• Meet the 52 women competing to be Miss America 2025
    Alabama: Abbie StockardMiss Alabama 2025. Miss America Abbie Stockard, 22, is a nursing student at Auburn University and a member of the college's dance team.Stockard raises money for cystic fibrosis. She was inspired by her best friend, who was diagnosed with the disorder. In her Miss America bio, she said she hosted the largest fundraiser for the cause in Alabama in 2024, raising over $200,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The organization named her its 2024 Hero of Hope. Alaska: Jordan NaylorMiss Alaska 2025. Miss America Jordan Naylor, 27, is the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women development director in Anchorage, Alaska.Naylor wants to educate people about emergency heart aid, ensuring businesses in Anchorage are prepared to help people having cardiac emergencies and that people know hands-only CPR, working with organizations like the AHA and the Anchorage Fire Department.In her Miss America bio, she also shared that she loves platypuses. Arizona: Shailey RingenbachMiss Arizona 2025. Miss America Shailey Ringenbach, 21, is a real-estate agent in Maricopa, Arizona. Her Miss America bio says she became a licensed real-estate agent at just 18 and is one of the youngest sales representatives at D.R. Horton. Ringenbach has sold over $2 million in real estate to date.She also brought therapy dogs to pageants through her Share the Love: Improving Mental Health Through Pet Therapy initiative. Arkansas: Camille CatheyMiss Arkansas 2025. Miss America Camille Cathey, 22, received her undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama, graduating summa cum laude. She will attend the University of Arkansas School of Law.Cathey is an ambassador for Wish Upon a Teen, an organization that supports teens with severe medical conditions. She also created the Proudly Volunteer initiative, encouraging people to engage in service work across the US.Cathey said in her Miss America bio that she can perform accents. California: Kimberly VernonMiss California 2025. Miss America Kimberly Vernon, 28, is a marketing consultant from Santa Clara, California.Vernon spearheads the Arts for All initiative, helping over 40,000 students access arts education. Her Miss America bio says she has raised over $130,000 for the program.She also said she traveled the globe in just 18 days. Colorado: Alexandra LotkoMiss Colorado 2025. Miss America Alexandra Lotko, 27, has her degree in elementary education from the Metropolitan State University of Denver. She lives in Denver today but said in her Miss America bio that she has lived in six states.Lotko, a twin, is a mental-health advocate through her initiative, It's Okay to Not Be Okay. She also supports the American Heart Association and the Miss America Scholarship Foundation through the Miss America's Ladies Who Launch initiative. Connecticut: Monica FenwickMiss Connecticut 2025. Miss America Monica Fenwick, 24, is a speech and language pathologist from Watertown, California. Her work is her passion, and she helped create a Connecticut day of recognition for communication disorders and launched the initiative #CommunicationIsKey to support people with communication disorders.Fenwick was also a member of the UCA All-American cheerleading team. Delaware: Nova Rae GaffneyMiss Delaware 2025. Miss America Nova Rae Gaffney, 24, is from Milford, Delaware, and works as a professional ballerina. She recently performed the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy in Savannah Ballet Theatre's production of "The Nutcracker."She also launched the Behind Closed Doors: Domestic Violence Awareness initiative, raising awareness about indicators of domestic violence and the resources available to those dealing with it. District of Columbia: Katie Ann PowellMiss District of Columbia 2025. Miss America Katie Ann Powell, 26, has an MBA and is a public relations specialist in Washington, DC. Powell also said in her Miss America bio that she played the harp for 20 years, studying at four different universities and performing in seven countries.Powell also champions financial literacy as the president of Jump$tart Greater Washington and hosts the personal finance podcast "Full Confidence Ahead." Florida: Casana FinkMiss Florida 2025. Miss America Casana Fink, 26, founded the clothing label The Unverified and is the chief operating officer for More Transplants More Life, a nonprofit organization focused on increasing organ donation. The Ocala, Florida, resident is also an MBA candidate.Fink dedicates much of her time to raising awareness and support for organ donation. She was named the Donate Life Florida Ambassador of the Year and wrote a children's book about organ donation. Georgia: Ludwidg LouizaireMiss Georgia 2025. Miss America Ludwidg Louizaire, 27, works in marketing in Atlanta. Her initiative, Education for Every Student, promotes equal educational opportunities for students of all socioeconomic backgrounds. It includes legislative efforts and mentorship programs.Louizaire was named the Boys and Girls Club of America's role model of the year. In her Miss America bio, she also said she could recite every word of the musical "Hamilton." Hawai'i: Hayley Cheyney KneMiss Hawai'i 2025. Miss America Hayley Cheyney Kne, 27, is a preventive medicine educator and doctor-in-training from Kaneohe, Hawai'i. Kne said in her Miss America bio that she is passionate about educating people about women's heart disease prevention, and she thinks the "aloha" lifestyle of Hawai'i can help combat the disease.Kne is the first gay Miss Hawai'i to date. She performed hula dancing and singing simultaneously as her talent during the competition. Idaho: Madison AndreasonMiss Idaho 2025. Miss America Madison Andreason, 22, is from Idaho Falls, Idaho, and studies paralegal studies and political science at Idaho State University.Andreason was Idaho's representative at the National Speech and Debate Tournament. She modernized an article about domestic violence for the Idaho State Bar and champions healthy living through her initiative Get Up and Get Out. Illinois: Breana BagleyMiss Illinois 2025. Miss America Breana Bagley, 27, is an attorney from Decatur, Illinois.Bagley champions awareness for rare diseases, inspired by her mother's experience with idiopathic chronic pancreatitis. After helping to found the National Pancreas Foundation's junior board of directors and Camp Hope, she was given the organization's Vision of Hope award for her efforts.She is also the chair of the National Organization for Rare Disorders Policy and Advocacy Taskforce. Indiana: Kalyn MelhamMiss Indiana 2025. Miss America Kalyn Melham, 23, is from Muncie, Indiana. She studied information and communication science at Ball State University and founded the service initiative Acts of Service, advocating for underprivileged communities across the US.Melham also said in her Miss America bio that she loves film scores, listing Michael Giacchino, Hans Zimmer, and Justin Hurwitz among her favorite composers. Iowa: Abigaille Batu-TiakoMiss Iowa 2025. Miss America Abigaille Batu-Tiako, 22, got her degree in business management from William Penn University in Oskaloosa, Iowa. She is the first grandchild of 25 in her family to earn a college degree. Batu-Tiako played both soccer and track and field when she attended the school.She founded the United Voices initiative, encouraging people to celebrate other cultures without appropriating them.She has also played the trombone for a decade. Kansas: Alexis SmithMiss Kansas 2025. Miss America Alexis Smith, 25, is a cardiothoracic ICU nurse in Witchita, Kansas.Smith advocates against domestic abuse, working with organizations like One Love, the Domestic Violence Hotline, and the Kansas Health Foundation to promote healthy relationships and bring awareness to domestic violence. The City of Witchita awarded her an outstanding service award for her efforts.Smith is also an accomplished ventriloquist, practicing for nearly 20 years. Kentucky: Chapel TiniusMiss Kentucky 2025. Miss America Chapel Tinius, 24, is a multi-talented contestant with a background in public speaking, extreme running, singing, and playing multiple instruments namely the fiddle, violin, and harp.She has two degrees from Belmont University and is now a spokesperson for Kentucky Proud, a local agriculture marketing program, and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.According to her Miss America bio, Tinius also runs a fundraising operation called Operation Gratitude: For the Fallen, For the Fighting, For the Veterans. Her grandfather, who served and was injured in WWII, inspired her. Louisiana: Olivia Grace GeorgeMiss Lousiana 2025. Miss America Olivia Grace George, 20, is one of the youngest contestants in this year's Miss America competition. She's an aspiring elementary education teacher and studies at Lousiana Tech University.She's already gotten her start in the field. George previously collected and donated school supplies for local classrooms and founded an initiative called Education is Key Knowledge Empowers Youth.So far, as she shared in her Miss America bio, her efforts have reached over 4,500 students. Maine: Jennie DaleyMiss Maine 2025. Miss America Jennie Daley, 28, is a biomedical systems engineer who graduated in the top 4% of her class at the University of Maine's College of Engineering.In her current position, where she's the youngest staff engineer employed, she's been promoted four times over the past five years.Daley is now eager to help others achieve similar success in the field. She founded Equity in Engineering: Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Women and Rural America to help the career path become more accessible to diverse workers. Maryland: Bridget O'BrienMiss Maryland 2025. Miss America Bridget O'Brien, 23, is studying to earn a master's degree in sports management at the University of Alabama. However, she also dreams of becoming the first member of the Miss America organization to appear on "Dancing With the Stars."That's partially because O'Brien knows a thing or two about dance. She was previously a member of the USA's tap-dancing team and won two gold medals with the group.She's also a singer and the founder of Boomerang, an initiative that helps people reframe their failures into opportunities for success. Massachusetts: Kiersten KhouryMiss Massachusetts 2025. Miss America Kiersten Khoury, 23, owns Savvy Solutions, a coaching business she founded when she was 16.She's also a real-estate agent who earned her license while in college and holds the title of top sales associate in New England, according to her Miss America bio.For fun, Khoury is learning Arabic from her father, who spoke the language while living in Lebanon. She's also dedicated to her initiative, Redefining Dyslexia, which educates people about the condition and advocates for those who experience it. Michigan: Jenae LodewykMiss Michigan 2025. Miss America Jenae Lodewyk, 25, works within the NBA as the manager of player and family engagement for the Detroit Pistons. She's held the role for five seasons and is only the third woman in the league's history to be an assistant equipment manager.The experience has led her to advocate for equal career opportunities in male-dominated fields.Her Miss America bio says Lodewyk also enjoys watching Broadway shows, sewing, and completing New York Times puzzles with her sisters. Minnesota: Emily SchumacherMiss Minnesota 2025. Miss America Emily Schumacher, 25, has made her mark on the healthcare industry. Previously named a PHW Hero for Young Hearts Allied Health Professional Advocacy Champion award winner, she now works as a certified nurse's assistant in her local emergency room.She told the Miss America organization that she's also worked with the American Heart Association and has widely advocated for CPR and AED training. Mississippi: Becky WilliamsMiss Mississippi 2025. Miss America Becky Williams, 23, is the first woman in her family to graduate from college and she's determined to help others succeed in education.Now an elementary school teacher, Williams helped secure full-tuition scholarships at Mississippi State University for winners of their state's local Miss and Miss Teen competitions.As she said in her Miss America bio, she's also passionate about fitness and started an initiative called Make a Move to help others develop healthy habits. For fun, Williams is learning how to fly planes and has over 10 hours as a pilot in command under her belt. Missouri: Ashley BerryMiss Missouri 2025. Miss America Ashley Berry, 21, studies journalism and political science at the University of Alabama. Her biggest passion, though, is supporting young professionals.She's secured a full-tuition scholarship for future Miss Missouri Teen winners and founded a day in her state dedicated to engaging teens in politics. She's also worked to add media literacy lessons to school curriculums and started the Media Smart initiative to further her advocacy.Berry is a bungee fitness instructor and a professional dancer in her spare time, having previously performed with the Missouri Symphony. Montana: Kaylee WolfensbergerMiss Montana 2025. Miss America Kaylee Wolfensberger, 20, is a student working toward her degree in business marketing.That said, she's already had some experience in her field. In 2024, she met with representatives of two NFL teams, the Seattle Seahawks and Miami Dolphins, and discussed women in business leadership roles with them.She also founded the Healing Harmonies initiative to help provide music education to communities in need. Nebraska: Raechel WarrenMiss Nebraska 2025. Miss America Raechel Warren, 28, wears many hats. She is a merchandiser and logistics specialist within the agriculture industry and a published researcher.And that's not to mention her success in figure roller skating, which she's been competing in since childhood. She's now a two-time champion in the sport and aims to skate in all 50 states.In her Miss America bio, Warren shared that she's also passionate about mentorship and launched her initiative, Passion to Purpose, to help students have access to people who can guide them through life. Nevada: Karrina FerrisMiss Nevada 2025. Miss America Karrina Ferris, 22, has a degree in history and political science, which led her to work the 82nd Nevada legislative session for the Senate majority leader.She's also a dancer and the creator of a civic education curriculum available across Nevada.Ferris also founded the service initiative Inform To Reform: Educating America's Future, which focuses on teaching young people about voter participation. New Hampshire: Emily SpencerMiss New Hampshire 2025. Miss America Emily Spencer, 24, is a choreographer, pilates instructor, and professional dancer.She previously earned her bachelor of fine arts in dance with a minor in biology, graduating fourth in her class and accepting her degree on the Miss New Hampshire stage. Spencer hopes to later earn a doctorate in physical therapy.Additionally, Spencer founded a nonprofit and adaptive pageant organization called Miss Inspiration, which provides scholarships to women who have disabilities. New Jersey: Elizabeth MendelMiss New Jersey 2025. Miss America Elizabeth Mendel, 23, is a business student and advocate for people who experience eating disorders, like she has in the past.She's worked with New Jersey assemblywoman Andrea Katz and provided her testimony to help pass two bills in New Jersey that raise awareness of eating disorders. Her initiative, Image is Everywhere, also focuses on the subject.In her Miss America bio, Mendel said she's also raised over $50,000 for her community and is a twin. New Mexico: Emille Marie EnriquezMiss New Mexico 2025. Miss America Emille Marie Enriquez, 24, is an emergency room nurse at a level-three trauma center. She's been nominated twice for a Daisy Award, which recognizes excellence in nursing.To help serve her community, Enriquez has administered vaccines, mentored graduate nurses, and advocated for safe ratios of nurses and patients.In her Miss America bio, the contestant shared that she lives in a "glamper," or a glamorous camper van, and enjoys shopping at Marshall's with her grandmother. New York: Abigail QuammenMiss New York 2025. Miss America Abigail Quammen, 25, can be described as a bookworm. Not only is reading one of her biggest hobbies, but she's also an advocate for literacy via her initiative Read to Succeed, which provides students with tutoring and after-school reading programs.Her work has previously taken her to places like the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy's National Celebration of Reading, where she served as the featured impact speaker.She previously graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of arts in musical theater and is now an MBA candidate at New York University. North Carolina: Carrie EverettMiss North Carolina 2025. Miss America Carrie Everett, 20, is passionate about taking advantage of your circumstances.She founded a service initiative called Seize the Opportunity, with which she advocates for equitable access to the Miss America competition. The program works on contestant recruitment, individual funding, and training workshops.Previously, as she told the Miss America organization, she played tackle football and was the only woman on her team. North Dakota: Sophia RichardsMiss North Dakota 2025. Miss America Sophia Richards is a North Dakota State University graduate and currently works as a host and producer for North Dakota Today.The 23-year-old is also a volunteer and mentor for BIO Girls, a preventive mental wellness program in the Midwest. She once performed the national anthem in front of 45,000 people at a country music festival. Ohio: Stephanie FinotiMiss Ohio 2025. Miss America Stephanie Finoti, 22, is a biomedical scientist and vocational nurse. She began doing research at the James Comprehensive Cancer Center and Cincinnati Children's Hospital when she was just 16 and has been recognized for her work by the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine.Finoti also founded a nonprofit organization to help provide mentorship and tutoring to over 10,000 marginalized students. Oklahoma: Lauren Frost
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  • 2 charts show how spending on most kinds of alcohol has declined in recent decades — especially among young adults
    The US Surgeon General released a report directly linking alcohol to cancer.A BI analysis found that spending on most kinds of alcohol has declined especially among young adults.It's reflective of Gen Z's shifting habits when it comes to alcohol consumption.By the time the US Surgeon General dropped its report linking alcohol to cancer on Friday, Americans had already been curbing their spending on booze over the last several decades especially young people.Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said in his latest advisory that alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of cancer in the US, following tobacco usage and obesity. He recommended updating warnings on alcohol packages to raise awareness of the harmful effects of drinking. However, doing so requires an act of Congress."For individuals, be aware that cancer risk increases as you drink more alcohol," Murthy wrote in a post on X on Friday. "As you consider whether or how much to drink, keep in mind that less is better when it comes to cancer risk."Do you plan to change your drinking habits in response to the Surgeon General's recommendation? Tell us why in this survey.Many Americans have already been cutting back. Business Insider analyzed alcohol spending data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to get a sense of how alcoholic beverage consumption has changed. It showed that spending has decreased over the past few decades, especially among Americans under 25.With spirits and beer in particular, Bureau of Economic Analysis data shows that personal spending as a share of personal consumption expenditures has dropped since 1959. Spending on wine as a share of personal spending, meanwhile, has seen a small uptick.Additionally, expenditure data adjusted to 2023 dollars using the consumer price index shows that younger adults under 25 years old spent less on average than this age group years prior. Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that spending on alcoholic beverages by Americans under 25 is similar to people aged 75 and over.The decrease in alcohol spending among young people is reflective of Gen Z and millennials' shifting habits and priorities compared to other generations. A Gallup survey from 2023 found that 62% of adults under 35 said they drink, compared to 72% two decades ago, with some of them citing health concerns as a key reason.Gen Z is also favoringmore active settingslike fitness groups to socialize instead of drinking, marking a shift in younger Americans' behaviors.It's unclear how the alcohol industry will respond to Murthy's latest report. However, warning labels on alcoholic drinks have not been updated since the '80s, and Murthy urged Congress to take action by updating labels and revising recommended consumption limits to prevent cancer among the US population.
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  • Puerto Rico's power is back on — but outages are still happening. Business owners say it's a struggle to recover.
    Puerto Rico's power was restored after a New Year's Eve blackout sent the island into darkness.Still, the island's power company warned that there could be more electricity outages.Local business owners in San Juan told BI about their struggles to recover.Small business owners and workers in Puerto Rico say they're struggling to recover from a massive power outage earlier this week that left the entire island without electricity.Puerto Rico's electricity has mostly been restored after the blackout on New Year's Eve cut the power for more than 1.2 million customers. But the local energy company warned that it may need to schedule more rolling outages because the power grid is so fragile.One business owner told BI that they'd tried their best to recover from the New Year's Eve outage, only to be hit with another outage on Friday"It's very, very surreal because we were about to have the whole system online today and the technicians were already working before we opened the lunch service and all of a sudden the system went out again," Gabriel Hernandez, the chef and co-owner of Verde Mesa restaurant in San Juan, told Business Insider.The restaurant had already had to cancel its New Year's Eve dinner service because even though power was restored on Tuesday afternoon, it was too late to scramble to open."Once the power's restored, there's another layer of work that has to be done, which is to check our produce, check if our refrigerators are working, check our antenna and WiFi," Hernandez said. Puerto Rico was without power on New Year's Eve and beyond as seen in San Juan on Tuesday. The local electricity company says things are back to normal for the most part, but business owners say it'll take a while to recover. Ricardo Arduengo/REUTERS And in the days since, he's also had to reduce the restaurant's seating capacity to below 50% of normal, he said. The blackout caused the restaurant's WiFi antenna to go out, downing its point-of-sale system, which Hernandez said he hasn't been able to get fixed.Operating at less than half capacity has been especially difficult during one of the busiest weeks of the year, he said. He estimated the restaurant's losses are already in the thousands of dollars. And, he said, the restaurant will never be able to make that back. "Unless we have somebody inject money that we lost, we don't recuperate money," Hernandez said.Puerto Rico's power company warns of more outagesLuma Energy, the private company that transmits and distributes power in the territory, said in an X post on Thursday morning that 99% of its 1.4 million customers were back in service. It didn't respond to multiple inquiries from Business Insider.The company urged customers to limit their energy consumption and use backup energy wherever possible as the electric system gets back up to speed. Luma initially attributed the blackout to the failure of an underground cable, but said on Thursday the cause was still under investigation.The island-wide blackout, which happened around dawn on Tuesday, threw the New Year's Eve plans of the territory's more than 3 million residents into disarray.The owner of another restaurant in San Juan, who didn't want to be named, told BI that she lost about a thousand dollars worth of refrigerated items mostly produce and fish when the power went out on Tuesday.Luckily, she said, the restaurant was already closed that day, but because she doesn't have backup generators, she couldn't save her perishable inventory. And her restaurant's margins are already very slim, she said, so it won't be easy to make back that lost money. San Juan could be seen from the air without power. Some people have generators, but many business owners were left scrambling. Ricardo Arduengo/REUTERS Hotels, too, lost money during this week's power outage. Jose Lopez told Business Insider that the small eight-room hotel Villa Herencia, where he works in San Juan, had to refund a few guests who left early during Tuesday's outage.But, he said, power service has been good since it was restored, and the hotel hasn't experienced any smaller outages.One caf worker in San Juan, who didn't want to be named, said that while his caf suffered some losses this week, it was able to continue operating through the blackout thanks to its generator. People from around the neighborhood were able to come in and get food during the outage, he said.Though some businesses and residences had their power restored by Tuesday afternoon or evening, others had to wait longer. Ryan Pamplin, a 36-year-old business owner, told BI that the power at his house in Dorado took 23 hours to come back on. Once it did, it went out again a few hours later and remained out for most of New Year's Day.The island's power system has been an issue for a long timePuerto Rico has for years dealt with a sometimes rickety power system, highlighted in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017 and Hurricane Fiona in 2022.Tuesday's widespread outage came as the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, or PREPA, has been trying to restructure its debt, which The Associated Press said stood at more than $9 billion.Puerto Rico's new governor, Jenniffer Gonzlez Coln, who was sworn in on Thursday, has called out the territory's ailing power grid and promised that stabilizing it will be her top priority.
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  • Now, Elon Musk Is Trying to Upend British Politics
    Elon Musk appears to have invaded Britainif only via tweet. This week, the rightwing American billionaire stirred chaos by unleashing a tweet-storm against Keir Starmer, the Labor Party leader and current U.K. prime minister. Musk has had it out for Starmer ever since he was elected, and this week, he took things up a notch when he used his platform, X, to urge King Charles to dissolve Britains parliament and dethrone the new prime minister.In general, Musk has attempted to depict Starmers government as a corrupt, incompetent regime that is harming Britain. To capstone that messaging effort, Musk reposted a message this week from a commenter that read: Who also thinks the KING should Dissolve Parliament and order a General Election be called for the sake and security of the country? The King must ACT before it is too late! Musk replied to the users post, stating merely: Yes. Thats not all Musk got up to. The American billionaire also seized on a scandal involving child grooming street gangs and used the episode to accuse Starmer of failing to hold child rapists in his country to account, claiming Starmer was complicit in the RAPE OF BRITAIN. The scandal in question involves the phenomenon of grooming gangs in north England, which are said to be composed largely of perpetrators of South Asian or British Pakistani heritage. Musk was subsequently accused of politicizing the rape of young girls as a means of pushing his own rightwing agenda.At the same time, Musk announced support for Tommy Robinson, a far-right political activist and convicted fraudster with a violent criminal record who is currently serving a prison term. Robinson, whose given name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has been called an anti-Islam activist and accused of Islamaphobia. Free Tommy Robinson! Musk posted. Robinson/Lennon is the founder of the English Defense League, a now defunct organization that lobbied against Islamic extremism. Musk stirred up so much trouble that conservative political allies of Trump reportedly had to distance themselves from the comments. Indeed, Bloomberg reports that senior politicians on the UK right reached out to Donald Trumps allies, urging the US President-elects team not to endorse British far-right activist Tommy Robinson. Why does Musk have it out for Starmer so bad? No one really knows for sure, though its difficult not to see it as a broader effort to make the incoming liberal government look bad so that a different (presumably conservative) government might soon take its place. That said, its not like Musk is the first American plutocrat to mess with U.K. politics. Indeed, the connection between U.S. billionaires and the effort to remake Britain into a rightwing dystopia, has been well-established for quite some time.The U.S.-led push to make Britain more rightwing One reason that Musk and his cohort may be freaking out so much about Starmer is that he is the first British prime minister in years who hasnt enjoyed political affiliations with the American right. Boris Johnson, who served as PM between 2019 and 2022, notably schmoozed with pro-Trump folks, called himself a libertarian, and his policies were largely shaped by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), a think-tank that is part of a global libertarian network known as Atlas. While the Atlas Network was founded by a British citizen, it is based in the U.S. and enjoys associations with a variety of American organizations, including the Heritage Foundation and ALEC (the pro-corporate, American Legislative Exchange Council). Prior to her rise to become Britains shortest-tenured prime minister, the notorious Liz Truss met with a number of rightwing U.S. think tanks, including Heritage, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and ALEC. Later, when she became prime minister, much of Trusss economic policy agenda was also largely developed by IEA. When Truss attempted to solve Britains woes with massive tax cuts for billionaires (a notably Trumpian solution), she was swiftly laughed out of government and abruptly resigned. Since stepping down from her PM role, Truss hasnt done a whole lot except fangirl out over Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak, the interim prime minister who served between Truss and Starmer, also enjoyed dense ties to America and attempted to deploy free market, libertarian policies, the bulk of which were deeply unpopular. Musks propaganda role The effort to transform Western nations into conservative strongholds has been bolstered by propaganda efforts designed to shake confidence in liberal governments. It should be noted that, at the same time that Musk has sought to very publicly attack Starmers liberal government, he has also increasingly allied himself with many of the organizations and forces that have supported Britains cultural and economic drift towards the right.I recently wrote that Musk is basically the new Steve Bannon, meaning that Musklike Bannon before himhelped Trump get elected by serving as a messaging guru who could incite political support by tapping into voters cultural and economic grievances. Bannon, who helped Trump get elected in 2016, is also credited with helping to bring American-style nativism to British political culture. Bannon also notably supported Tommy Robinson long before Musk began tweeting about him. As far back as 2018, Bannon was openly complimenting the rightwing agitator. In leaked audio, Bannon ranted: Tommy Robinson is the f***ing backbone of this country. You lose guys like Tommy Robinson, youre not going to have a country, he apparently said, of Britain. In February of last year, Bannon appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland (alongside Liz Truss) and called Robinson a hero.What Bannon did in a relatively quiet fashion, however, Musk is doing in broad daylight. Through his platform X, Musk has managed to promote a slew of rightwing conspiracy theories and misinformation that seems designed to shake public confidence in Starmers government. Before his pro-Robinson tweets and his comments about dissolving parliament and street rapes, Musk also used his platform to comment on a stabbing episode that led to riots throughout Britain. Musks comments were even credited with exacerbating the riots. Musk also recently called for new elections so that Starmer could be voted out of office. So while it may be happening on a different continent, Musks propaganda efforts in the U.K. would appear to be identical to the ones hes carrying out in the U.S. Those efforts also cant help but be seen as a continuation of a broader effort by the American political rightwing to use racial and economic grievances as a means of radicalizing lower and middle-class populations and herding them towards economic agendas that are designed by and for the wealthy. That said, this program may work a whole lot better in the U.S. than it has in Britain, where the average IQ may be slightly higher.
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  • Zendayas Dune Wardrobe Woes Sound as Harsh as Arrakis
    Zendaya is one of Hollywoods most fashionable stars of the momentif theres a red carpet, shes going to be wearing something distinctive and drop-dead gorgeous. But in a new interview, the star of Dune: Part Two confessed the elaborate costume she wore to portray Arrakis-dwelling Fremen warrior Chani presented physical challenges far beyond towering heels or haute couture suits of armor.Speaking to W Magazine(via Variety), Zendaya explained that despite being in excellent shape after filming tennis drama Challengers, she still wasnt quite prepared for Dune: Part Twos heavy and restrictive wardrobe situation. From the sound of it, nobody would be. While filming in Jordan, she said, It was very hot, and I remember thinking, Oh, man, the bathrooms are so far away, because we had to hike to the locations. If you have to pee, you need at least 10 minutes to get out of the costumes.With that in mind, she said, I was like, Damn, I dont want to drink too much water. I had such a fear of peeing myself or shitting myself, honestly, in the suit on set. One day, I didnt drink enough and I had a heatstroke. I felt so barfy. I remember calling my mom on the bathroom floor, saying, I feel terrible. She was like, Did you drink water today? I said no. I thought I was being smart, but you cant do that. So, lesson learned. Not for nothing, Zendayas remarks might remind you of another critically acclaimed sci-fi blockbuster with restrictive costumes: The Shape of Water. When it came out in 2018, Doug Jones said he had to take care of bowels in advance of pulling that suit. Because when Im in the suit, itll be for a good 16, 17 hours a day. So you have to make sure that youre not going to have a little accident. And that is my biggest fear in this world is that theyre going to pull the suit off me one day and be disgusted by the aroma.Hey, The Shape of Water went on to win Best Picture. Maybe thats a good omen for Dune: Part Two? Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, whats next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.
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  • Apple Intelligence Now Takes Up Nearly Twice as Much Storage as It Did at Launch
    By AJ Dellinger Published January 3, 2025 | Comments (0) | A laptop keyboard and Apple Intelligence on website displayed on a phone screen Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images Apple Intelligence, a feature that is most notable for its extremely bad summarization of texts and notifications, is quietly occupying more and more of your unused storage space. As spotted by 9to5Mac, Apple Intelligence has gone from requiring 4GB of available storage at launch back in September 2024 to 7GB just four months laternearly doubling the amount of space it takes up on a device.The jump in storage needs first appeared with the introduction of iOS 18.2 and macOS Sequoia 15.2, which was first made available to the public in early December and expanded on the first set of Apple Intelligence features that debuted with iOS 18.1 and Sequoia 15.1. The December update introduced two generative AI features: Image Playground, which creates images based off user prompts, and Genmoji, which allows users to create their own custom emoji. Part of the reason these features require so much space is that Apple Intelligence uses on-device processing, so the models that power the features have to be stored on the device. Its also why only devices that are equipped with the companys own chipsets, either M1 or A17 or higher, get access to the featureswhile other chipsets likely could handle the processing, Apple wants its AI functionality to run as smoothly as possible.While on-device processing offers some additional privacy (though, surprise, Apple is still scanning your photos and other content to train AI), it also means that every time a new Apple Intelligence feature gets rolled out, your storage space is likely to shrink. The company is planning to give Siri an AI overhaul soon, and Apple will likely continue to lean into AI for future operating system updates, so expect that itll just keep filling up your available storage space for the foreseeable future. What makes the Apple Intelligence creep even worse is the fact that next to no one is actually all that enthused about using these features. Earlier this year, a survey conducted by SellCell found that 73% of iPhone owners who have tried Apple Intelligence said it adds little to no value to their phone experience.Perhaps that will change as Apple introduces new features that people actually want to engage with, but itll be fascinating to see if the trade-offs prove worth it. Users have already started to complain about battery drain associated with Apple Intelligence operations. For now, it sure seems like Apple Intelligences main capability is providing incorrect summaries of news articles, and all it costs you is an increasingly large chunk of your limited storage space and the need to charge your device more often. Not sure thats a great value proposition.Daily NewsletterYou May Also Like By Florence Ion Published January 2, 2025 By Todd Feathers Published January 2, 2025 By Kyle Barr Published December 27, 2024 Gizmodo Staff Published December 25, 2024 Florence Ion, Kyle Barr Published December 23, 2024 By Kyle Barr Published December 20, 2024
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  • House 104 / FLORA
    House 104 / FLORASave this picture! Sergio Garca PedrocheHousesBaha Blanca, ArgentinaArchitects: FLORAYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2024 PhotographsPhotographs:Sergio Garca Pedroche Lead Architects: Facundo Fernndez, Felipe Londoo More SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. The residence known as 104, designed by the architecture studio FLORA, is located in Las Acacias, a peripheral neighborhood in the city of Baha Blanca, in the southern part of the province of Buenos Aires. Las Acacias is characterized by being a low-density urbanization, where single-family homes of low height prevail.Save this picture!The house features a unique structure that stands out for its functional yet aesthetic approach. It has been conceived around a central core where the services are concentrated, leaving the perimeters free for circulation and the expansion of spaces. The central core, which acts as the house's hub, houses the main services such as the kitchen, bathrooms, stairs, and storage areas, allowing for an efficient distribution of installations and optimizing the use of the contained space.Save this picture!In terms of materials, the house presents itself as a solid block of exposed bricks, with faades composed of double walls with their respective air chambers and 50mm thick expanded polyurethane thermal insulation. This building has been designed to protect its interiors from the extreme climatic conditions characteristic of the city of Baha Blanca during the winter and summer months.Save this picture!Save this picture!Its structure is entirely made of reinforced concrete. The studio has opted for a traditional construction system, ensuring that the execution can be carried out remotely in accordance with the technical specifications provided by the office. A technical direction has been implemented to certify the progress between professionals in Baha Blanca and the studio in Buenos Aires.Save this picture!The proposed architectural design benefits from a square lot, allowing for an optimal positioning of the house directly facing north in its rear view. This orientation guarantees the capture of sunlight throughout the day, thus maximizing energy efficiency, lighting, and interior comfort. With all four sides of the lot free, an equitable distribution of faades around the house is achieved. This provides the opportunity to fully take advantage of the views and cross ventilation, in addition to facilitating access from different points outside.Save this picture!The house features a semi-covered expansion that integrates with the interiors through triple-rail sliding openings, allowing for a direct transition between the interior and exterior. This characteristic offers flexibility to enjoy the outdoor space while maintaining comfort and protection.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessAbout this officeFLORAOfficeMaterialBrickMaterials and TagsPublished on January 03, 2025Cite: "House 104 / FLORA" [Casa 104 / FLORA] 03 Jan 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1025259/house-104-flora&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • 1,500 ancient European genomes reveal previously hidden waves of migration, study finds
    Researchers developed a more precise method of understanding ancestry from ancient DNA and used it to identify previously unknown waves of migration.
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  • Path Of Exile 2: Best Warrior Build Guide
    The Warrior is a classic ARPG class that features some ground-shattering skills in Path of Exile 2. However, in the beginning stages of early access, many players are already calling for buffs to the Warrior due to the sluggishness of its abilities and weaker attacks in the endgame. While the Warrior very well may get buffed in the future, its currently designed for more advanced Path of Exile players.Of course, if you follow the right build guide, it won't matter how much time you have played in the series. Below, you'll find the only viable Warrior build in the current state of Path of Exile 2.Warrior Overview in Path of Exile 2As you might expect, the Warrior is the definition of a melee class in Path of Exile 2. The class' main damage dealers are two-handed weapons like mauls and maces, which each come with skills of their own. However, players are allowed to switch things up and make use of a one-handed weapon along with a shield if they're looking to play more defensively. Shields also has its own defensive skill that allows you to block attacks, but you won't deal as much damage with this kind of build.Continue Reading at GameSpot
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