud. Instead of owning infrastructure in the cloud, customers consume it.The cloud operating model has a number of benefits for hardware procurement, including storage.Key among these are that the organisation is not locked into the three-year refresh cycle, and can avoid all the downsides that come with it.Storage hardware can be paid for on an as-you-go basis. That means the vendor makes sure equipment is updated, capacity is increased to meet current and future needs and breakdowns are attended to.That also means no disruptive forklift upgrades every three years, and no necessity to suffer increasing levels of infrastructure inefficiency as it ages. Equipment can be updated on an ongoing basis, with the latest hardware and required capacity always on tap.Often thats taken care of via remote monitoring in which some vendors allow for cloud-like purchasing of increased capacity and performance, while also monitoring for technical issues in the infrastructure stack.Costs can come down or can be matched more effectively to ongoing needs as organisations pay for storage on a pay-as-you-go basis.All that can also mean fewer on-premise employees for support and maintenance while existing employees are freed to focus on more strategic projects.While capex procurement entails a transfer of risk to the purchasing organisation, consumption (opex) procurement brings different concerns and risks.This can include some loss of control.Where outright ownership can bring a feeling of control and security to the organisation, handing over ongoing maintenance and upgrades to a third party may entail the opposite.Its potentially a double-edged sword, because to hand over responsibility is exactly what the customer wants from as-a-service purchasing. If all goes well, thats a benefit.But when things go wrong in the traditional model, everything remains in the customers hands. That might not be the case where a vendor monitors and controls on-premise infrastructure.In particular, there may be security and compliance needs that a cloud service provider cannot adequately meet, which can mean as-a-service procurement just doesnt fit some organisations.Some kind of relationship management with the vendor is absolutely essential for any customer in a cloud operating model so that supply of services and their performance can be monitored and managed.Finally, it can be argued that paying for storage infrastructure as a service brings supplier lock-in.Storage vendors offer consumption purchasing that range frompure opex as-a-service models to fully owned capex spend, but with contracted hardware upgrades.In as-a-service models, customers usually commit to base levels ofusage with upgrades to storage and controller hardware delivered as required.At thecapexend of the spectrum, customers can purchase storage hardware while still benefiting from upgrades to storage hardware, with monitoring and predictive analytics.Dell Apex Flex on DemandDells consumption model for hardware isApex Flex on Demand. This allows customers to select from block, file and object storage hardware, plus data protection appliances.Dell and its customers work out a committed capacity and buffercapacity that is likely to be required in the future. Raw and usable capacity data is measured at component level using automated tools installed with the hardware.Customers commit to a usage term, after which they can go month-to-month, extend the subscription or return and refresh hardware. Also, customers can view and approve pre-invoice reports of metered infrastructure usage and costs via the APEX Console.Storage available via Flex includes PowerStore, PowerMax, PowerFlex, PowerScale and ECS. PowerProtect DD and PowerProtect DP data protection appliances are also available, as are PowerEdge servers and HCI solutions.HPE GreenlakeHPE GreenLakedelivers preconfigured hardware and software and manages the system during its lifecycle with payment via a monthly subscription fee.Storage offered includes block, file and object, that includes HPE Primera high-end flash, HPE Nimble all-flash and hybrid-flash, Simplivity hyper-converged, Qumulo hybrid cloud scale-out storage, and StoreOnce data protection appliances.Storage from GreenLake consumption comes alongside the whole of HPEs datacentre offer. So, GreenLake comes with the full range of the HPE offer behind it, from composable infrastructure such asHPE Synergy, third-party software and services and professional and operational services fromHPE Pointnext.Hitachi VantaraHitachi Vantaras Flex plans offer storage hardware via purchase or lease, as well as consumption models. The latter is EverFlex and is its storage as-a-service offer, which varies depending on whether infrastructure is managed and monitored by the customer or Hitachi. Both of these are pay-per-use, cloud-like models.IBMIBM offers storage as a service and Storage Utility consumption purchasing.Storage as a Service can work across on-premise datacentre and hybrid cloud and is based onIBM FlashSystemand DS8900F hardware. It comes with a base level to meet current needs plus 50% on top of that pre-installed. Base and expansion capacity are charged at the same rate.Storage Utility is a pay-per-use model that delivers 200% over base needs capacity on day one with datacentre upheaval avoided by over-provisioning and use of IBM Storage Insights to monitor capacity needs.Customers pay only for what they use and if their data needs shrink during any month the bill will reflect capacity usage, with a minimum base. The purported benefit of over-provisioning means additional capacity is readily available, at least within the contract period.NetApp KeystoneNetApp Keystone offers hardware in various non-capex formats that includeon-premise and cloud capacity.Keystone payment options range from pay outright for the hardware (Flex Pay), through Flex Subscription pay-as-you-go, to Flex Utility, which aligns costs to usage.A range of service levels is available and billing is for predicted committed capacity, plus pay-per-use for burst capacity and support for file, block, object and cloud storage services.NetApps Active IQ dashboard allows customers to monitor and manage storage usage, provision storage and data protection policies, review usage and billing, and to request capacity and services.NetApps BlueXP provides a single control plane in which all NetApp storage is visible, on-site and in public clouds.Pure StoragePure Storages as-a-service-likeofferings comeunder the Evergreen brand.Evergreen//Forever offers customers purchase outright, but with lifetime upgrades.Evergreen//Flex allows hardware to be purchased but capacity bought on a pay-as-you-go basis. Capacity can be delivered on any Pure hardware that can host it. So, in theory, Flex allows customers to use capacity in any of their arrays.Evergreen//One unifies on-premise and public-cloudstorageresources in a single subscription to provide block, file and objectstorage. Customers pay only for what they use.Pure1 management tools allow management across datacentre and cloud from a single dashboard. This includes monitoring and provisioning, as well as the ability to manage capacity and performance upgrades from Pure.Read more about storage technologyStorage technology explained: AI and data storage. In this guide, we examine the data storage needs of artificial intelligence, the demands it places on data storage, the suitability of cloud and object storage for AI, and key AI storage products.Storage technology explained: Flash vs HDD. In this guide, we examine the differences between flash storage and HDD, the rise of NVMe and much denser formats such as QLC, and whether or not flash will vanquish HDD in the all-flash datacentre.
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  • Learn a new language with over 50% off a Rosetta Stone subscription right now
    Get lifetime access to language lessons in Spanish, French, Chinese, and more at a big discount with this Rosetta Stone deal.
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  • Buy Microsoft Visio Professional or Microsoft Project Professional 2024 for up to 92% off
    Microsoft's project management tools help plan, execute, and complete projects -- and they're on sale right now.
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  • Trumps Big Tech Ties Could Dampen His Populist Credentials
    West Palm Beach, FL - November 6 : Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles listen as Republican presidential ... [+] nominee former President Donald Trump speaks after being declared the winner during an election night watch party at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida in the early hours of Wednesday, Nov. 06, 2024. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)The Washington Post via Getty ImagesMany of the major players in Silicon Valley have thrown their support behind President-elect Trump. AI leaders, for example, have stood behind his plans to scale back nascent efforts at ntiregulation. Big tech benefits from big data, big markets, and big government support. The sectors playbook is inherently global even globalist. At times, it even intersects with the nation non grata of Trumpism: China.Trumps orbit increasingly includes Silicon Valley elites who have managed to overlook the populist rhetoric that is plainly not aimed at them and aggressively embrace the anti-oversight posture that so plainly is. But they are not his only supporters with ties to big tech firms that would seem to fly in the face of the MAGA pitch.Susie Wiles, who will serve as Trumps Chief of Staff, served as co-chair of Mercury Public Affairs until she started working for his 2024 campaign. Mercury is a lobbying firm with clients in industries like big tobacco, junk food, and Chinese technology firms.The Chinese video surveillance company Hikvision has paid Wiles former employer $5.5 million since 2015, according to Department of Justice filings. Hikvision is known for supplying surveillance tech to authorities in Xinjiang province, who have used it to target the Uighur ethnic minority. Last year, Amnesty International found the companys surveillance equipment was also being used in the West Bank.For these and other reasons, Hikviison has been blacklisted in the United States. The Commerce Department barred U.S. firms from cooperating with Hikvision during Trumps first term. But Mercury appears to have circumvented that constraint by contracting with the companys U.S. division.MORE FOR YOUWiles isnt the only person in Trumps orbit who worked at Mercury, despite the firms clash with Trumps policy agenda. In 2018, the Trump administration banned Chinese telecom firm ZTE from buying American equipment. ZTE then hired Mercury to fight the ban; Bryan Lanza, a former Trump campaign staffer, contacted White House officials to lobby on behalf of the Chinese firm. Yet such conflicts are not what Trump is referring to when he talks about the enemy from within.In the long term, it may prove difficult to conceal the flagrant incongruity between MAGAs message of isolationism and the globalist business dealings that Trumps high-level staff embody.That group includes Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, X, and other tech ventures. He has talked about the liberal threat to free speech, publicly rejected his daughter because she is trans and sported MAGA attire at a Trump rally.But Musk is not the only far-right ultra-wealthy tech personality to throw his weight behind Trump. Peter Thiel, the conservative founder of defense tech company Palantir, has supported Trump since the start. His anti-regulatory motives are evident. For their part, Silicon Valley venture capitalists Mark Andreessen and Ben Horowitz each donated $2.5 million to Trump.Some of these guys see Trump as their get out of jail free card, Jacob Silverman, author of the forthcoming book Gilded Rage: Elon Musk and the Radicalization of Silicon Valley, said in the run-up to the election. They imagine a second Trump term means they are free from Department of Justice investigations into their companies, antitrust suits from FTC Chair Lina Khan, and even criminal exposure in areas such as securities fraud. Trump, Silverman said, is viewed as willing to pardon these men and make their problems go away.Billionaires have GDP-sized wallets, and yet that is not enough. Trumps governing style of crass absenteeism might indeed lengthen their leashes. That could be evidence enough to assure them they backed the right man.While some Trump voters might eventually be turned off by his pandering to plutocrats, it likely will not have electoral relevance in 2028. On most issues, it appears big tech and the White House will likely be in sync between now and then.
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  • Todays Quordle Hints And Answers For Sunday, November 10
    Here's some help with today's Quordle, including hints and the answers.SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty ImagesLooking for Saturdays Quordle hints and answers? You can find them here:Hey, folks! Hints and the answers for todays Quordle words are just ahead.How To Play QuordleFor any newcomers joining us, heres how to play Quordle: Just start typing in words. You have four five-letter words to guess and nine attempts to find them all. The catch is that you play all four words simultaneously.If you get a letter in the right place for any of the four words, it will light up in green. If a word contains a letter from one of your guesses but its in the wrong place, it will appear in yellow. You could always check out the practice games before taking on the daily puzzle.Here are some hints for todays Quordle game, followed by the answers:What Are Todays Quordle Hints?Word 1 (top left) hint area at the front of the body where the legs meetWord 2 (top right) hint unattractive or undesirable quality. Also a serving players mistake in tennisWord 3 (bottom left) hint Gerry and the Pacemakers once sang about this way to cross the Mersey RiverWord 4 (bottom right) hint a set of rooms or instrumental compositionsOne of the words has a pair of repeated lettersTodays words start with G, F, F and SMORE FOR YOUWhat Are Todays Quordle Answers?Spoiler alert! Dont scroll any further down the page until youre ready to find out todays Quordle answers.This is your final warning!Todays words are...GROINFAULTFERRYSUITEThats all there is to it for todays Quordle clues and answers. Be sure to check my blog for hints and the solution for Mondays game if you need them.
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  • Siri Will Soon Ignore Hey Siri Commands From TV Commercials
    Key TakeawaysApples upcoming 18.2 update might finally stop Siri from picking up Hey Siri commands from commercials.Apple is yet to make an official announcement but this feature may roll out in December.It looks like Apples HomePod smart speakers will be the first Apple device to get this update.Apples Siri will soon stop responding to the Hey Siri command from TV commercials. Most voice assistants are great at picking up commands, even if its a soft command as long as it is within their range, theyll pick it.While this might seem like a good feature on the surface, it can mistake TV voices for real commands as well and activate them unnecessarily.This has been an issue for a long time. But thankfully, Apple has finally taken notice and decided to fix it in its upcoming tvOS 18.2 update.The company has already released the beta version of tvOS 18.2 where we spotted a new framework called AdBlocker. The name indicates that it might be something related to an ad blocker but a deeper investigation revealed that it is associated with ShazamKit.ShazamKit is an API for apps that want to use the Shazam platform for song identification but Apple is using it to manage the processing of the Hey Siri command.The new framework will download audio fingerprints from Apples servers and compare them with the audio it will get from the devices microphone. If theres a match, the command will be labeled as invalid and itll ignore it. Also, Siri will be disabled temporarily.When Can We Expect This Update?This is all independent research. Apple is yet to release an official confirmation but we think these updates will roll out with the tvOS 18.2 version which is scheduled to come out this December. Its currently in beta mode.Also, since we only spotted this framework in the tvOS, it looks like the Apple HomePod speakers will be the first to get the update.Apple isnt the only one trying to fix this issue. Amazon has been working on something similar. Alexa too has a habit of activating when it hears the command on TV or other audio platforms which is quite inconvenient (and even annoying) for some users.Add Techreport to Your Google News Feed Get the latest updates, trends, and insights delivered straight to your fingertips. Subscribe now! Subscribe now Krishi is an eager Tech Journalist and content writer for both B2B and B2C, with a focus on making the process of purchasing software easier for businesses and enhancing their online presence and SEO.Krishi has a special skill set in writing about technology news, creating educational content on customer relationship management (CRM) software, and recommending project management tools that can help small businesses increase their revenue.Alongside his writing and blogging work, Krishi's other hobbies include studying the financial markets and cricket. View all articles by Krishi Chowdhary Our editorial processThe Tech Reporteditorial policyis centered on providing helpful, accurate content that offers real value to our readers. We only work with experienced writers who have specific knowledge in the topics they cover, including latest developments in technology, online privacy, cryptocurrencies, software, and more. Our editorial policy ensures that each topic is researched and curated by our in-house editors. We maintain rigorous journalistic standards, and every article is 100% written byreal authors.
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  • Anthropic Is Partnering up with Amazon AWS & Palantir to Offer AI Services to the US Defense Department
    Key TakeawaysRenowned AI firm Anthropic has decided to join hands with Amazon AWS and Palantir to give the US military access to its AI bot Claude.The AI tools in question are the Claude 3 and 3.5 family of models. They have already become available on the Palantir platform since earlier this month.Earlier this week, Meta also made a similar announcement stating that its AI model Llama will now be available to the US military.On Thursday, AI firm Anthropic announced that it is teaming up with data analytics firm Palantir and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer AI services to U.S. intelligence and defense agencies.For now, these agencies will have access to the Claude 3 and 3.5 family of models which became available on Palantirs platform, supported by AWS hosting, earlier this month.Palantirs defense-accredited environment, Palantir Impact Level 6 (IL6), makes this collaboration crucial for the defense ministry to safely use Anthropics AI tools.For those who dont know, the Defense Departments IL6 is a storage and processing area reserved for systems that contain crucial data of national importance and hence require maximum protection from tampering and unauthorized access. Mostly, top government and military secrets fall under this category.Were proud to be at the forefront of bringing responsible AI solutions to U.S. classified environments, enhancing analytical capabilities and operational efficiencies in vital government operations. Kate Earle Jensen (Anthropics head of sales)The company believes that this partnership will immensely help the military process vast amounts of data rapidly and securely which in turn will boost its overall intelligence analysis and decision-making processes.Identifying patterns, streamlining resource-based tasks, and reviewing documents will also become quite easy.Shyam Sankar, Chief Technology Officer of Palantir also said something similar and added that the company is proud to be the first in its industry to bring Claude to classified environments.Dave Levy, VP, of Worldwide Public Sector, AWS shared similar sentiments and emphasized how this collaboration will enable them to offer more advanced AI services and foster growth and innovation across the public sector.This news closely follows Metas recent announcement about making its AI model Llama available for the US government and military. Many tech giants such as Oracle, Microsoft, and IBM have joined hands with Meta to offer a full-scale AI service to authorities.However, this doesnt mean that Anthropic is trying to follow in Metas footsteps. In fact, it has been trying to establish itself in the public sector for quite some time now.For example, this summer it partnered up with Amazon AWSs GovCloud to make Claudes services available to public-sector users.Over the past few quarters, AI firms are increasingly trying to work with government agencies, and on the flip side, authorities too are interested in leveraging AI to improve their operations.In fact, an analysis done by the Brookings Institute in March 2024 revealed a 1,200% growth in AI-related government contracts. And although defense-related agencies have been more skeptical in the beginning about this technology, it looks like they are slowly opening up.Add Techreport to Your Google News Feed Get the latest updates, trends, and insights delivered straight to your fingertips. Subscribe now! Subscribe now Krishi is an eager Tech Journalist and content writer for both B2B and B2C, with a focus on making the process of purchasing software easier for businesses and enhancing their online presence and SEO.Krishi has a special skill set in writing about technology news, creating educational content on customer relationship management (CRM) software, and recommending project management tools that can help small businesses increase their revenue.Alongside his writing and blogging work, Krishi's other hobbies include studying the financial markets and cricket. View all articles by Krishi Chowdhary Our editorial processThe Tech Reporteditorial policyis centered on providing helpful, accurate content that offers real value to our readers. We only work with experienced writers who have specific knowledge in the topics they cover, including latest developments in technology, online privacy, cryptocurrencies, software, and more. Our editorial policy ensures that each topic is researched and curated by our in-house editors. We maintain rigorous journalistic standards, and every article is 100% written byreal authors.
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  • The best romance shows on Netflix right now
    Although theres been a dearth of new romance shows on Netflix this fall, one of the streamers biggest hits of the year is a romantic comedy: Nobody Wants This. Maybe that should tell Netflix something about what its fans want to see. Beyond that show, theres really nothing new to report. Instead, well just have to feature Ginny & Georgia, a romantic dramedy that follows a mother and daughter and their respective romances. Thats an older series, but its been renewed for two more seasons.Since there arent many new romance shows to dive into, youll just have to settle for some of Netflixs originals, including Eva Lasting, as well as Greys Anatomy and Outlander. Those series and more can be found among the best romance shows on Netflix right now.Recommended VideosNeed more recommendations? Then check out the best new shows to stream this week, as well as the best shows on Netflix, the best shows on Hulu, the best shows on Amazon Prime Video, the best shows on Max, and the best shows on Disney+.Recently added to NetflixNobody Wants Thistv-ma2024Ginny & Georgiatv-142021Nobody Wants This (2024)73%7.9/10tv-ma1SeasonGenreComedy, DramaStarsKristen Bell, Adam Brody, Justine LupeCreated byErin FosterWatch on NetflixNo one expected an agnostic woman, Joanne (Kristen Bell), to spark a romance with a handsome young rabbi, Noah Roklov (Adam Brody), but thats exactly what happens in Netflixs smash romantic comedy Nobody Wants This. Joanne likes to think of herself as a dating expert, and thats how she presents herself on the podcast that shares the name of this show. But shes in for a real education while trying to navigate her relationship with Noah.The show also explores the potential price Joanne and Noah may face by being together. As a rabbi, Noah is being judged for dating outside of the Jewish faith, which may halt his career aspirations in their tracks. Thats not even counting the pushback from their respective families. Its going to take a lot of work to make this relationship last. But the quick renewal from Netflix seems like a bright sign for the future.RelatedSex and the City (1998)64%7.3/10tv-ma6SeasonsGenreComedy, DramaStarsSarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia NixonCreated byDarren StarWatch on NetflixThere are a lot of romantic entanglements in Sex and the City, but the heart of the show is actually the friendship between four women.Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte York (Kristin Davis), and Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) have some very interesting love lives, and they enjoy sharing the details with each other.For Carrie, the guy she keeps coming back to is Mr. Big (Chris Noth), and their relationship unfolds across the entire series. But someone really should have told Mr. Big to stay away from a popular brand of exercise bikes in Maxs sequel series, which, for the record, is called And Just Like That.Outlander (2014)76%8.4/10tv-ma6SeasonsGenreDrama, Sci-Fi & FantasyStarsCaitriona Balfe, Sam HeughanCreated byRonald D. MooreWatch on NetflixThe Starz original series Outlander has added its sixth season to Netflix, which now brings it within a single season of the shows first run on cable. Since Claire is from the future, Claire (Caitriona Balfe) and Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) know that the Revolutionary War is coming. But knowing the future and navigating it are two different things, especially since Jamie swore an oath to the British Crown and hes expected to keep it by taking up arms against the growing rebellion.If that wasnt enough drama, the Christie family reenters the lives of Claire and Jamie at a very inopportune time to drive a wedge between them. All of these factors combined are making Frasers Ridge into a powder keg thats about to explode.Wanderlust (2018)tv-ma1SeasonGenreDramaStarsToni Collette, Steven Mackintosh, Joe HurstCreated byNick PayneWatch on NetflixToni Collette stars in Wanderlust as Joy Richards, a relationship therapist whose own marriage to Alan Richards (Steven Mackintosh) is on the rocks. And both Joy and Alan seem to be incapable of being faithful to each other.After Joy is injured in a car accident, she takes the opportunity to reassess what she wants in life. Rather than ending her union with Alan, she suggests that they try having an open marriage and begin dating other people. Although Alan and Joy mutually agreed to that, they arent fully prepared for the way it will place an even greater strain on their relationship.Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (2023)6.9/10tv-ma1SeasonGenreComedy, MysteryStarsTanya Maniktala, Shantanu Maheshwari, Saswata ChatterjeeCreated byPratim D. GuptaWatch on NetflixAlthough it arrived on Netflix earlier this year, Tooth Pari: When Love Bites is very appropriate for Halloween. This Indian love story follows Dr. Bikram Roy (Shantanu Maheshwari), a dentist who treats Rumi (Tanya Maniktala) after she breaks a tooth. Romantic sparks fly between them even though Rumi is a vampire.Rumis kind are kept hidden by their ally, Adi Deb (Adil Hussain), to protect them from their enemies, who are led by Luna Lika (Revathi). But having made a connection with Birkram, Rumi risks everything to pursue a romance even though she cant tell him who or what she really is.A Perfect Story (2023)7.7/10tv-ma1SeasonGenreComedyStarsAnna Castillo, lvaro Mel, Ane GabarainWatch on NetflixA Perfect Story is a Spanish romance series that follows an heiress, Margot (Anna Castillo), and a working-class guy, David (lvaro Mel). Margots hard work isnt taken seriously by her family and she feels trapped by her engagement to Filippo (Mario Ermito). As for David, hes got three jobs just to make his ends meet.When Margot flees her own wedding, she ends up in a bar where David is working as a bartender. From there, a friendship begins to bloom, but can they find love and move on together?Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (2023)76%7.3/10tv-ma1SeasonGenreDramaStarsIndia Ria Amarteifio, Corey Mylchreest, Arsema ThomasCreated byShonda RhimesWatch on NetflixOn Bridgerton, Queen Charlotte (Golda Rosheuvel) is so self-assured and in control that its a little disconcerting to see the young Queen Charlotte (India Amarteifio) decades earlier in the prequel series, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story. Early in this show, young Charlotte becomes the queen when she marries King George III (Corey Mylchreest).Unfortunately for Charlotte, love and marriage isnt as easy as marrying into the royal family. Georges penchant for secrecy and his growing mental illness threaten his reign even as he and Charlotte struggle to make their marriage into a true union.Emily in Paris (2020)58%7.0/10tv-ma3SeasonsGenreDrama, ComedyStarsLily Collins, Ashley Park, Philippine Leroy-BeaulieuCreated byDarren StarWatch on NetflixDespite all the criticism, Emily in Paris remains the perfectly predictable, corny, funny, sweet, and modern show that takes the concept of romance right to its source: Paris. While Emily initially moves to the city of love for a one-year work project, she quickly finds herself wrapped up in the beauty, culture, and attractive men the city has to offer. From torrid romances to jealous jaunts, career setbacks, and culture shock, its like a Hallmark holiday movie extended for every season, with gorgeous people in love (and lust), stereotypical French storylines, and stunning fashion to boot. If you like exploring an indulgent, guilty pleasure show every now and then, Emily in Pariswont disappoint.Grace and Frankie (2015)58%8.2/10tv-ma7SeasonsGenreComedy, DramaStarsJane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin SheenCreated byHoward J. Morris, Marta KauffmanWatch on NetflixIts a situation no person ever wants to find themselves in, particularly in their 70s. But alas, Grace and Frankie learn, while in the golden years of their lives, that their husbands and business partners are actually gay and have secretly been in a relationship with one another for more than 30 years. So goes the story of two women who are completely different from one another trying to not only re-start their lives in an elder age, leaning on one another for support, but also trying to find that romantic spark by dating again. Spoiler alert: They succeed on both fronts, offering a compelling look at romance at a time when some would consider these women to be past their primes.Editors RecommendationsMovie images and data from:Topics Blair MarnellBlair Marnell has been an entertainment journalist for over 15 years. His bylines have appeared in Wizard Magazine, Geek Monthly, SYFY Wire, Superhero Hype, Collider, DC Universe, and the official sites for Star Trek and Marvel. He also lends his pop culture expertise to Digital Trends on a variety of TV, movie, and streaming features. Christine PersaudContributorChristine has decades of experience in trade and consumer journalism. While she started her career writing exclusively about tech, she now writes about everything from tech to entertainment, business, lifestyle, and more. An admitted TV junkie (feel free to reach out for recommendations on what to watch!), if she's not working or hanging out with friends and family, she's probably relaxing with a crisp glass of wine while binging her latest TV series obsession. Follow her on Twitter @christinetechCA. Nick PerryNick Perry is a freelance writer who bounced from Hollywood to Silicon Beach to pajama pants. His work has been featured on Digital Trends, Good Morning America, Entrepreneur, Mashable, and more media outlets. If you've seen the list of the most popular movies on Netflix in November, then you probably noticed that there haven't been many changes in the lineup lately. Harold and the Purple Crayon is a relatively new addition, but we like all of you too much to ever suggest that movie. You have better options, and we've put together this list of the best movies on Netflix to help you find them.This week, the Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum action rom-com The Lost City is coming to Netflix on Saturday, November 10. But you don't have to wait around if you want to see Tom Cruise's underrated sci-fi flick, Oblivion, which is already on Netflix. You may also enjoy some other recent arrivals, including Kung Fu Panda 4, Woman of the Hour, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, andA Quiet Place Part II. You can find those films and more in our complete roundup ofthe best movies on Netflix right now. Read more Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services in the world, with over 280 million subscribers. And just what do those people tend to watch? In particular, what is the most popular movie on Netflix? Each week, the streaming service releases a list of its 10 most-watched movies over a recent seven-day period to keep subscribers in the loop regarding its most popular titles.Halloween might be over, but horror and thrillers are dominating the Netflix top 10. Don't Move, a thriller about a woman's attempt to defeat a serial killer, moves to No. 1, followed by Time Cut,a sci-fi slasher, at No. 2. Meanwhile, Woman of the Hour, Anna Kendrick's tense thriller, remains in the top 10 for the third consecutive week.Below, we've listed the top 10 movies in the U.S. from October 28 to November 3, along with general information about each film, such as genre, rating, cast, and synopsis. Read more YouTube is typically used for podcasts, movie trailers, cooking demonstrations, vlogs, and comedy specials. However, did you know the service offers movies and television shows for free? When you click on "Movies & TV" on the sidebar, you'll see an entire section dedicated to films and shows ready to be streamed.If you're worried about YouTube's selection, think again. These programs are popular and widely recognized, from blockbusters and sequels to franchises and award winners. These movies are ad-supported short commercials will air during your presentation but that seems fair considering it will not cost you a dime to watch. Below, explore our November guide for the best free movies on YouTube. Looking for more stuff you can watch for free? Check out our guides to the best free shows on YouTube and the best sites for watching free movies online. If you're willing to pay, read these guides on the best new movies to stream and the best movies on Netflix.Read more
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  • The best romantic comedies on Netflix right now
    Its looking to be a slow month for new content across most streamers, but the best romantic comedies on Netflix right now are a great thing to fall back on. We keep this list updated every month, and although this month there are only two new entries, there are many quality originals and hits from other studios to catch up on. Since the library is so massive, this is a great resource to narrow down your search. Read on for the best romantic comedies on Netflix right now.Weve also curated posts highlighting the best rom-coms on Amazon Prime Videoand the best rom-coms on Hulu, just in case Netflix doesnt have what youre looking for. If you need more choices, check out our guide for the best new movies to stream this weekand the best movies on Netflix.Recommended VideosRecently added to NetflixMaid in Manhattanpg-132002Meet Me Next Christmaspg2024RelatedLong Story Short (2021)6.5/10r90mGenreRomance, Comedy, FantasyStarsRafe Spall, Zahra Newman, Ronny ChiengDirected byJosh LawsonWatch on NetflixLong Story Short hails from Australia, and it tells the story of Teddy (Rafe Spall), a man who wakes up after his wedding to discover that time is moving at a rapid pace: A year has already passed, and every minute, another year goes by. Confused and shocked, he discovers that time isnt moving as fast for anyone else he interacts with. While Teddy and his best friend concoct a plan to ensure he has a perfect day to try and break the curse, Teddy learns of growing troubles in his marriage down the road that make this difficult to accomplish. Long Story Short is predictable and repetitive, but the clever premise and moral lessons about focusing on what matters make for a fun watch.LONG STORY SHORT | Official Trailer | Paramount Movies To All the Boys: Always and Forever (2021)65%6.3/10pg-13115mGenreRomance, Comedy, DramaStarsLana Condor, Noah Centineo, Janel ParrishDirected byMichael FimognariWatch on NetflixThe third and final entry in Netflixs hitTo All The Boys Ive Loved Before trilogy is a bit more grown-up than the first two. It makes sense, considering the characters are growing up, about to leave high school, and making the first truly major decisions of their lives. Lara Jean (Lana Condor) is back from a family trip to Korea that has inspired her to think a bit more broadly about her future. That means making college plans with or without beau Peter (Noah Centineo).To All The Boys: Always and Forever | Official Trailer | Netflix Related topics: Netflix | Hulu | Amazon Prime | More Streaming ServicesEditors RecommendationsMovie images and data from:Topics Christine PersaudContributorChristine has decades of experience in trade and consumer journalism. While she started her career writing exclusively about tech, she now writes about everything from tech to entertainment, business, lifestyle, and more. An admitted TV junkie (feel free to reach out for recommendations on what to watch!), if she's not working or hanging out with friends and family, she's probably relaxing with a crisp glass of wine while binging her latest TV series obsession. Follow her on Twitter @christinetechCA. Blair MarnellBlair Marnell has been an entertainment journalist for over 15 years. His bylines have appeared in Wizard Magazine, Geek Monthly, SYFY Wire, Superhero Hype, Collider, DC Universe, and the official sites for Star Trek and Marvel. He also lends his pop culture expertise to Digital Trends on a variety of TV, movie, and streaming features. Nick PerryNick Perry is a freelance writer who bounced from Hollywood to Silicon Beach to pajama pants. His work has been featured on Digital Trends, Good Morning America, Entrepreneur, Mashable, and more media outlets. Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services in the world, with over 280 million subscribers. And just what do those people tend to watch? In particular, what is the most popular movie on Netflix? Each week, the streaming service releases a list of its 10 most-watched movies over a recent seven-day period to keep subscribers in the loop regarding its most popular titles.Halloween might be over, but horror and thrillers are dominating the Netflix top 10. Don't Move, a thriller about a woman's attempt to defeat a serial killer, moves to No. 1, followed by Time Cut,a sci-fi slasher, at No. 2. Meanwhile, Woman of the Hour, Anna Kendrick's tense thriller, remains in the top 10 for the third consecutive week.Below, we've listed the top 10 movies in the U.S. from October 28 to November 3, along with general information about each film, such as genre, rating, cast, and synopsis. Read more YouTube is typically used for podcasts, movie trailers, cooking demonstrations, vlogs, and comedy specials. However, did you know the service offers movies and television shows for free? When you click on "Movies & TV" on the sidebar, you'll see an entire section dedicated to films and shows ready to be streamed.If you're worried about YouTube's selection, think again. These programs are popular and widely recognized, from blockbusters and sequels to franchises and award winners. These movies are ad-supported short commercials will air during your presentation but that seems fair considering it will not cost you a dime to watch. Below, explore our November guide for the best free movies on YouTube. Looking for more stuff you can watch for free? Check out our guides to the best free shows on YouTube and the best sites for watching free movies online. If you're willing to pay, read these guides on the best new movies to stream and the best movies on Netflix.Read more With election season upon us, Max (formerly HBO Max) is a good source for escapist, fictional political content. From shows like The Newsroom, The West Wing, and Veep to talk shows like Last Week Tonight with John Oliverand documentaries like The War Room and The Bush Years: Family, Duty, Power, you can go full-on White House this month and set up themed viewing parties. No matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on, each TV show, movie, and documentary is thought-provoking and will spark conversation.The best shows on Max (formerly HBO Max) in November also include new programs like The Franchise and returning shows like The Sex Lives of College Girls. Peruse this list, and youre sure to find something to enjoy this month. Read more
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