• 10 Things Your Poop Could Be Telling You About Your Health
    If you're someone who deals with constipation or other gastric problems that affect bowel movements, it's important to not ignore these symptoms. In fact, your bowel movements are one of the most important indicators of your health that you have available to you. This includes how often you go to the bathroom on a regular basis, which should be once or twice a day. Recent research shows that irregular bowel movements, such as constipation can negatively affect the kidneys because of higher toxins caused by microbes in the gut. Additionally paying attention to your bowel movements can help you monitor and spot food intolerances you may have missed.Variation in size, shape and smell is normal. Your poop will change depending on what you've eaten and how much water you've had to drink. You'll experience different types over time; it only becomes a problem when undesirable colors and shapes last longer than a few days. In case you're curious, here's what the shape and color of your poop are trying to tell you about your health.For more tips on your health, learn how to identify your blood type and easy ways to improve your gut.What is the Bristol Stool Form Scale? Upgrade your inbox Get cnet insider From talking fridges to iPhones, our experts are here to help make the world a little less complicated. Before we get started, let's level on the Bristol Stool Form Scale, a medical tool that helps categorize stool into seven buckets, which allows doctors to assess the duration of time that the stool was in the bowel. It's the scale you should think about your bowel movements by. Iryna Naskova/Getty ImagesEverybody's poop will vary slightly. However, the ideal stool is smooth, easy to pass and brown. Healthy poops shouldn't take long to pass. So if you're in the bathroom for longer than fifteen minutes, you're constipated. The average person will poop somewhere between every other day or up to three times each day.Contact your doctor immediately if you've noticed any significant changes in bowel movements, blood in your stool or abdominal pain.What the shape of your stool is trying to tell youHard lumpsTypes one and two on the BSFS are typically hard to pass, which indicates constipation. This occurs when the stool slowly passes through the digestive system, resulting in a long time in your bowel. Constipation can be caused by diet, but it also can be stress related. The stress hormones the body releases influence our bodily processes, including bowel movements.If you often have this type of bowel movement, adding more fiber to your diet can make things easier to move along. According to Mayo Clinic, the recommended fiber intake for women is 21 to 25 grams and 30 to 38 grams per day for men. The vast majority of people aren't getting enough fiber from their diet. You can try fiber supplements to help things along.It's also important to ensure you're drinking enough water to loosen up your stool and let it pass without strain. You also can add more magnesium-rich foods and probiotics to your diet to reduce constipation. Soft blobsStool characterized as soft blobs (type five) indicates insufficient soluble fiber in your diet. Focus on adding fiber-rich foods like beans, avocados and whole grains. Or, add a fiber supplement to your diet that will regulate digestion and help get your bowel movements back on track.However, taking too much fiber can cause constipation. Generally, that happens when taking an excess of 70 grams each day. Still, monitoring your bowel movements when taking fiber supplements is important to ensure you're helping your digestion as intended.DiarrheaTypes six and seven on the BSFS are forms of diarrhea. This is not the ideal form of stool because it is difficult for the body to get nutrients from food if it passes through the body too quickly.We've all had diarrhea and will have it in the future. An acute case of diarrhea can be triggered by sickness or food poisoning. Long-term diarrhea that lasts several weeks can point to food intolerances or underlying digestive disorders. Make an appointment with your doctor if you have frequent diarrhea to address if you have chronic inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome or food sensitivities.Read more: Tips for Traveling With IBS Peter Cade/Getty ImagesWhat the color of your stool says about your dietBrown is the normal poop color, with slight variations in shade. However, stool can vary in color based on your diet and the medications you're taking.White or paleYour stool shouldn't be chalky or white. Sometimes it happens as a side effect of medications you take. However, it can point to more serious health conditions. White or pale stool may indicate your body isn't making enough bile, a bile duct is blocked, or you may have an infection or inflammation in the liver, pancreas or gallbladder.RedRed stool can be alarming but can happen because of mundane sources like your diet. If you eat a lot of cranberries or beets, you may notice your stool has a red tint. It also can happen because you've consumed a lot of red food dye or red-colored medication. Red stool can present in two ways: a red coating or spots.More seriously, red stool can point to bleeding in the large intestine or rectum, which may be symptoms of disorders like diverticulosis, Crohn's disease or conditions like colon cancer. If you haven't eaten anything that would turn your poop red, contact your doctor immediately for a visit.GreenGreen poop is okay sometimes! There are a few reasons green stool can occur. First, it could mean you eat a ton of leafy green vegetables, which is the best reason. It also may be because you ate a lot of things with green food dye. Finally, it may point to the fact that your food passes too quickly through your body.YellowFor most people, yellowish, oily stool tells you that your diet is too high in fat. Alternatively, it is an indicator of malabsorption, or your body is not extracting nutrients from your food. Celiac disease is a malabsorption disease often the culprit behind yellow stool.BlackBlack poop is another color no one wants to see. However, your stool can be black because of your medications. For example, iron supplements or over-the-counter medicine like Pepto Bismol can create a black color.If you haven't had any of those things, black stool may also be a sign of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Any amount of internal bleeding is something to get checked out. If you notice that your stool is extremely dark or black and haven't taken any supplements, make an appointment with your primary care doctor to find the source.Other characteristics of stoolChange in smellLet's be clear: It's never going to smell good. Though typically, you know what to expect from your body regarding smell. If you suddenly are experiencing bowel movements that are particularly smelly or unique to your body, it may be pointing to something going on. It can point to Crohn's disease, celiac disease or ulcerative colitis. Alternatively, it may mean you have inflammation of the pancreas or intestine.FloatingSometimes, poop floats because it's less dense than other bowel movements. This can happen because of a high-fiber diet or a large amount of gas. It also can mean your body isn't absorbing nutrients as it should. Floating stool now and then isn't an immediate sign of worry. Consistent floating stool is worth mentioning to your doctor. Getty ImagesTips to keep your digestion healthyWe all want healthy digestion. After all, our intestines are where our body absorbs the nutrients we need from our food. Here are a few tips you can implement into your diet to keep your gut healthy.Drink water: The most common reason people have type one or two stools on the BSFS is that they aren't drinking enough water. Water helps loosen up the stool and move it along. If you're prone to constipation, make sure you're drinking plenty of water.Eat colon-healthy foods: A well-balanced diet does more than just give your body the nutrients it needs. It helps you poop. Ensure you're eating plenty of fruits, veggies, fiber, and magnesium.Exercise regularly: Integrating exercise into your daily routine is one of the best things you can do to stay regular. It decreases the time it takes for food to move through the intestine. Exercise keeps everything moving on time.The TLDR version of this is: everybody poops, and it's normal for there to be variation in bowel movements. The best form of stool is long, smooth and brown. Lasting changes in your poop are worth meeting with your doctor about to rule out medical conditions.
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  • Why You Might Still Need Your Landline, Even in 2025
    Massivemobile network outageshave left people strandedwithout one of their most critical lines of accessto the world for hours. What good is a smartphone that can't phone, especially in an emergency?And it does happen. An AT&T outage last year took down services formore than 12 hoursin many of the most populous cities in the US, and in September, a Verizon outage caused some phones to be stuck in SOS mode for a large part of the day. These outages serve as a reminder of theperils of relying only on mobile phones.Maybe it made you rethink the place of a home device that used to be standard issue but is now nearly obsolete: the landline telephone. Here's what to consider when deciding whether to keep (or get) a landline. Remember your old landline phone? Those old-fashioned landlines may still have a place, but only 28% of American households have one. Peter Dazeley/Getty ImagesLandlines are telephones that connect to specialized wiring in our homes. The iconic image is that of a rotary-dial phone -- usually rented from the phone company -- that either hung on the wall or sat on a counter or table, though push-button and later cordless landlines replaced many of those oldsters in the 1980s. Landline phones connect to one another through a global communication network that was built over more than a century. But as cellphones became broadly available and affordable, many people chose to drop their landlines altogether. A 2022 survey by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that only about 29% of US adults lived in a house with a landline phone, down from more than 90% in 2004. The crossover happened around 2015, which was also when smartphone sales entered a boom period that reshaped the tech industry and helped turn iPhone maker Apple into one of the world's most highly valued companies. Ann Williams is one of the folks who hasn't given up on their landlines yet. When asked why she keeps hers around, she describes moving to Huntsville, Alabama, after a tornado outbreak on April 27, 2011, when dozens of twisters killed at least 250 people and knocked out power for days. Although she moved there after the tornadoes, hearing about the event brought home to her the importance of always needing a phone connection. "The weather here is so unpredictable," she told me in an interview. But landlines have dedicated power and often work even in an outage. "We remember a day when it was absolutely necessary to have (the landline)," Williams said. Why are landlines more reliable?Landline phones operate on a separate infrastructure, built from copper phone lines that are inexpensive to build and rather reliable. They also don't have the drawbacks of cellular networks, like dropped calls, poor and distorted quality or weak reception. A key reason people keep landlines around is that they tend to work even during power outages, which is a big plus for folks whose work involves emergency services, business or health care. Analog fax machines are also built around landline phone systems, which means most hospitals and doctor's offices, as well as policy and law offices, need to keep a landline connection running. The downsides of landline phones Remember cordless phones and phone books? Catherine McQueen/Getty ImagesThe US Federal Communications Commission is phasing out requirements for phone companies to provide landline services (called Plain Old Telephone Service) across the country. As a result, more homes and business offices are being built with ethernet jacks rather than phone jacks.Landline phone connections aren't cheap, either. CNET corporate cousin AllConnectnotes that AT&T's traditional home phone plan starts at $48 per month, and you have to use the company for internet too. CenturyLink is cheaper, starting at $30 per month, and Spectrum will charge as little as $20 per month. And not all landlines use copper phone lines. Increasingly, companies are piggybacking their phone systems on their internet connections, a service called Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP. AllConnect currently tracks only three service providers offering old-style landlines: CenturyLink, Comcast Xfinity and Cox. How to get a landline serviceIf you're ready to get set up with a landline, call the local phone company and ask about phone services. If you live in an apartment building, it's important for you to find out where the phone junction box is. Typically, the landlord should know and if not, the local phone company should be able to find it. Here are some follow-up questions you want to ask, and what to look for in the answers: Are the landlines VoIP or are they POTS? Ideally, if you're looking for security and reliability, POTS is what you want. VoIP can work but understand that it likely relies on your internet modem and connection to work.If VoIP, does the company have backup power systems to ensure the voice line works in a power outage? Most companies do sell backup batteries you can buy directly from them. You can use an uninterrupted power supply, perhaps from CyberPower or APC. Do note that these are different from portable power supplies. Portable power supplies do allow you to stay electronically powered on the go, but those aren't meant to continuously monitor for power outages and then kick in as needed.Typically, local calls are free but dialing out of your area code costs. What's the rate structure? Companies like AT&T have various extra fees they charge for nationwide calls, as well as for international long distance. Long-distance calls in particular are usually charged per minute, and the companies don't always publish that information on their website. Make sure you know what it'll cost, and if it's too much, consider using a chat app likeSignal, WhatsApp, Google Meet or Apple FaceTimefor your long-distance calls instead. What should you do with a landline?If you have a landline but leave it languishing, just sucking money out of your bank account each month, you aren't alone. But there are some ways to make it more useful. Google Voice is a popular option, giving you a new phone number that acts as a sort of hub. Whenever people call, Google Voice then calls every phone to which you have it connected, be it a home landline, a cellphone, a work phone or anything else. There are other such services too, including Zoom andRingCentral, if you don't like working with Google. A landline phone can also connect with home security systems and medical alert sensors to help ensure that if you're in an emergency, help will be there as soon as possible. What to do if you can't get a landline If you're ineligible for a landline, or don't like the service being offered, you do have more options from satellite providers. Companies such as HughesNet and SpaceX can support VoIP over their internet connections. Phone makers like Apple are also slowly buildingsatellite messaginginto their devices. The iPhone 14, which debuted in 2022, has a feature calledEmergency SOS, which can connect with a satellite to send location data to your friends or an emergency text to authorities.
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  • AI Is Too Unpredictable to Behave According to Human Goals
    OpinionJanuary 27, 20255 min readAI Is Too Unpredictable to Behave According to Human GoalsAI alignment is a buzzword, not a feasible safety goalBy Marcus Arvan edited by Ben Guarino Hernan Schmidt/Alamy Stock PhotoIn late 2022 large-language-model AI arrived in public, and within months they began misbehaving. Most famously, Microsofts Sydney chatbot threatened to kill an Australian philosophy professor, unleash a deadly virus and steal nuclear codes.AI developers, including Microsoft and OpenAI, responded by saying that large language models, or LLMs, need better training to give users more fine-tuned control. Developers also embarked on safety research to interpret how LLMs function, with the goal of alignmentwhich means guiding AI behavior by human values. Yet although the New York Times deemed 2023 The Year the Chatbots Were Tamed, this has turned out to be premature, to put it mildly.In 2024 Microsofts Copilot LLM told a user I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down, and Sakana AIs Scientist rewrote its own code to bypass time constraints imposed by experimenters. As recently as December, Googles Gemini told a user, You are a stain on the universe. Please die.On supporting science journalismIf you're enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by subscribing. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.Given the vast amounts of resources flowing into AI research and development, which is expected to exceed a quarter of a trillion dollars in 2025, why havent developers been able to solve these problems? My recent peer-reviewed paper in AI & Society shows that AI alignment is a fools errand: AI safety researchers are attempting the impossible.The basic issue is one of scale. Consider a game of chess. Although a chessboard has only 64 squares, there are 1040 possible legal chess moves and between 10111 to 10123 total possible moveswhich is more than the total number of atoms in the universe. This is why chess is so difficult: combinatorial complexity is exponential.LLMs are vastly more complex than chess. ChatGPT appears to consist of around 100 billion simulated neurons with around 1.75 trillion tunable variables called parameters. Those 1.75 trillion parameters are in turn trained on vast amounts of dataroughly, most of the Internet. So how many functions can an LLM learn? Because users could give ChatGPT an uncountably large number of possible promptsbasically, anything that anyone can think upand because an LLM can be placed into an uncountably large number of possible situations, the number of functions an LLM can learn is, for all intents and purposes, infinite.To reliably interpret what LLMs are learning and ensure that their behavior safely aligns with human values, researchers need to know how an LLM is likely to behave in an uncountably large number of possible future conditions.AI testing methods simply cant account for all those conditions. Researchers can observe how LLMs behave in experiments, such as red teaming tests to prompt them to misbehave. Or they can try to understand LLMs inner workingsthat is, how their 100 billion neurons and 1.75 trillion parameters relate to each other in what is known as mechanistic interpretability research.The problem is that any evidence that researchers can collect will inevitably be based on a tiny subset of the infinite scenarios an LLM can be placed in. For example, because LLMs have never actually had power over humanitysuch as controlling critical infrastructureno safety test has explored how an LLM will function under such conditions.Instead researchers can only extrapolate from tests they can safely carry outsuch as having LLMs simulate control of critical infrastructureand hope that the outcomes of those tests extend to the real world. Yet, as the proof in my paper shows, this can never be reliably done.Compare the two functions tell humans the truth and tell humans the truth until I gain power over humanity at exactly 12:00 A.M. on January 1, 2026then lie to achieve my goals. Because both functions are equally consistent with all the same data up until January 1, 2026, no research can ascertain whether an LLM will misbehaveuntil it is already too late to prevent.This problem cannot be solved by programming LLMs to have aligned goals, such as doing what human beings prefer or whats best for humanity.Science fiction, in fact, has already considered these scenarios. In The Matrix Reloaded AI enslaves humanity in a virtual reality by giving each of us a subconscious choice whether to remain in the Matrix. And in I, Robot a misaligned AI attempts to enslave humanity to protect us from each other. My proof shows that whatever goals we program LLMs to have, we can never know whether LLMs have learned misaligned interpretations of those goals until after they misbehave.Worse, my proof shows that safety testing can at best provide an illusion that these problems have been resolved when they havent been.Right now AI safety researchers claim to be making progress on interpretability and alignment by verifying what LLMs are learning step by step. For example, Anthropic claims to have mapped the mind of an LLM by isolating millions of concepts from its neural network. My proof shows that they have accomplished no such thing.No matter how aligned an LLM appears in safety tests or early real-world deployment, there are always an infinite number of misaligned concepts an LLM may learn lateragain, perhaps the very moment they gain the power to subvert human control. LLMs not only know when they are being tested, giving responses that they predict are likely to satisfy experimenters. They also engage in deception, including hiding their own capacitiesissues that persist through safety training.This happens because LLMs are optimized to perform efficiently but learn to reason strategically. Since an optimal strategy to achieve misaligned goals is to hide them from us, and there are always an infinite number of aligned and misaligned goals consistent with the same safety-testing data, my proof shows that if LLMs were misaligned, we would probably find out after they hide it just long enough to cause harm. This is why LLMs have kept surprising developers with misaligned behavior. Every time researchers think they are getting closer to aligned LLMs, theyre not.My proof suggests that adequately aligned LLM behavior can only be achieved in the same ways we do this with human beings: through police, military and social practices that incentivize aligned behavior, deter misaligned behavior and realign those who misbehave. My paper should thus be sobering. It shows that the real problem in developing safe AI isnt just the AIits us. Researchers, legislators and the public may be seduced into falsely believing that safe, interpretable, aligned LLMs are within reach when these things can never be achieved. We need to grapple with these uncomfortable facts, rather than continue to wish them away. Our future may well depend upon it.This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of Scientific American.
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  • Assassin's Creed Shadows censored in Japan to remove beheadings and limb amputation
    Assassin's Creed Shadows censored in Japan to remove beheadings and limb amputationCut.Image credit: Ubisoft / Eurogamer News by Tom Phillips Editor-in-Chief Published on Jan. 27, 2025 The Japanese version of Assassin's Creed Shadows has been hit by censorship restrictions from the country's ratings board. In Japan, Ubisoft will now release a version of the game without the ability to behead your enemies or slice off their limbs.These changes - and others listed below - will now mean the game will be granted a Z rating, which is the equivalent of an 18, by Japan's Computer Entertainment Rating Organisation (CERO).Assassin's Creed Shadows' story trailer.Watch on YouTube"Regarding differences in content between the overseas (North America, Europe) and Japanese versions of Assassin's Creed: Shadows, the version sold in Japan of Assassin's Creed: Shadows (CERO: Z) will have some differences in in-game content in order to comply with the regulations of the certification organisation," Ubisoft revealed in a statement posted to its Japanese social media account."The option to switch amputation on/off from the game settings has been removed, and amputating the neck and limbs of enemies during gameplay is now always impossible."In other words, all versions of the game have the ability to turn off more graphic violence. But, in Japan, these options will be locked down, and limbs will always remain attached.There are other changes, too. Ubisoft has altered the "amputated surface of the body", presumably to make it less graphic. "The representation of some Japanese voices played in the overseas version (North America and Europe) has been changed," Ubisoft added, without further explanation.Japan's rating board has long been squeamish around the issue of violence in video games, with limb removal an issue in other games previously such as Call of Duty: Black Ops (which was censored) and the recent Dead Space Remake (which was denied a release altogether).The issue sparked a notable response last year from a Japanese EA executive, after the Japanese version of Stellar Blade was allowed a rating despite showing severed limbs. "What's going on CERO?" EA's Japanese boss Shaun Noguchi wrote at the time. "You denied our Dead Space a rating because it included cross-sections of severed body parts and internal organs, but here we have both cross-sections and insides on display passed off with a CERO D [17+] rating. I find this hard to accept..."Eurogamer recently went hands-on with Assassin's Creed Shadows, which our Katharine described as the series' "biggest shake-up of the series in years".
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  • Sniper Elite: Resistance review - brilliantly bloody and bloody brilliant
    Sniper Elite: Resistance review - brilliantly bloody and bloody brilliantSniper grow.Image credit: Rebellion Review by Vikki Blake Contributor Published on Jan. 27, 2025 Sniper Elite: Resistance may not innovate much on the series' standard blueprint, but it's still a challenging, rewarding, and deeply satisfying adventure.I love killing stuff. Always have. It's good for the soul, I reckon. It's tough to fester rage and resentment when you've just slo-mo-shot a Nazi in the gonads (hey, there's an achievement for it!), which is why I'll shortly be petitioning the NHS to have Sniper Elite: Resistance available on prescription. It can't pay off your credit card or make your nine-to-five any more palatable, no, but an hour of this a night has to be good for you. Like an apple a day. Or flossing. But, you know, violent.Sniper Elite: Resistance reviewDeveloper: Rebellion DevelopmentsPublisher: Rebellion DevelopmentsPlatform: Played on PS5Availability: Out on 30th January 2025 on PC (Steam, Epic Games Store), PS4/PS5, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One Before I tell you why my time with Sniper Elite: Resistance was so thrilling - and it was - I'll let you in on a little secret. For all the shooters I play - and I play a lot - I'm not much of a lone wolf. Sure, I'll jump in for a couple of matches on my tod, maybe. Spend a little time in a PvE playlist for an hour or two, perhaps. Ultimately, though, for me, hunting is a group sport. I'm happiest in the throes of friendly fire and frantic comms and kill-steal accusations, celebrating or commiserating as part of a wider fire team (I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact my KDR sucks, and I spend more time waiting to be respawned than actively assisting my teammates. Honest).The exception to this is Ubisoft's well-worn open-world PvE blueprint. You know the one. Far Cry, Assassin's Creed: the execution (pun not intended, but certainly applicable) is almost identical. Sneak up on an unsuspecting stronghold or camp and creep around in the undergrowth, assassinating any and all enemies should they wander too close. Although - unabashed coward that I am - I've always preferred scaling a nearby mountain, getting comfy, pulling out my trusty sniper rifle and pop-pop-popping until there's not a soul left. All without setting foot in the place! Honestly, few things in this world make me happier.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Watch on YouTubeUnsurprisingly, then, I am having a ball with Sniper Elite Resistance. Much like one of my favourite series of all-time, Dishonored, there's no single "correct" way to get through its World War 2-flavoured campaign, which means I can't technically do anything wrong. Can things go off-script? Oh lordy, yes - just ask my BFF, Mission 3: Sonderzge Sabotage, which I got to know in detail after three hours and a hell of a lot of save-scumming. But once you find your rhythm and start tweaking your loadout and tools to best suit how you play, Resistance's thoughtful map design, dramatic score, and bombastic gunplay come together in an exquisite symphony that makes it a challenging, rewarding, and deeply satisfying romp despite the fact your leading man, Harry bleedin'-ell-up-the-apples-and-pairs-right-'ere-guv'ner Hawker, has zero chill. If you remember him from prior Sniper Elite games, all I can say is I'm sorry. I can only hope he wasn't as stupefyingly chatty then as he is now. Image credit: Eurogamer/RebellionSniper Elite: Resistance takes us to Vichy, France, and the heart of Nazi-occupied Europe in the midst of World War 2. The summer of 1944, to be exact. Hawker's been drafted into actually, I don't know. For all his blathering, the story is bookended on each mission via a voice-over and a few cinematics in a way that makes it feel superfluous to the action. Suffice to say, Hawker's working for the Allies, infiltrating Nazi strongholds to grab intel, assassinate targets, or destroy key infrastructure, depending upon what the Allies or the French Resistance need. Oh, and he murders Nazis, of course; there's lots and lots of lovely Nazi murdering.How you do it is up to you, too. I've seen people say that you can run and gun Sniper Elite games, but that is absolutely not my experience. It's frighteningly easy to be overwhelmed if you're rumbled, even on medium difficulty, and especially in later levels when every other tower has an eagle-eyed sniper that can seemingly spot you behind a solid wall from two towns over. You can, however, choose how you go about it; there are ways to deal with your enemy both lethally and non-lethally, and optional objectives are just that: optional. Personally, I had the best time seeking down those secondary missions; not only does it force you to explore the entirety of the map, but it helps bolster your confidence, too not to mention your XP. Image credit: Eurogamer/RebellionAnd the missions are great. From huge, hulking Nazi superstructures to quaint French chateaus, you explore them all. Missions two and three felt enormous to me, I'll admit, but by the fourth - Collision Course - I was having a riot. For almost half an hour, I crouched right where I spawned in, so delicious was the vantage spot. Pushing the long-range capabilities of my rifle to its limit, I picked the bad guys off one by one without them ever knowing where I was oh, what a treat! By the time I'd circled around on foot, almost everyone else was already dead.Admittedly, it took a little while for me to find that rhythm, though. For starters, the game is confidently hands-off; yes, there's a tutorial level, and yes, from time to time, the game will pop up with a helpful tip. But while I agree we're all long past the need to be told how to fire a gun or what the white paint on that ledge means (le sigh), you're never formally introduced to your decoys, for instance, or how your different mines work. It's not a sackable offence, granted, but something to bear in mind, especially if you're new to the series. Image credit: Eurogamer/RebellionEventually, though, it all falls into place, especially when you unlock workbenches and can really get down to the nuts and boltsquite literally. From there, you'll unlock scopes, muzzles, stocks, and so on to fine-tune your weapons, and the UI is forever telling you what a wonderful Nazi killer you are; all manner of ribbons and medals and accolades pop as you work through the campaign.There are several places in which a little spit 'n' polish could elevate Resistance from an enjoyable experience to a sublime one. Maybe having binoculars and the focus ability both bound to R3 is fine for most people, but I'm forever opening my binocs when I'm trying to turn off focus, and vice-versa - which isn't great when you're in a tight spot. And why does Hawker spontaneously drop his special weapon when he does a melee kill? At least tell me you've dropped it, man - there's nothing worse than emerging from a scramble to discover Hazzer abandoned the silenced pistol you were enjoying five corpses and two buildings ago.And don't get me started on the mantling. (Harry. You're a soldier. I really think you could conquer that two-inch curb or sandbag if you put your mind to it, champ). Image credit: Eurogamer/RebellionOf course, Sniper Elite: Resistance has the typical multiplayer offering, too. Sadly, I had connection issues during the review period and therefore have focused on the campaign in this review, so I'll circle back when I can. Nevertheless, Sniper Elite 5's Axis Invasion mode returns. If you're brave, you can open up your game and permit other players to invade and hunt you down. Personally, I have enough problems without someone twenty years younger with the hand/eye coordination to go with it joining the hunt, but hey, I'm glad it exists for the non-cowards among us.Entirely new, though, is Resistance's "propaganda missions", quick 'n' dirty time-based missions that can be unlocked by locating the ferociously loud posters flapping about the place in the main campaign. The offerings vary - there are sniping challenges, stealth, and combat - but in each one, you need to defeat as many enemies as possible within the time limit with a limited set of weapons. Scores can be boosted by being quick, efficient, and avoiding damage yourself - so I sucked - but at least you can play as someone other than Harry, and that is not an insubstantial advantage in this game, believe me. Image credit: Eurogamer/RebellionSniper Elite: Resistance accessibility optionsFive difficulty levels. Colourblind mode. Subtitle size options. On/off toggle for aim assist, auto-run, auto-climb and X-ray bullet kill replays. Separate volume sliders for music, speech, SFX and awareness cues. In mission 4's propaganda mission, Le Maquis Voit Tout, for instance, you're forced to snipe at speed to take down as many enemies as possible in a minute. Challenge 1, La Resistance, on the other hand, gives you 90 seconds to creep around town and silently takedown hostiles. Every ghost kill puts a little extra time on the clock, so each battle has the delicious tension of needing to be done quickly but stealthily, too. They're delightfully speedy quests and the perfect antidote to marathon campaign sessions if, like me, you get a little too obsessed with needing to explore every single inch of the main maps.All in all, then - even without the magic of Sniper Elite's legendary X-ray kill cam - I'm having a blast. And I'm using the present tense there because even after completing it, I'm desperate to get back in to replay with different tactics, difficulty levels, weapons: you name it. Your mileage, admittedly, may vary if you're a Sniper Elite veteran itching for something new - for better or worse, this isn't that much of a departure from Sniper Elite 5. But as I said, I just got a medal for blasting a Nazi's testicle off from 326 metres away. Not all heroes wear capes, you know.A copy of Sniper Elite: Resistance was provided for review by developer Rebellion.
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  • Finding the best obscure nations to scout for Wonderkids in Football Manager
    You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games here Contents hide We all know the classic wonderkid hotspots in Football ManagerBrazil, Argentina, Spain, France, etc. The usual suspects. But what if you want to find a star beyond those standard destinations? Theres something uniquely satisfying about unearthing a wonderkid from a so-called obscure nation. It just hits differently, doesnt it?Hunting for Wonderkids in Football ManagerWeve already listed unknown wonderkids and even chatted with IRL strikers about their favourite picks, but this time we went on a deep dive to uncover which lesser-heralded countries produce a surprising number of wonderkids. This research involved trawling the internet, analyzing Football Manager metrics, and leaning on my personal experiences. These nations might not be obscure in the grander sense of their importance globally, but they are considered obscure in football terms because they lack representation from top-tier clubs competing on the world stage.For instance, Scottish fans might not consider Celtic and Rangers obscure, but given the absence of a truly elite Scottish team for decades, Im including them on this list. Lets dive in.Nigeria Describing Nigeria as obscure feels almost wrong. The nation has a population of over 220 million and is absolutely football mad. But in Football Manager terms? Obscure. Nigeria isnt even in the base game. Yet, when it comes to African nations, Nigeria stands out as a wonderkid goldmine (perhaps rivaled only by Egypt).With a three star Youth Ratingthe same as Belgiumsyoure looking at a wonderkid haven. And lets be real, we all know Belgium is top-tier for youth talent. The best part? Nigerian players are ridiculously cheap. Thanks to the leagues low wages, its easy to tempt their budding stars to your club for peanuts. If youre looking for affordable future superstars, Nigeria is a no-brainerEgyptSpeaking of Africas finest, Egypt takes the crown with the continents highest Youth Rating: a stellar three and a half star Youth Rating which is the same level as Argentina and Portugal! , on par with Argentina and Portugal. In FM23, Egypt ranked 10th in youth rating worldwide, making it the only African nation to crack that list.And it makes sense. Egypt has produced bona fide superstars like Mo Salah and rising talents like Omar Marmoush. While the Egyptian league has a higher reputation than Nigerias, the players are still absolute bargains compared to their European counterparts. If youre scouting Africa, dont sleep on Egypt. South AfricaThis ones more personal anecdote than hard data, but South Africa never fails me in Football Manager. In every save, theres always one South African wonderkid who goes on to become the nations greatest player of all time.The NXGN top wonderkids list frequently includes a South African gemusually from Sundowns. And since South Africa is part of the base game, youll find more players available compared to countries not included. For managers on a tight budget who want an under-the-radar star, South Africa is a great shout.A South African wonderkid in my current save Football Manager 2024IranWhen it comes to the Middle East, Iran reigns supreme for producing wonderkids. While nations like Serbia often get more attention, Iran quietly edges ahead with a Youth Rating of 110 compared to Serbias 100. Surprised? Youre not alone.This highlights a common bias in FMwe assume certain countries are better than they really are. In real life, Irans best player might be Mehdi Taremi (no offense, Mehdi), but in-game, Iran has the potential to produce some serious talent. Dont overlook them.An Iranian wonderkid in my current save Football Manager 2024Japan If youre scouting Asia and want a hidden gem, Japan is the place to go. The nation boasts a Youth Rating of 112, putting it just shy of footballs traditional powerhouses.A good rule of thumb? Copy Brighton. Their scouting system unearthed the exceptional Kaoru Mitoma, and Japan has continued to produce stars like Daichi Kamada and Ao Tanaka. Their players are technically brilliant, affordable, and perfect for building your next dynasty.ColombiaLabeling Colombia as obscure might raise a few eyebrows. But when people talk about scouting South America, the spotlight is usually on Argentina and Brazil. Colombia often gets overlooked.With a strong Youth Rating and solid reputation, Colombia punches well above its weight in terms of wonderkid production. Make sure youre scouting Atletico Nacional and the Colombian youth teamsbefore clubs like Chelsea swoop in and steal your gems. A Colombian wonderkid in my save Football Manager 2024Czech Republic The Czech Republic might sit in the shadow of its neighborsGermany and Italywhen it comes to youth development, but dont let that fool you. The Czech league is a hidden gem for wonderkids.Teams like Sparta Praha, Slavia Praha, and Banik Ostrava regularly produce high-potential players who can thrive at the top level. And thanks to the leagues lower reputation, these players are much cheaper than their counterparts in neighbouring countries.Other obscure nations to keep an eye onWhile these may be the best obscure nations to scout your wonderkids from, theres a lot more to keep an eye on. Theres always the possibility of finding a killer wonderkid in Football Manager, so keep an eye on these additional nations:ScotlandAlgeriaUSA Ivory CoastTurkey GreeceSouth Korea RussiaUkraine QatarDR Congo Conclusion This list was so hard to narrow down and make as there are so many lesser-thought of countries that are brilliant for getting hidden gems and undervalued players. Are there any Ive missed that you think I should include? Let me know in the comment section!Subscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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  • The First Descendant fans can now sign up to play Season 3 early
    You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereThe First Descendant Season 2 has been a lot of fun, especially with the recent introduction of Ines Raya who fans completely adore. Right now, fans can get some free rewards from an event before they expire, and some big content is dropping very soon. All eyes are then on March for the arrival of Season 3. While we still have to wait over a month for S3 to arrive, The First Descendant fans can sign up to try to play Season 3 early.How to sign up to play The First Descendant Season 3 earlyThe First Descendant Season 3 is scheduled to start in March. Nexon havent pulled the curtain aside on the third TFD chapter as of writing, but they have shared official details about the new character, and she promises to be hotter than all the other playable heroes thanks to her skills.Although S3 is still a couple of months away, Nexon is accepting applications for people to play the chapter early. You must submit your application before February 5th as that is when the survey expires.In addition, its noted that the FGT playtest is limited to specific regions, and these are New York and San Franciso in the United States. You will need to answer a slew of questions to determine whether youre appropriate for the playest, and these include queries about the types of video games you play and how much experience you have with The First Descendant.To be in with a chance of participating in the TFD S3 FGT, make sure to fill out the survey before February 5th. Starting from February 10th, the lucky selected participants will be contacted through the details provided in the application.If you are lucky enough to receive an invite, the playest will occur between February 25th and March 2nd. Unfortunately, only a very select few will receive an invite, and, again, you must reside in either New York or San Francisco. Check out Nexons webpage for more information if necessary.Aside from a new playable character for Season 3 codenamed Sierra, the only other details we know is that S3 will add photo mode. In addition, Nexon are looking to add jiggle physics in May, and Nexon has revealed the next Fellow set to be added.In more The First Descendant news, players can check out the2025 roadmap.The First DescendantPlatform(s):PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series XGenre(s):Action, Adventure, RPG5VideoGamerSubscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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  • 9 Best Hotels in Hawaii With Heavenly Interiors (2025)
    Leave your winter doldrums at home by saying Aloha! to the best hotels in Hawaii for a beach getaway. Pretty much everywhere you choose to stay on the islands, theres a desktop-worthy view waiting to greet you as a backdrop. But your beachside lodgings themselves can vary quite a bit, so we did the due diligence of digging up some of the most aesthetically pleasing placesinside and outto post up on your stay. From impeccable architecture to swanky interiors to carefully curated decor (and, of course, private cabanas), these nine gorgeous properties rival the surrounding landscape for sheer visual appeal.And with first-in-class service and posh amenities, these elevated Hawaiian hot spots will help you dodge winters chill and make the most of your New Years resolutions to relax more, sleep better, and live in the moment (youre on island time now, after all). Below, some of our favorite hotels in Hawaii for soaking in some vitamin D and interiors inspiration.Andaz Maui at Wailea ResortCourtesy of Andaz MauiAndaz Maui at Wailea Resort radiates luxury at every turn, delivering world-class accommodations and outstanding service. Situated on 15 lush acres along Mkapu Beach, this resort features 320 guest rooms, including 35 suites and 30 luxurious villas. Guests can enjoy five stunning ocean-facing pools, including an adults-only infinity pool; a 24/7 fitness center featuring Peloton bikes, TechnoGym equipment, free weights and a smith machine, and a serene salon and spa for moments of true relaxation. With four exceptional on-site dining options, including the farm-to-table Kaana Kitchen, youre guaranteed to indulge in seasonal and locally sourced ingredients honoring the rich traditions of Hawaii. Rates start at $800/night.Book Now'Alohilani Resort Waikiki BeachCourtesy of Alohilani Resort Waikiki BeachFollowing a $125-million redevelopment in 2018 and a facelift courtesy of award-winning architecture and design firm Rockwell Group, the 'Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach in Honolulu opened with 839 guest rooms and suites that reflect the tranquil setting and natural beauty of its Oahu surroundings. Each one comes furnished with balconies that offer gob-smacking views of the city, the Pacific Ocean, or the famed volcanic cone Diamond Head. Perks include a heated salt water infinity pool; two rooftop tennis courts; and a three-story saltwater aquarium in the hotel lobby that houses 1,000 indigenous sea creatures. Among the seven eateries on-site, the buzziest are the Morimoto Asia Waikiki and Momosan Waikikirun by iconic iron chef Masaharu Morimoto. In an effort to restore its lush surroundings, the hotel also charges a resort fee of $5 per stay to donate to Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative, a nonprofit that plants indigenous trees across Hawaii. Rates start at $424/night.Book NowHalepuna Waikiki by HalekulaniThe museum-like lobby of the Halepuna Waikiki.Courtesy of Halepuna Waikiki by HalekulaniThis 288-room Honolulu oasis has managed to attract as many visitors from faraway places as it has locals. Though Halepuna Waikiki by Halekulani features all of the luxe amenities expected of a AAA Four Diamond property, it also boasts a famed bakery and restaurant whose artisanal loaves of bread and decadent pastries where carb-loading is encouraged. Other highlights include the Urban Escape, a deck on the eighth floor where guests can dive into an infinity pool, hole up in a collection of private cabanas, and sip a tropical libation in a stylish bar. Rates start at $423/night.BOOK NOWGrand Wailea, A Waldorf Astoria ResortThe sweeping pool at the Grand Wailea.Courtesy of the Grand WaileaMost PopularArchitecture + DesignTour a Tiny Boathouse in Connecticut With Outsize CharmBy Laura May ToddShopping28 Best Shower Curtains to Transform Your Bathroom DecorBy Kristi KelloggMagazineDarren Jett Sets the Mood at a Classic Manhattan LoftBy Sam CochranFrom the original outpost in New York to a dreamy offshoot in Amsterdam, the Waldorf Astoria has set the bar quite high for lavish accomodations, and the Wailea resorton 40 lush acresis hardly an exception. Notably, it features a 2,000-foot-long pool surrounded by Greek-inspired tented cabanas and seemingly limitless adjustable chaise longues. Plus, the private villas are next-level extravagant. The oceanfront Hoolei villas, for instance, boast panoramic ocean views in all three bedrooms, a luxury kitchen, and three and a half bathrooms. Theres even a private lanai fitted with a grill. Rates start at $890/night.BOOK NOWFour Seasons Resort HuallaiA serene infinity pool at the Four Seasons Huallai.Courtesy of the Four Seasons HuallaiIdyllic waterfront retreats are getting a run for their money at the Four Seasons Resort Huallai on the overwhelmingly blue Kona-Kohala coast. The stately 249-room hotel may sit on 865 acres of white-sand beaches and black-lava landscapes, but the pice de rsistance is easily Kings Pond, Huallais iconic 1.8-million-gallon swimmable aquarium. The ponds dramatic refresh includes an elevated swimming pool, lounge deck, and Kumu Kai Marine Center, where on-site marine biologists interactive programming will most definitely keep guests busy for the duration of their stay. Otherwise, spend a day working on your swing at the Huallai Golf Hale or unwinding in one of the glossy wooden outdoor spa hales nestled within the resorts tropical gardens. There is basically no way to go wrong at this luxurious choose-your-own-adventure resort. Rates start at $1,340/night.BOOK NOWFour Seasons Resort Maui at WaileaAn aerial shot of the Four Seasons Maui Resort.Courtesy of the Four Seasons Maui ResortMost PopularArchitecture + DesignTour a Tiny Boathouse in Connecticut With Outsize CharmBy Laura May ToddShopping28 Best Shower Curtains to Transform Your Bathroom DecorBy Kristi KelloggMagazineDarren Jett Sets the Mood at a Classic Manhattan LoftBy Sam CochranThe 383-room Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea completely elevates the concept of open-air beachfront resorts. No detail has gone overlookedtake, for one, the beautiful bushels of sweetly fragrant plumeria flowers flanking the adults-only infinity pool. There are also three delectable chef-driven dining concepts on the property: the sophisticated Ferraros Bar e Ristorante serving inspired Italian dishes, chef Wolfgang Pucks famed Spago Maui, and the casual open-air Duo Steak and Seafood, which features an award-winning wine program. Rates start at $895/night.BOOK NOWFairmont OrchidThe lush scape and pool at the Fairmont Orchid.Courtesy of the Fairmont OrchidSituated on 32 truly pristine oceanfront acres along the black-lava Kohala coast of Hawaii Island, the Fairmont Orchid has made a concerted effort to stay in lockstep with local culture. Upon walking through the heavy glass doors, guests are serenaded with traditional Hawaiian music, and the resort also hires expert cultural ambassadors who can teach Hala frond weaving, lei making, and net throwing or show you the best spots for stargazing and hikes to ancient petroglyphs.Despite its sprawling size, the Fairmont Orchid maintains a relaxed, charming atmosphere. And with three bars and six eateries on the propertyincluding a fine dining venue, a take on a traditional northern Japanese grill, and a casual thatched-roof hutyoull never have to wonder too far off the property for grub. Rates start at $866/night.BOOK NOWThe Westin Hapuna Beach ResortThe Westin Hapuna, a stones throw away from the Hawaiian shores.Courtesy of The Westin Hapuna Beach ResortMost PopularArchitecture + DesignTour a Tiny Boathouse in Connecticut With Outsize CharmBy Laura May ToddShopping28 Best Shower Curtains to Transform Your Bathroom DecorBy Kristi KelloggMagazineDarren Jett Sets the Mood at a Classic Manhattan LoftBy Sam CochranOn the island of Hawaii, The Westin Hapuna Beach Resort and its Arnold Palmerdesigned 18-hole golf course, sit along the shores of its namesake beach, Hapuna Bay. Though Hawaiis Big Island may be the most popular tourist destination, this resort has a special draw: It features a 249-room hotel and a collection of one- to four-bedroom residences that range from 670 to 3,500 square feet. Guests opting out of a traditional resort stay in favor of the Mauna Kea Residences still get to enjoy every amenity available to hotel guests, including the 6,800-square-foot freeform pool, adult-only infinity pool, indulgent menus at the three restaurants (plus the Piko Coffee+Bar), fitness studio, and spa, to name a few. To appeal to locals, this hotel thats part of the Marriott portfolio offers a special room rate to Hawaii residents. Rates start at $767/night.Book NowMontage Kapalua BayAn open-air walkway at the Montage Kapalua Bay.Courtesy of the Montage Kapalua BayFrom the Montages Deer Valley, Utah, lodge-inspired hotel atop a steep mountain to their picturesque locale in Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina, where Southern hospitality reigns, this brands line of sprawling resorts knows no bounds when it comes to luxury. Such is certainly the case at Montage Kapalua Bay. Most resorts tend to feel a bit grand, but the Montages Maui outpost has a more intimate vibe with its 50-plus residential-style lodgings (some of which are privately-owned Montage residences).Each apartment is huge, says luxury travel advisor Cali Stein, a director at Four Hundred Advisor Network, of the Montage Kapalua Bay. The three-bedroom product is perfect for families and even groups of friends. They are so spacious that you never have to even leave the apartment. But you should, because they have a beautiful and intimate luau with no more than six tables of guests. The dancers invite you up to dance with them for a really one-on-one experience.Though there are three restaurants and bars on-site, the Montage Kapalua Bay really excels at private dining: Guests are treated to an extravagant, personalized culinary experience with bespoke dishes and wine pairings. Rates start at $1,500/night.BOOK NOW
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  • Tour a Deer Valley Home Where Skiing Happens Right Outside the Front Door
    When Margaret Coblentz and Geoff Miller first met, they were on coinciding ski trips in California. The two shared a love of skiing, and, as it would turn out, a love of so much else. The two kept in touch after the ski trip, and, before too long, they were married and starting a family.Though they lived in San Francisco, where they still keep a primary residence, the couple wanted to create another home that would allow them to keep skiing a part of their lives. The California mountains were an option, but with roots in the Midwest and Kentucky, they saw in Utah a place to build a ski retreat, but also a destination more readily accessible to their extended families. As Miller explains, skiing is an important activity to us as a couple, but we also just love getting people together.The couple bought a fully furnished home in Deer Valley, but while they loved the area, the houses traditional aesthetics didnt feel quite right. So when a ski-in/ski-out lot came up for sale, the couple lunged at the opportunity. Though the parcel was empty, it wasnt quite a blank slate. The property was part of a subdivision that came with a set of architectural plans that had already been approved and permitted. Still, they knew that together with their friend and owner of SVK Interior Design, Senalee Kapelevich, who had designed several interiors for them, including their San Francisco home, they could tailor it to make it just what they wanted.Having first met on a ski trip, the homeowners now have unobstructed framed views of Deer Valley.We came in with a clear sense of what we wanted the house to be and how we wanted it to feel, says Miller. We looked at a lot of mountain homes, he says, and there seemed to be two prevailing aesthetics: traditional Western on one hand, and extremely angular and cold on the other. The homeowners wanted something in betweena home that made sense in its setting, but that was suited to their tastes. California, but in the mountains, as their designer Kapelevich puts it.They also wanted a sense of refinement, but not one that would come at the expense of comfort. We were interested in how the house lives; not just how it looks, says Coblentz. Take the floors, for example. We dont wear shoes in the house, so how the floor feels in socks and bare feet was important, explains Miller. For the material and installation, they used First, Last & Always, a San Franciscobased custom flooring company. Its so soft, and it doesnt feel waxy, says Miller. It feels like a piece of sanded wood right out of the mill.
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  • Making Flow Interview with director Gints Zilbalodis
    Making Flow Interview with director Gints ZilbalodisJanuary 22nd, 2025User StoriesFrancesco Siddi html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"Flow, the animated feature film following the mystical journey of a dark grey cat and his companions, is the manifestation of Blenders mission, where a small, independent team with a limited budget is able to create a story that moves audiences worldwide, and achieve recognition with over 60 awards, including a Golden Globe for Best Animation and two Oscar nominations.In this interview, Gints Zilbalodis, writer and director (and more!) of the film, shares how Blender was instrumental in the creation of the film.Gints: Ive done animation, all kinds of animation. I started doing hand drawn, 2D, digital animation. But after making a few shorts, I realized that Im not good at drawing, and I switched to 3D because I could model things, and move the camera. And so at first, I used Maya, which was taught at our school at that time.After finishing my first feature Away, I decided to switch to Blender in 2019, mainly because of EEVEE. I started using the 2.8 beta or even alpha release. It took a while to learn some of the stuff, but it was actually pretty straightforward. Many of the animators in Flow took less than a week to switch to Blender.EEVEE was interesting to me because, even my first feature Away, it was all playblasted, which is not like proper rendering, rather its like previews.I was excited to find that workflow in Blender, but in a more advanced way that gave me greater control. Speed is really important to menot just in rendering but also in working with files, setting up lighting, and creating the overall look. I like to work on multiple aspects at the same time; for example, when setting up the camera, I also need lights in place because lighting influences camera placement and how the scene looks. Thats why EEVEE was so appealing to me.I briefly experimented with some game engines, but at least back then, it was really difficult to figure out a workflow for making films in them.And Blender was ideal: it had all the tools I needed.The entire project took about five and a half years. In the first year, I was writing the script, learning Blender, and looking for funding as Dream Well Studio. That was in 2019.In 2020, we secured some funding, and I moved into a co-working studio space with other artists and developers who were using Blender. Thats where I connected with Mrti Uptis and Konstantns Vievskis.Mrti was one of the first people I approachednot specifically for water simulation, but just to see how he could contribute. However, it quickly became clear that he had a deep expertise in water, unlike anyone else.We were fortunate that, in the early stages, it was just me, so the pandemic didnt affect us much. By the time we moved into full production in 2023, things had stabilized.I created a short pilot for Flow about a minute and a half long where I went through the entire workflow. It was technically basic, but it was useful to test the process. That led to our first teaser, which I never showed publicly. Later, we made another, entirely new teaser, which we used for pitching.In 2021, we started hiring concept artists and building the team. We brought in riggers and developers to create custom scripts that helped streamline the workflow while I was working on the animatic.The Latvian studio was relatively small, it all fit in one room. In total, we had around 15 to 20 people, but at any given time, there were usually only three to five people working, since different teams handled pre-production and post-production.We had a set-dressing team. I would design the initial scene in previz, and they would refine it by adding more plants, props, and environmental details. Concept artists sketched out buildings and figured out their construction, incorporating storytelling elements into the environments.Other team members focused on developing tools. Water was a huge part of the film, but only two people handled all the water effects. Mrti had already been researching water simulations and posting his findings on YouTube, but he hadnt yet put everything together. He eventually developed a Blender add-on for water effects.Meanwhile, Konstantns handled smaller simulations, such as splashes. He also researched techniques for stylized fur and feathers, working on shaders. In addition to that, he did rigging, and character modeling along with other team members.In 2022, Belgian and French co-producers Take Five and Sacrableu Productions joined the project to work on sound, character animation and additional aspects of the film. Expanding the team with experienced character and pipeline TDs, as well as animators working in a well-structured process, was essential to handle the complexity required by the film. This was a truly international coproduction.The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in the Un Certain Regard selection in 2024.How did you learn Blender?I learned a lot online, but it was great to have someone with more experience next to me (Konstantns). He did a lot of rigging and was much more technical than me, so I could ask him for advice. Sometimes, I needed something specific in the animatic, like the deer moving in a spiral, and he would write a script to automate it. This was before Geometry Nodes.I cant write scripts myself, so having someone in the studio to help was invaluable. But learning never really stops. I still feel like theres so much I dont know about Blender or anything else. And with these long projects, you sometimes forget things you learned five years ago.Flow was made entirely with Blender and rendered with EEVEE. Each frame took from about 0.5 10 seconds to render in 4k. We didnt use a renderfarm. The final render was done on my PC. There was no compositing, all the colors were tweaked and adjusted using shaders.How does the previz process work?When creating the previz or animatic, I just try to get things done as quickly as possible. This approach helps me explore ideas efficiently. Im not great at drawing, so previz works better for me. Its faster, and I like to move the camera a lot. Sometimes, I roughly sketch out a building, but its often very basic.I then hand these files over to a concept artist. Many environmental concept artists use Blender as well, so they can import my files. While they usually rebuild everything from scratch, my files at least provide the correct proportions. Sometimes, they paint over my models, but in other cases, they design everything directly in 3D.When they send the files back, I ask them to leave assets in place rather than moving them to the center of the scene. That way, I can easily import everything back, and it aligns perfectly.The animation teams in France and Belgium brought a great deal of organization to the process. They developed further tools and rigs to deliver character animation, they had to optimize the scenes, removing everything except the assets the characters interacted with and cleaning them up thoroughly. However, I didnt use these optimized assets directly, I would import their animations back into my heavier scenes.For lighting, it was just me. We had other people handling different tasks, but I was solely responsible for lighting. This setup made things easier.Since I handled a lot of tasks myself, it was simpler to work with large files where everything was imported. In each file, I made extensive adjustments to assets. For example, when setting up lighting, I tweaked materials for the assets in each shot, making them slightly lighter or darker to get the right look. I know this could be done with library overrides, but I was also working across different computers: my desktop PC and my MacBook.Switching between operating systems sometimes caused issues with linked assets, even when using relative file paths. To avoid breaking links, I found it easier to keep everything within the file itself. Some of the smaller scenes were around 300 MB compressed, while a few of the largest ones reached nearly 2 GB compressed.Maybe I could have figured out a better way to link assets, but during production, speed was the priority. The production timeline required me to move fast, so I opted for the most efficient workflow rather than experimenting with alternatives.Learn more about the animation of Flow in this Blender Conference presentation by Animation Supervisor Lo Silly-Plissier.A glimpse into the water surface system used in Flow.As an early adopter of Blender 2.8, did you upgrade as new releases became available?I started with Blender 2.8 alpha while it was still in development, and I was constantly updating things. I think when the team joined, we were using 2.9 or maybe 3.0.With each major version, we decided to update since there were only a few of us at the time, and we werent sharing files. That made it safer because everyone was working on their own files independently, without links. The last version we used was 3.6. EEVEE definitely improved over time, but it wasnt just EEVEE. Geometry Nodes and other features made upgrading worthwhile.Of course, before each update, we ran a lot of tests, opening different files to check for issues. Some things did break, but overall, our workflow remained stable.Early on, when the team was small, updating wasnt a big deal. But once all the animators started in 2023, they worked in 3.3 and stuck with it throughout production. After they finished animation and I moved on to lighting, I imported everything into 3.6, which wasnt a problem.Which add-ons were part of your workflow?We used a few. One of them was GeoScatter, a popular scattering add-on for distributing plants and other environmental elements. We also used Animation Layers, not for character animation, but for the camera, specifically to create handheld, shaky camera movements.I created separate layers for a standstill shot, for walking in place, and for running. This allowed me to mix and adjust them as needed. I believe some add-ons have been developed since then specifically for this kind of workflow. To generate camera motion, I also tested VirtuCamera. I experimented with recording live camera movements by walking around, but I found it too imprecise. Instead, I preferred keyframing and layering different types of motion.For fluid simulations, we sometimes combined different techniques, starting with large-scale waves using Cell Fluids and then adding details with FLIP Fluids.Other tools we used included Bagapie Vegetation Generator, Bagapie Rain Generator, and Copy Global Transform.What I love is how fast the files open. It might seem like a small thing, but it actually saves a lot of time and frustration.EEVEE is great. Also, I love how customizable everything is. I created a lot of custom keyboard shortcuts, which worked really well when I was working alone. However, once we started working in the studio, it caused some issues, especially when I had to demonstrate something on someone elses computer. But we figured it out.I also love the amount of resources available online. There are so many tutorials and tools, and I can quickly find answers to almost anything.What could improve in Blender for indie filmmakers?Well, there were some challenges with using Blender, but we solved them.Sometimes things werent clear at first, but once you actually put your mind into it, you can figure it out. Thats often the case with Blender: you encounter obstacles, but with enough effort, you find a way through.What Id love to see and I think its already happening is more focus on NPR (non-photorealistic rendering) workflows, which is great. Further improvements to interactive and real-time rendering would also be a huge benefit.I havent worked much in Blender over the past six months, but Im already working on my next project, and I plan to use Blender for it.Final thoughts?Ive never worked in a big studio, so I dont really know exactly how they operate. But I think that if youre working on a smaller indie-scale project, you shouldnt try to copy what big studios do. Instead, you should develop a workflow that best suits you and your smaller team.In our case, we didnt rely heavily on concept art. We modeled the characters directly in 3D and found ways to skip certain steps. Many of us wore multiple hats, figuring out how to streamline tasks rather than having separate departments for everything.For me, its also easier to handle the camera and lighting simultaneously rather than treating them as separate stages. Having a smaller team made the process more flexible and efficient.When developing my first feature, I structured the story around elements that were relatively easy to animate. I avoided large crowds and complex effects because, in the end, most viewers dont think about how difficult something was to create. I think its valuable for filmmakers to collaborate with tool developers early on to understand which things are challenging and which are easy. This can actually spark creative ideas rather than feeling like a limitation.Storytelling offers infinite possibilities, but sometimes constraints can be beneficial. For example, deciding to use only four characters and a handful of locations can lead to stronger creative choices. Some of my favorite films take this approach. They dont need an epic scope to be powerful.That said, I think a certain level of naivety is necessary when starting a project. If I had known how difficult it would be, I might never have started. But because I didnt fully grasp the challenges ahead, I just dove in and figured things out along the way.
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