• When will we know if NASAs Parker Solar Probe survived touching the sun?
    On December 24, NASAs Parker Solar Probe attempted to touch the sun and emerge unscathed.The closest approach ever made by a human-made object to our nearest star saw the spacecraft come within 3.8 million miles of its seething, infernal surface.Recommended VideosAt the same time, the spacecraft reached the fastest speed ever travelled by a human-made object: 430,000 mph (692,017 kmh) or about 28,600 time faster than when youre puttering along in a 15 mph zone.Please enable Javascript to view this contentScientists sent the Parker Solar Probe into the suns outer atmosphere known as the corona in a bid to gather data that could lead to more accurate predictions of space weather events, improved protection of electronic systems, and, perhaps most tantalizingly of all, a deeper understanding of fundamental physics and solar processes.RelatedThis mission truly marks humanitys first visit to a star that will have implications not just here on Earth, but how we better understand our universe, Thomas Zurbuchen, the then associate administrator of NASAs science mission directorate, said in 2018 when the probe launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.But the big question right now is: Did the Parker Solar Probe survive its close encounter with the sun?At the current time, NASA has no contact with the probe as the suns position is obscuring the signal pathway between it and Earth, preventing direct communication. Additionally, the probes extreme proximity to the sun during its closest approach created an environment of intense heat and radiation that interferes with normal communication.The communication blackout is expected and should be temporary, so theres no cause for concern.Scientists, as well as interested folks around the world following the progress of the Parker Solar Probe mission, are now nervously waiting to see if the spacecraft survived and is continuing to operate normally. The answer should come some time on Friday, December 27.For updates on the mission, check NASAs X account, as news on whether the probe has reestablished communications with Earth will drop their first.The Parker Solar Probe has already hurtled past the sun 21 times since its first close encounter in 2021. Two years ago, it sent back astonishing imagery captured as it flew through an eruption from the sun, giving scientists a close-up look at space weather, which is powerful enough to affect technology on Earth.Editors Recommendations
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    Monopoly GOs Gingerbread Partners event is keeping the holiday spirit alive, as players team up to complete their builds and win special rewards like the Gingerbread Train Token. Theres also a Wild Sticker up for grabs for everyone who manages to build all four Gingerbread attractions on their board. To increase their chances of winning, players should participate actively in the ongoing events and collect as many Candy tokens as possible. This guide breaks down all the Monopoly GO events happening today and the best strategy for December 26, 2024.
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  • Mega Abomasnow counters, weakness, and best moveset in Pokmon Go
    Mega Abomasnow is one of several Mega Pokmon that you can battle in Pokmon Go by participating in Mega Raids. These are among the most difficult raids in the game, so youll need to come prepared with a good team of counters that can target its weaknesses.The majority of Mega Pokmon have now debuted in Pokmon Go, but Mega Abomasnow still holds its place as a top-tier ice-type attacker. If you defeat this powerful opponent in Mega Raids, youll earn Mega Energy, which can then be used to put your own Abomasnow through the Mega Evolution process.Youll get another chance to battle Mega Abomasnow and earn its Mega Energy when it returns to the raid schedule from Dec. 26, 2024, to Jan. 4, 2025. Weve rounded up everything you need to know to beat it below, including the top counters for your team.Mega Abomasnow weaknessesJust like its non-Mega counterpart, Mega Abomasnow has quite a lot of weaknesses that you can exploit: bug-, fighting-, fire-, flying-, poison-, rock-, and steel-type moves.Its best to focus on fire-type Pokmon with fire-type moves where possible, as these are super-effective and will deal even more damage to Mega Abomasnow than the rest.On the flip side, Mega Abomasnow is resistant to electric-, grass-, ground-, and water-type moves. Avoid using these, as they wont be very effective in battle.Mega Abomasnow countersHere are some of the best counters to take down Mega Abomasnow in Pokmon Go:Mega Charizard (either X or Y) with Fire Spin and Blast BurnMega Blaziken with Fire Spin and Blast BurnReshiram with Fire Fang and Fusion FlareHeatran with Fire Spin and Magma StormDelphox with Fire Spin and Blast BurnChandelure with Fire Spin and OverheatDarmanitan with Fire Fang and OverheatFlareon with Fire Spin and OverheatThe two top counters for Mega Abomasnow are Mega Charizard (X or Y) and Mega Blaziken. If youve got one of these in your collection, make sure you use it. Having one of these Mega Evolution Pokmon out on the battlefield will also boost fire-type moves used by other trainers youre competing alongside, making them incredibly valuable.Of course, not everyone will have access to Mega Evolved Pokmon. The good news is that there are plenty of other fire-type Pokmon that can cause some serious damage. Even if you dont have any of our recommendations in the list above, simply choose your strongest fire-type Pokmon, make sure they all know fire-type moves, and give it your best shot!As with any Mega Raid, teaming up with other trainers is pretty much essential if you want to win. Wed recommend finding at least five high-level players with strong counters if you want to defeat Mega Abomasnow, but the more the better. You might need to look for a local Pokmon Go meetup or use the Campfire app if youre struggling to get a big enough group together.Finally, its good to know that fire-type moves will receive a damage boost when the weather is sunny or clear.Best moveset for Mega AbomasnowMega Abomasnow is best used as an ice-type attacker in raids, so its a good idea to have one that knows Powder Snow and Weather Ball (Ice) for optimal damage. If youd rather use Mega Abomasnow as a grass-type attacker, go with Leafage and Energy Ball.For the most part, Mega Pokmon are not allowed to enter trainer battles in the Go Battle League, so you dont need to worry about a competitive-specific moveset for now.There is, however, a Mega Edition of the Master League that will make a rare appearance from February 25 to March 4, 2025. If you want to use Mega Abomasnow during this limited-time League, you should run Powder Snow with Energy Ball and Weather Ball (Ice).Is Mega Abomasnow shiny in Pokmon Go?The good news is that Abomasnow can be shiny in Pokmon Go, which means Mega Abomasnow can be shiny too. Both of them trade their green features for blue features.When you defeat Mega Abomasnow in a Mega Raid, youll get the chance to catch a regular Abomasnow. Once you head to the catch screen, youll find out if its shiny or not.If youre lucky enough to catch a shiny Abomasnow, put it through the Mega Evolution process and youll be able to see your shiny Mega Abomasnow!How to get Mega AbomasnowTo Mega Evolve your Abomasnow, youll need to collect 200 Mega Energy. You can earn Mega Energy by defeating Mega Abomasnow in Mega Raids. Youll get more Mega Energy for defeating it faster, so focus on finding a big team of trainers to battle alongside.You can initiate the Mega Evolution process by tapping the Mega Evolve button on your Abomasnows information page. Mega Evolution lasts for just eight hours, after which point your Abomasnow will return to its non-Mega form, so use it wisely!If you want to Mega Evolve your Abomasnow again, youll need to wait for a cooldown period to end. Alternatively, you can spend more Mega Energy to initiate the process early. Finally, note that you can only have one Mega Evolved Pokmon at a time.
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  • Giratina counters, weakness, and best moveset in Pokmon Go
    Giratina is a hot target in Pokmon Go raids, and whether youre fighting its Origin Forme or Altered Forme, youll want the same counters.When the creepy Pokmon is in its Origin Forme (the one that looks like a snake), its one of the strongest ghost-type attackers in the game. On the other hand, Altered Forme Giratina is mainly good for Go Battle League, so its worth having one of each for your Pokdex.The next opportunity to catch Giratina in its Altered Forme will be from Dec. 26, 2024, until Jan. 4, 2025. During this time, it will appear in five-star battles in the raid schedule. To help you take it down, weve listed everything you need to know, including its weaknesses and best counters below.Giratina weaknessOrigine Forme Giratina and Altered Forme Giratina are both ghost/dragon-type Pokmon, which means they share the same weaknesses: dark-, dragon-, fairy-, ghost-, and ice-type moves.Although dragon- and ghost-type Pokmon represent some of the strongest attackers you can use in raid battles, Giratina has moves that can hit them hard, so watch out for those.On the other hand, Giratina is resistant to bug, electric, fighting, fire, grass, normal, poison, and water-type moves. Avoid using these in battle, as theyll deal reduced damage.Giratina countersHere are some of the strongest counters you can use against Giratina in raid battles:Origin Forme Palkia with Dragon Tail and Spacial RendOrigin Forme Dialga with Dragon Breath and Roar of TimeRayquaza with Dragon Tail and OutrageSalamence with Dragon Tail and Draco MeteorDragapult with Dragon Tail and Breaking SwipeTyranitar with Bite and Brutal SwingGarchomp with Dragon Tail and OutrageGalarian Darmanitan with Ice Fang and AvalancheIf you have access to any Mega Evolutions that can target Giratinas weaknesses, its worth using Mega Energy to add one to your team. Some of the top choices are Mega Rayquaza, Mega Gengar, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Garchomp, and Mega Gardevoir.You can also take advantage of weather boosts to beef up your moves. Fog powers up ghost- and dark-type moves, windy weather boosts dragon-type moves, snow boosts ice-type moves, and cloudy weather boosts fairy-type moves.Best moveset for Giratina in Pokmon GoIf you plan on using Giratina in Pokmon Gos Go Battle League, the best moveset will depend on which version youve caught.The best moveset for Origin Forme Giratina is Shadow Claw with Shadow Ball and Ominous Wind.The best moveset for Altered Forme Giratina is Shadow Claw with Shadow Sneak and Dragon Claw.If youre looking to use Giratina as a ghost-type attacker in raid battles instead, the best moveset for both forms is Shadow Claw and Shadow Force.Youll need an Elite Charged TM to teach Giratina the move Shadow Force, although it can sometimes be caught with this move already learned during special events.Both forms of Giratina rank highly in the Master League meta, but if youre looking for a raid attacker, Origin Forme Giratina is the better option thanks to its impressive Attack stat.Is Giratina Shiny in Pokmon Go?Lucky trainers may encounter shiny versions of both Origin Forme Giratina and Altered Forme Giratina. Shinies are very rare in Pokmon Go, but the odds are generally better for legendary Pokmon encountered in raid battles.If you do find a shiny, youll catch it on the first Pok Ball you hit it with, so use a Silver Pinap Berry to score some extra Giratina Candy.
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