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    Stop wasting time searching for jobs on Fiverr! These 10 Websites can help you land a job in 30 days: 1. Kickresume Create your resume in 60 seconds with Kickresume https://lnkd.in/etdnQ-iz 2. Aragon: Turn your selfies into stunning professional headshots. https://www.aragon.ai/ 3. TheJobForMe: Get Personalized Job Recommendations in minutes. Over 100,000+ dream careers discovered only in 2023. https://lnkd.in/dyrzf-Uz 4. Authentic Jobs A resource for web professionals, boasting clients from The New York Times to Apple and Tesla. http://authenticjobs.com 5. Flexjobs: You can find remote jobs near you or anywhere in the world. flexjobs.com 6. Wellfound Where startups and job seekers connect. 150K Tech Jobs and 27K companies. https://wellfound.com 7. Hubstaff Talents It is known for quality remote jobs with top talent. Offers range from low hourly rates to six-figure salaries, catering to those seeking a side business as well. http://talent.hubstaff.com 8. Yoodli AI Crack your job interviews with private, real-time speech coaching. https://app.yoodli.ai 9. MetaviewAI AI notetaker that generates interview notes in seconds. https://metaview.ai 10. FinalScout Turn Linkedin into your email collection wirh this AI Finding Tool. https://finalscout.com Share yout thoughts in the comments. #jobpreparation #remotejobs #websites #interviewquestions #interviewpreparation
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  • How this anime-inspired mascot for the Catholic Churchs 2025 Jubilee incorporates traditions
    Luce, the anime-inspired official mascot for the Catholic Churchs 2025 Jubilee, whose name means light in Italian, has been getting a lot of attention on social media. Some people love the cartoon and find her cute, but a few others consider her unsuitable and even repugnant.The Vatican introduced Luce at a comics convention in Italy, with the goal of engaging young people and speaking about the theme of hope.Designed by Simone Legno, the mascot with big blue eyes and blue hair, and rosary beads around her neck, represents a Catholic pilgrim. She is dressed in pilgrimage garments that were standard attire throughout the centuries. Her badge, the Pilgrimage of Hope, identifies the 2025 Jubilee. It shows blue, green, yellow and red figures embracing a cross that ends in an anchor at the base, a symbol of hope. The figures form an outline of a ship sailing over the waves, evoking images of travel.I have long been interested in the central role played by pilgrimage in many faith traditions, culminating in an exhibition and book, Pilgrimage and Faith: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam in 2010. Luce brings a contemporary perspective to the time-honored Christian pilgrimage tradition.Pilgrimage symbolsThe symbols that Luce carries serve as a reminder of the origins of Christian pilgrimage, which began with visits to the Holy Land, the place where Christ lived his life.This pilgrimage was documented by a person who came to be known as the Anonymous Pilgrim of Bordeaux. He wrote in his diary The Bordeaux Pilgrim in 333 about his trip to the Holy Land when the basilica of the Holy Sepulcher, the site where Jesus was buried and is believed to have resurrected, was still under construction.Luce carries symbols that have been associated with pilgrimage in Europe since the 12th century, particularly those connected to the shrine of St. James in northwestern Spain.This Holy Land pilgrimage built a tradition of Christians not just visiting the holy sites but also returning with tangible souvenirs, such as a stone from the Holy Land, water from a well, or even a piece of cloth or a statue that touched Christs tomb. A sixth-century painted box now in the Vatican contains bits of soil and stones as souvenirs of places in the Holy Land.The pilgrimage to honor St. James, one of Christs apostles, whose tomb was believed to have been found in northwestern Spain, became popular in the early 12th century. The pilgrimage route was called the Way of St. James, Camino de Santiago de Compostela. The pilgrimage guided the faithful through several routes across Spain, France and Portugal, culminating in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, in the north of Spain.The itinerary of the journey, written in 1137 by an anonymous Frenchman, names natural landmarks, local customs and specific churches built to honor different saints. Along this route flowed artistic, economic and cultural exchanges. As was customary, pilgrims who returned after visiting St. James tomb adopted an emblem. Since the shrine was close to the sea, James symbol became a scallop shell that pilgrims wore to demonstrate their achievement.Pilgrims were proud of these voyages that entailed much physical hardship as well as devotion. In the church of Santa Prassede, Rome, Giovanni de Montpoli, who describes his trade as preparing medicines, commissioned a 13th-century tomb slab showing himself as a pilgrim. He is dressed in a pilgrims fur overcoat to repel rain and retain warmth. He carries a staff and wears a wallet slung over his shoulder. A scallop shell adorning his broad-brimmed hat indicates that he had traveled to Compostela.The popularity of the pilgrimage to St. James persisted through the Renaissance, supported by pilgrimage fraternities that helped people find companions for the journey and stay connected with each other after they returned. Sometimes subgroups of the fraternity even sponsored pilgrimage-related art such as a stained-glass window.Evidence of such activities is seen in the monastery of Wettingen, near Zurich in Switzerland. St. James is depicted as a pilgrim in a stained-glass window dated 1522, donated by a Hans Hnegger and Regina von Sur. He wears a cloak and a hat decorated with pilgrim badges.Pilgrim badgesBy the middle decades of the 12th century, metal pilgrim badges were produced at low costs. They were soon available at shrines throughout Europe. Each pilgrimage location had its own distinctive badge.Santiagos scallop shell remained a universal pilgrim emblem over the centuries. A 19th-century stained-glass window in the church of Sainte-Clotilde in Paris shows 13th-century French King Louis IXthe only French monarch to be named a saintwith scallop shells on his cloak, even though his pilgrimage was to Jerusalem, not the shrine of Santiago.Sometimes the Supper at Emmaus, when Christ met two disciples after his resurrection, was depicted showing the disciples as contemporary pilgrims.One of the most memorable examples is Caravaggios painting from 1601, in the National Gallery in London, showing an astonished apostle wearing a scallop shell on his vest.Luce, the pilgrimLuce continues, as well as transforms, these traditions. In her large eyes gleam two scallop shells that reflect this thousand-year-old symbol. Like Giovanni de Montpoli in Rome, she wears a coat that shields her from the elements and she carries a staff. The yellow of the cloak references the color of the flag of Vatican City.Like the 16th-century Swiss image of St. James, she wears a pilgrimage badge, this one proclaiming the Pilgrimage of Hope of the 2025 Jubilee. Her muddy boots indicate outdoor hiking, with which any young person can identify. She is depicted as female, representing all people, not just women.Drawn in a contemporary and globally popular style, she suggests an openness to new encounters across the world.Virginia Raguin is a distinguished professor of humanities emerita at the College of the Holy Cross.This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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  • Want to boost your status? Show up as a likable badass
    Alison Fragale is an organizational psychologist and a business school professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Her work has been featured inThe Wall Street Journal,The Washington Post,Financial Times,Boston Globe, andInc.Whats the big idea?Your status among your peers and in your community may seem like an uncontrollable factor, by nature of it existing in the heads of others. However, there are actually many fun and easy steps you can take to supercharge your status in humble, authentic, generous ways.Below, Alison shares five key insights from her new book,Likeable Badass: How Women Get the Success They Deserve.Listen to the audio versionread by Alison herselfin the Next Big Idea App.1. Being a likeable badass is your path to status.A likeable badass is someone who shows up as both caring and capable. When people see you as caring and capable, they grant you status. That is, they respect you and hold you in high regard.Status is a fundamental human need. We all seek status, and it is critical to our quality of life. Feeling respected improves physical and mental health. It also makes it easier to gain power, another fundamental need. The more we feel valued by others, the better our lives are.Our status only exists in other peoples minds. We only get as much status as others grant us. Fortunately, we can influence our status by how we show up. Science shows that people respect those who care about others and are good at what they do. Showing up as a likeable badass is the most controllable way we can affect our status.2. Use your skills to help others.A young woman who was active on Instagram lamented that her older (mostly male) work colleagues saw social media as frivolous kids stuff. She didnt want to abandon something she enjoyed, but she also wanted to build her status at work.I asked her, Have you ever tried to use your social media skills to benefit them?She looked at me, confused. What do you mean?I suggested she could offer to post on the company social media accounts or give suggestions for how colleagues could improve their personal social accounts. I explained that I was active on social media, but not having grown up with it, I know theres a lot I could do better. Id be overjoyed if someone offered to help me edit my profile or give me suggestions for content.By doing what you love in service to others, you will be authentic and strategic.Using your unique skills to help others is the most effective way to gain status. You will appear helpful and knowledgeable. By doing what you love in service to others, you will be authentic and strategic.3. To build status efficiently, find yoursmall deposits.To build your status with many people, you need to find ways to add value to other lives in ways that dont require much effort. Fortunately, there are many small deposits you can make that take minutes or even seconds.Imagine meeting a new acquaintance for coffee, and you offer to pay. Thats a kind gesture, but it doesnt distinguish you as a capable person. What if instead of (or in addition to) buying the persons coffee, you offered to introduce them to someone in your network? An email introduction is free and takes only minutes to write, but its a great way to show up as capable and caring. You signal that you have something valuable to offeryour networkand youre willing to share this value with others.Beyond the introduction, there are lots of small deposits you can make once you start looking for them. Suggest a resource, like a book or website, or offer advice on a problem theyre facing. Bonus points if you type your advice out so you can share it with anyone at the click of a mouse. For example, Ive written out my process for finding and hiring childcare because many parents value this advice. I can now offer guidance to anyone who asks in less than 30 seconds by sharing the documents Ive already created. Find a small deposit that feels authentic for you and that you can do quickly, so that you can add value to lots of people in little time.4. Have a good answer to everyday questions.Like it or not, self-promotion is necessary for building status. People are more likely to know about your talents and contributions if you tell them. But talking yourself up doesnt have to be icky or immodest. There are lots of artful ways to tell your story.When people ask you, Whats new? or How are you? thats an opportunity to tell your story. We often waste these opportunities by saying something uninspiring and uninformative, like Im fine or Busy. But with not many more words, you could say something that inspires curiosity in your listener and opens the door to tell your story.This conversation only happened because he answered my throwaway question well.I recently ran into a friend at an event and said, Hows it going? simply out of habit and politeness. He smiled big and said, I. Had. The. Best. Day. Today. That made me curious, so I asked him why, and he shared a short story about how he had just secured a new client and that he and the client were very aligned on their commitment to serving others.It was only two to three minutes, but I learned a lot about my friends success that I otherwise would never have known. This conversation only happened because he answered my throwaway question well. And because he was responding to my direct question, his response came across as polite rather than self-promoting. Look for short, truthful responses to these everyday questions that enable you to tell your story in a natural way.5. Have other people build your status for you.People dont just learn about you from you. They also learn about you from othersparticularly what others say about you when youre not around. Self-promotion is necessary for managing status, and so isother-promotion: having other people talk about you in ways that convey how capable and caring you are.The more other-promoters you have, the faster you can build status with a broad audience. There are three things you can do to grow your set of other promoters:Meet more people.If a person doesnt know you exist, they cant talk you up. One of my greatest other-promoters is my friend and fellow speaker, Rachel Sheerin. I met Rachel in an airport bar. Your next other-promoter could be anywhere. Be curious about others and ask them questions. They will likely do the same in return. A five to ten minute conversation can teach a lot about each other.Convey that you are capable and caring, both in how you talk about yourself and the small deposits you make. Before someone sings your praises, you first need to establish your status in their eyes.Give the person a reason to pick up the microphone.They cant just think youre a likeable badass; you want them to share this opinion with the world. They are more likely to do that if you talk them up first. Most behaviors in relationships are reciprocated. If you sing someone elses praise, they are more likely to sing yours.Another way is to ask them. This feels a little scarier, but people who respect you want to help and will appreciate the clarity. I will often say something like, I know Bob really respects you, and I want him to respect me, too, but he doesnt get to see all of the great work Im doing, and I dont have a natural way to tell him. The next time you see Bob, will you make a point of artfully telling him about my work? Ive never had a single person say no to this request.If you want to increase your number of other promoters, I recommend my 10-10-10 challenge. This week, meet 10 people, make 10 small deposits, and talk up 10 people or ask 10 people to talk you up. Theres no reason building status cant be easy and fun.Thisarticleoriginally appeared inNext Big Idea Clubmagazine and is reprinted with permission.
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  • Eight bathrooms resurrecting pink sinks for the 21st century
    Blush-coloured basins,originally born from the conspicuous consumption of the post-war era, are experiencing a resurgence in contemporary bathroom interiors. This lookbook compiles eight of our favourite examples.After white, pink was the most popular colour for porcelain fixtures in mid-century interiors, with experts estimating that up to one in four homes built in the US between 1946 and 1966 had a rose-tinted bathroom.Now, interior designers are reinterpreting the trend for the 21st century,using traditional porcelain for a retro feel or adapting modern materials like resin and concrete to create built-in sinks that seamlessly blend into their vanities.Read on for eight examples of how to go pink without being pastiche.This is the latest in our lookbooks series, which provides visual inspiration from Dezeen's archive. For more inspiration, see previous lookbooks featuring architects' self-designed studios, all-white interiors and bedrooms with exposed concrete surfaces.Photo by Sara MagniCasa di Fantasia, Italy, by David/NicolasA rose-tinted porcelain bathtub and shower tray were among the only original details in Gio Ponti's 1952 project Casa di Fantasia when David/Nicolas was tasked with revamping the Milanese apartment.To complement the existing fixtures the Lebanese design duo installed matching his and hers sinks, while floor tiles by ceramicist Fausto Melotti were instead repurposed as a backsplash.Find out more about Casa di Fantasia Photo by Daniel SchferT7.2 dental clinic, Germany, by Batek ArchitektenSplashes of colour delineate different functional zones in this white-heavy Berlin dental clinic, designed by local studio Batek Architekten to evoke the atmosphere of an art gallery.The sanitary area where patients brush their teeth is distinguished by a paradoxically sugary, cotton-candy colour that suffuses everything from the walls and floors to the counter, complete with a built-in basin and toothbrush compartment.Find out more about the T7.2 dental clinic Photo by Ari MaggOddsson Ho(s)tel, Iceland, by DlurIcelandic practice Dlur converted two floors of the historic 1940s JL House on Reykjavk's waterfront into a hostel, filled with pieces by famous 20th-century designers including Alessandro Mendini, Gerrit Rietveld and Ettore Sottsass.In the shared bathrooms, a row of bubblegum-pink sinks jumps out from the hotel's blue-led colour scheme, creating a retro feeling that hearkens back to the era when the house was originally built.Find out more about Oddsson Ho(s)tel Photo courtesy of Martin Brudnizki Design StudioAnnabel's, UK, by Martin BrudnizkiTaps shaped like golden swans spew water into luminous pink-onyx washbasins in the powder room at Annabel's a private members' club occupying a Grade I-listed Georgian townhouse in London's Mayfair neighbourhood."It's really about fantasy," designer Martin Brudnizki told Dezeen. "This is a club, you don't come here for reality, you come to be transported somewhere else."Find out more about Annabel's Photo by Flix Dol MaillotUnivers Uchronia, France, by UchroniaJulien Sebban, founder of Dezeen Award-winning interiors studio Uchronia, designed his own apartment in Paris's 18th arrondissement to be not just close to the studio's office but also reflective of its distinctive visual language.The colour-drenched bathroom balances decadent materials and playful shapes, featuring oversized flower-shaped cushions and ornamental jellyfish alongside a revamped vintage vanity topped with a cloud-shaped hunk of pink marble.Find out more about Univers Uchronia Photo by Dave WattsNorth London house, UK, by The Mint ListPink concrete was used to form a counter with integrated sinks in the bathroom of this renovated Edwardian house in north London by local studio The Mint List.The vanity's ballet-slipper colour, paired with golden taps and pipes, helps provide a counterpoint to the mint-green tiles that enshroud the interior.Find out more about North London house Photo by Sean FennessyHarbour Early Learning, Australia, by Danielle BrustmanAustralian designer Danielle Brustman installed a plethora of different coloured-graded sinks across the Harbour Early Learning facility in Sydney's Vaucluse suburb in hopes of encouraging little ones to keep their sticky fingers clean.For maximum hand-washing incentive, this trough-style basin is set at children's height and finished with curved tiles in a soft petal pink that joyously clashes with the yellow tapware."I wanted the design to inspire delight and joy for the people occupying the spaces," the designer told Dezeen.Find out more about Harbour Early Learning Photo by Mikhail LoskutovBreadway, Ukraine, by Lera Brumina and Artem TrigubchakOdesa bakery Breadway features a cool-toned pink and blue palette, chosen by Ukrainian designers Lera Brumina and Artem Trigubchak to "emphasise the warm colour of bread".In the bathrooms, coral-coloured sinks match the grouting that peeks out between the glossy orange tiles, while cabinets and doorways are emphasised in contrasting cobalt.Find out more about Breadway This is the latest in our lookbooks series, which provides visual inspiration from Dezeen's archive. For more inspiration, see previous lookbooks featuring architects' self-designed studios, all-white interiors and bedrooms with exposed concrete surfaces.The post Eight bathrooms resurrecting pink sinks for the 21st century appeared first on Dezeen.
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  • Heres how to stop your MacBook sleeping when the lid is closed
    MacworldThere are a lot of different reasons why you might want to use your MacBook with the lid closed. You might want to plug into an external display and move your MacBook out of the way to free up space on your desk (although you could always use both screens). Alternatively, you might want to download a software update or play music from your Mac and have found that as soon as you close the lid the download or music will stop.If you want to stop your Mac from sleeping when you close the lid then youll find out how to do that below including the MacBook closed lid settings you need.One related problem you might come across if you are using your Mac with the lid closed is that when it comes to turning your Mac on it would seem that you have to open the lid to press the power switch Luckily there is a workaround for that scenario that you might find useful. So we have also included advice about how to turn on your Mac without opening the lid below.See also: Best stands for MacBook and Best MacBook docking stations. How to use a MacBook with the lid closedThe good news is that using a MacBook with the lid closed is a lot simpler than it used to be if you are using a newer Mac and a newer version of the Mac operating system. In fact, if you are experiencing issues using your Mac with the lid closed then it is likely that you could address this by updating your Mac to a recent version of macOS, assuming your Mac supports it (see our macOS compatibility checker).The crucial ingredient is an external monitor. Connect an external keyboard (can be wireless).Connect an external mouse (can be wireless).Connect an external monitor. If you are using a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, make sure that Bluetooth is on and that the peripherals are paired with the Mac.After your Mac notebooks Desktop appears on the external display, close the computers lid.Your external monitor may flash off for a moment but it will then show your Desktop (you may need to wake your Mac by pressing a key on the keyboard or moving the mouse).You may find that your MacBook needs to be plugged in via the power adapter for the screen to appear on the external monitor, but ours didnt.You can read more about using a second display with your Mac here.But even with these settings, if you arent attached to an external monitor closing the lid will cause the Mac to sleep.What if you dont want to plug in an external display? FoundryHow to stop a MacBook from sleeping when the lid is closedSuppose you dont want your MacBook to sleep when you close the lid? Maybe it is busy downloading something and you dont want it to stop, but you need to carry it somewhere. Or maybe youve left it downloading an update overnight or syncing your Time Machine backup, and youd prefer not to see the backlit keyboard. In another scenario you might want to play music from the MacBook without having to have the lid opensomething likely to appeal to a few DJs.The problem is that your Mac will go to sleep when you close the lid if its not plugged in and connected to an external display.Prior to changes that came with macOS Ventura there was an option to set your Mac never go to sleep in System Preferences (macOS Monterey or older).In macOS Monterey and olderOpen System Preferences.Go to Battery (or Energy Saver).Select Prevent your Mac from automatically sleeping when the display is off.In macOS Ventura and laterIf you are running macOS Ventura or later you might be wondering where the energy saver and battery settings are that you need, and if it is still possible to set your Mac to sleep or wake at a particular time. We answer those questions below.Open Terminal Enter the following command: sudo pmset -a disablesleep 1That should stop your Mac sleeping. However, a better option may be to use a third-party app, such as Amphetamine or Caffeinated. Amphetamine is a free download from the Mac App Store here. Amphetamine keeps your Mac awake by overriding the Energy Saver settings. We review Amphetamine here. Caffeinated is available on the Mac App Store here for$3.99/3.99, this app also overrides the Energy Saver settings to keep your Mac awake, preventing your Mac from going to sleep.How to play music with your Macs lid closedYou can use the free Amphetamine app to keep your Mac awake while the display is closed, heres how: Once installed on a Mac you will find a pill-shaped icon in the menu bar at the top of the screen. You can choose from options such as Start New Session While File is Downloading or While App is Running.If you want to keep Music (or what app you are using)running with the lid closed, first, you need to have that app open. Then follow these steps:Click on the Amphetamine icon in the menu bar.Click on Quick Settings.In the Session Defaults section, deselect Allow system sleep when display is closed.Go back to the main menu and select While App is Running and pick Music or the app you are using. If your app is not open, it will not appear in the list. Only apps that are running appear.You will now be able to shut your Macs lid and continue listening to Music. FoundryHow to continue a download with a MacBook lid closedYou could also use Amphetamine if you wanted to download something with the screen closed, but you can also set your Mac to wake for network access, which should mean your Mac can still run updates in the background even if its sleeping.In macOS Ventura and laterOpen System Settings.Go to Battery.Click on Options.Make sure that Wake for network access is set to Always.In macOS Monterey and olderThere is a similar setting in Monterey and older that you can use to make sure downloads continue in the background.Open System Preferences.Go to Battery (or Energy Saver).Choose Wake for network access.See: How Apple has revamped System Preferences in macOS Ventura.FoundryHow to turn on the MacBook with the lid closedIf your setup means your MacBook is attached to a display you will be able to use it without having the display openbut what about when you need to turn it on? At that point, you will need to open the lid to press the Power button right? Not necessarily. Its easy to wake your MacBook from sleep without opening the lid. Just click or move the mouse or tap on the keyboard. But what if you want to start the Mac up without opening the lid to reveal the power button?Can it be done? It can! (Sort of)macOS Ventura and laterIn older versions of macOS it was possible to set your Mac to switch on and off at certain times of the day. Unfortunately, this is no longer as simple to set up.To schedule your Mac to turn on or off in macOS Ventura or later you need to use Terminal. Follow these steps:Open Terminal. enter one of the following pmset commands: pmset -g sched (See the current schedule).sudo pmset repeat wake M 8:00:00 (Schedule your Mac to wake at 8:00 a.m. every Monday.)sudo pmset repeat cancel (Cancel the current schedule.)Press Return. For more advice about how to do this consult Apples support page. We also cover How to schedule your Mac to turn on and off separately and How to set the power scheduler that disappeared in macOS Ventura.macOS Monterey and older:There is a setting in Monterey and older that lets you set your Mac to switch on at a particular time. Open System Preferences.Click Battery (or Energy Saver in older versions).Click Schedule.Now click beside Start Up or Wake and choose the days and times you want your Mac to start up. Note that the Mac will only turn on when it is plugged into poweryou could just leave the Mac unplugged, and then when you want it to start up, simply plug it in.Foundry
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