• Call of Duty player takes legal action after spending over 2 years battling ban
    One Call of Duty player spent more than two years battling a ban from Activision's shooter, and they've finally got the result they wanted after a lengthy legal process
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  • Destiny 2 update 8.2.0 early patch notes as Episode Heresy and Star Wars collab arrive
    Destiny 2 is getting Star Wars armour and the new Episode Heresy content today, bringing fresh loot, activities, and more to Bungie's loot shooter here's all we know
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  • The Sims at 25 confessions of guilty gamers playing with virtual lives
    As video game The Sims celebrates its 25th anniversary, fans of the virtual life simulator help to explain why its remained so popular for so long.For many younger gamers there has never been a world without The Sims. The original was released in 2000 and was intended as a spin-off of sorts from city-building game SimCity. Created by renowned (but now increasingly forgotten) creator Will Wright, its premise was a simple one: a virtual dollhouse in which you controlled the lives of customisable characters called sims the daily lives of which you could control in detail or leave them to enjoy on their own.This was all decades before the phrase cosy game was coined, a modern genre of video game that focuses on non-violent gameplay and includes some of the best-selling titles of all time, such as Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing: New Horizons.Most cosy games tend to be made by indie developers, with major Western publishers happy to waste tens of millions copying other trends, no matter how oversaturated they seem to be, but always reticent about anything thats aimed at an audience in any way different from the norm. And this in an industry that is constantly complaining about the need for growth and finding new audiences.PIC 1Although I am not ashamed to admit I was firmly addicted to The Sims 2 for some time, following its launch in 2004, theres no doubt that the primary audience for The Sims is women. Thats still rare today but it was almost unheard of in the late 90s, when the game was originally in development. (1996 hit Barbie Fashion Designer is generally regarded as the first major video game to be aimed primarily at women and its customisation options do share some similarities with The Sims.)The original The Sims, when it was still viewed as an experimental spin-off, wasnt laser-focused on a particular group but over time publisher EA has refined its marketing, and the games themselves, to create something more innocuous and safe.With the first two games though, there were a lot of interesting rough edges. For this article I asked a number of Metro staff members, who dont usually write about games, for their memories of the franchise and almost all of them talked about how they used to torture their sims by trapping them in a room without a door and watching them go crazy.From the beginning, The Sims has allowed players to create their own buildings and house layouts and while many players used this to make dream homes and recreations of TV and movie locations, theres few that didnt at least experiment with seeing what happens when sims are trapped in a room with another character they hate or where they run out of food or the oven catches on fire.My best memory of The Sims is when me and my ex stopped speaking when I was 20 and I made him as a sim and drowned him, recounted one colleague who was too embarrassed to formally take part in this feature. Meanwhile, the trick of trapping a sim in a swimming pool and then deleting the ladder to get out is one that has been recounted to me multiple times while writing this article, as you can see in the anecdotes below.Even by the time of The Sims 2, in 2004, this sort of emergent gameplay was being discouraged by EA and while todays entries are considerably more complex they dont have the same anarchic open-endedness as the original. You can be a kind overlord or a more diabolical influence (EA)Despite the franchises success its future is somewhat opaque, with plans for The Sims 5 recently being cancelled, as EA instead decides to continue to support The Sims 4 for the foreseeable future since its success has never really waned, thanks to a steady supply of expansions and new content. Although a spin-off codenamed Project Rene is currently in testing, even if the fan response so far is mixed.More TrendingThe complaints are that its too safe and corporate, which The Sims never was originally. It was a daring and innovative game, not only in terms of who it was trying to appeal to but what it was attempting to achieve with its gameplay.How can I play The Sims games today?The Sims 4 was first released in 2014 and is free-to-play on PC, with EA making their money from paid-for expansions and downloadable content. There are versions of the game for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 (plus The Sims Mobile, which stopped receiving new content last year) but its always best to play The Sims on PC, due to the wide range of fan-made extras you can add to that version.For the 25th anniversary, EA has re-released The Sims and The Sims 2, which had been unavailable for years. Although that hasnt gone as well as fans hoped, since both have technical issues that mean they dont work as well as they did in the noughties. Although thatll probably be fixed over the next few weeks.The Sims Legacy Collection costs 17.99 and The Sims 2 Legacy Collection costs 24.99 and are available now on Steam.It encouraged a level of experimentation and customisation that is second only to Minecraft and it seems strange that there is such clear evidence for the popularity of more freeform games and yet most video game companies would rather just make another online shooter instead, because its something they know how to do and is, in their view, less of a risk.Thankfully, the imaginations of those that play The Sims are not so dull and its their love and enthusiasm for the series that is certain to keep it going for another 25 years. The Sims 2 was already slightly more sanitised than the first one (EA)Virtual conspiracyOne of my earliest gaming memories includes sitting at my best friends computer, keeping a lookout for her parents as we doomed sims to a watery death, searching for swimming pool stairs.Despite not being exactly multiplayer-friendly, The Sims has always been a talking point among me and my friends, even 20 years since we began playing.Now, I get to share that with my children, as my four-year-old helps me create sims, design houses, and pick what they do next. I havent taught her about the swimming pool stair deletion yet, though. RebeccaRelationship traumaI love The Sims but play it in a really boring normie way where theyre all massive overachievers with perfect lives and every single positive trait.One time an ex-boyfriend asked to play with me and he decided to make a vampire dungeon under the house with victims kept in actual cells and I think this moment really contributed to our breakup. SophieFamily bondingI grew up watching my older siblings play The Sims 2, before I was allowed to and was always so jealous, because it looked so cool.Eventually, when I was allowed to play, I was obsessed with building the perfect homes and making unique families Bella Goth [a pre-made sim family you could take control of] was my favourite.When I was about 11, I was given The Sims 3 with expansion packs as a gift and it quickly became my friends and I largest obsession. I would call their landline phones and they would come over and we would create the weirdest Sims with the deepest voices and most weird personalities, which was peak comedy at that age.I got back into the game when I was about 18 in university, when the transition to The Sims 4 happened. During covid, I downloaded most of the expansion packs. I cant believe its been 20 years my friends I grew up playing the game with still send me Sims memes. It was such a part of the late millennial early Gen Z psyche. Sarah H. Sims can die or even turn into ghosts (EA)TikTok dramaPlaying The Sims for me was my childhood I would spend hours on end creating the perfect family, life, getting a good job (with a sneaky cheat code or two). If I was in a bad mood or feeling evil though, I would enjoy watching people burn when a fire broke out, and trapping them in a room with it.I now spend ages seeking TikTok accounts where the real drama plays out like a telenovela. Mermaids and evil spirits having children and cheating on partners. Sarah B.Teenage addictionI quickly became obsessed with The Sims as a teenager: just one play in the mid-2000s had me absolutely hooked. Its not an exaggeration to say that, on some days, I could be attached to my PC playing The Sims for 12 hours straight (in todays gaming world, thats probably the normal, but for a 16-year-old girl in 2004? Thats a lot).Something happened to the concept of time when I logged in and set up my vulnerable little computer beings in their weird little houses Id even miss meals by accident, while trying to force the characters into relationships and situations, like the always-disastrous and somewhat worrying pool without a ladder to climb out of set-up.One second it was 9am, the next it was late evening and Id barely moved from my chair, save for the odd snack run or toilet break. Nothing could tear me away from those fake humans, destined to live a life under a giant green diamond, as I controlled every moment of their existence.The Sims is considered one of the most addictive games of all time and with good reason in a hectic and confusing world, it gives the player a chance of absolute control, something were all lacking in reality. Oh, and a bit of legal deviance. LucyLifetime attractionI remember playing The Sims for the first time at a friends house and being amazed by the endless choices.In reality I was bound by convention, culture, rules but in The Sims I could be anyone and do anything. Over 15 years later it still provides the same feeling of escapism for me. NatalieDreams and nightmaresThe Sims has been a huge part of my life ever since I can remember. From watching my mum play The Sims Makin Magic as a young child, to starting home businesses in my own Sims 2 gameplay, building entire neighbourhoods in The Sims 3, to attempting the 100 baby challenge in The Sims 4.I have vivid memories of my sims collapsing in the desert in the unnecessarily difficult Sims 2 DS game, and even my most memorable nightmare as a child was related to The Sims! My love of gaming began with The Sims, and I will always hold a soft spot for it. MaisieLanguage difficultiesI remember the time my mum kicked off at me over using Simlish [the invented language of the game].I pleaded with her to buy me The Sims 2 Pets from Woolworths and rushed home to play it on my PlayStation 2.She was in the kitchen and overheard the Sims talking and assumed Id changed the language. As it was my first time properly playing I had zero idea that they didnt speak English.We reset the Playtation 2 about 10 times as I sobbed crying, only for her to call my uncle; he gave an explanation and I was dealt an apology from my mum.Safe to say when I returned home from school the next day I had a copy of The Sims 2 waiting for me alongside the Pets expansion. MichaelA good playerWhen I think of The Sims now, at 30 years old, having spent hours and hours and hours playing it as a kid (and beyond), a whole wave of memories come crashing back.I was that weirdo who didnt like to torture my Sims I preferred them to live happy, fulfilled lives spanning multiple generations. Cue the motherlode and rosebud money hacks, and my families were rolling in cash, building huge mansions and living out epic careers that child-me could only dream of.Watching burglars prowling into my sims houses was genuinely terrifying, as was the moment I couldnt stop characters from crossing deaths door. But the traumatising moments were worth it for the joy this weird and wonderful game brought into my life.Aliens, mermaids, grim reapers, ghosts, gothic families with mystifying backstories it has it all! Sabrina Whats your Sims story? (EA)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Trump tariffs will bring significant harm to American gamers
    Companies like Nintendo and Sony were never going to stay quiet about this (Nintendo/Sony Interactive Entertainment)Unsurprisingly, the games industry isnt thrilled with Donald Trumps tariff plans and is asking to be consulted to prevent harming American gamers.If youve been paying attention, you likely already know that the tariffs US president Donald Trump has been threatening stand to make gaming a more expensive hobby than it already is.Many components for PCs and consoles come from China, which Trump has now imposed stricter tariffs against. These have also extended to Mexico and Canada, which analysts predict will only accelerate the death of the physical games market since a lot of disc production takes place in Mexico.Although Mexico and Canada have managed to broker deals to temporarily prevent Trumps proposed tariffs thats only till March, and the games industry is eager to use this brief pause to talk the US government into an exemption.The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is the trade group for the games industry in the US and represents most of the big name publishers based in the country, as well as any foreign companies with American divisions.So, that includes not just the big three Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft but also the likes of EA, Take-Two, and Epic Games. Not to mention the gaming divisions for Disney, Warner Bros., and Amazon.The industry successfully lobbied during Trumps first presidency, to ensure electronic goods wouldnt be affected by tariffs, so its not surprising it would feel compelled to do it again.In a statement provided to Kotaku, the ESA says, Tariffs on video game devices and related products would impact Americans of all ages across the country.We urge the administration to consult with the private sector in a transparent process to avoid causing significant harm to everyday Americans and to one of the fastest growing entertainment sectors in the United States.A follow-up statement sent to IGN adds how such tariffs would also be economically detrimental: Tariffs on video game devices and related products would negatively impact hundreds of millions of Americans and would harm the industrys significant contributions to the US economy.No doubt the ESA hopes to seek another exemption, so companies wont have to raise prices for their consoles and games. As a reminder, China is where most consoles are made, and Microsoft also has manufacturing facilities for its Xbox consoles in Mexico.Such tariffs risk impacting prices in the rest of the world too. After all, if consoles and games became more expensive in the US, less people would feel inclined to buy them. So, companies would have to raise prices elsewhere to try and make up for the loss in profits.More TrendingNintendo in particular must be feeling antsy about the whole situation, since its meant to be launching the Nintendo Switch 2 this year and it may need to bump up whatever price it has in mind for it.That said, MST Financial senior analyst David Gibson has suggested the Switch 2s price wont be impacted by any Chinese tariffs, pointing out that Nintendo shifted part of Switch production into Vietnam.So, Vietnam production will supply to the US and China etc. will supply to the rest of the world. Smart, says Gibson though he admits things will go differently if Vietnam is ever struck by tariffs too.While Mexico and Canada are currently trying to strike new arrangements, China so far plans to retaliate with its own tariffs on US imports. Reuters reports these will come into effect on February 10. Will the industry succeed in pushing for an exemption? (ESA)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Apples Best Monitor Youll Ever Buy Just Got $300 Off on Amazon
    Lightweight monitors are often just that lightweights. The easier lifting and smaller price tags are all well and good, but if youre looking for a true heavyweight that brings the single-best picture and sound of any monitor on the market, thats the Apple Studio Display. Amazon has just dropped a big 19% price cut on this stunning 27-inch display, bringing the price down by $300 to just $1,300.See at AmazonThe Apple Studio Display is a top choice for anything you could possibly want a monitor for, from theater-quality streaming of movies and shows to pro-level creative work, deeply immersive gaming, and the best quality conference calls and video meetings. The huge 27-inch display comes to life in 5K Retina resolution and support for billions of colors (yes, billions with a B), and 600 nits of beautiful brightness. Its a true showstopper thats now priced within $5 of its lowest point ever.Apple Design PersonifiedApples impeccable reputation for high-end design may have achieved its greatest accomplishment yet with the Apple Studio Display. High praise indeed, but what else can be said about a 27-inch monitor with 5K Retina resolution, a staggering 14.7 million pixels with True Tone tech that makes it as lifelike as possible, and an anti-reflective coating that makes taking in all of those colors easier on your eyes? Its the perfect match for any Apple computer. (While it will work with a PC, some of the higher-end features will not work, and the resolution cant be guaranteed.)There are serious brains behind the beauty of the Apple Studio Display, starting with Apples amazing Center Stage feature. With Center Stage activated, the Apple Studio Displays 12MP Ultra Wide camera keeps you centered during video calls or conferences even if you move around the room. Center Stage works with FaceTime, Zoom, and most other video calling apps. The three-microphone array in the Apple Studio Display ensures that youll be heard as clearly as youre being seen.More Than a Pretty FaceWe could go on for days about just how amazing the picture quality of the Apple Studio Display, but when you plug into one of the 3 USB-C ports or the Thunderbolt port, youll quickly notice that it sounds every bit as good as it looks. Thats because the Apple Studio Display contains 6 speakers with spatial audio that pump out cinema-quality sound to go with the elite picture when youre streaming a movie or live sports event, or when youre gaming.The Apple Studio Display is designed to last for years, and while it may not be the last monitor you ever buy, it will almost certainly be the best one. The $300 price cut happening right now at Amazon turns a very good deal into a great one, as the 27-inch 5K Retina Apple Studio Display is worth every penny of its $1,300 price tag.See at Amazon
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  • Samsungs Tri-Folding Smartphone Will Be the Most Efficient Way to Doomscroll
    By Florence Ion Published February 4, 2025 | Comments (1) | Samsung's "Flex G" folding smartphone concept shown off at CES 2023. Samsung Tri-fold smartphones are about to become the next cutting-edge trend for gadget lovers who cant help themselves. This is good news for anyone bored by smartphone design, like me. Samsung is likely the next company to release a triple-inner-display folding smartphone. We have one unsubstantiated leak to go by, but if it all comes to fruition, Samsungs tri-fold device could launch in a year and be called the Galaxy G Fold. According to a leaker on Naver, a South Korean search engine and blogging network, a three-stage foldable product is coming relatively soon. Some predictions suggest a late 2025 launch date, around the time wed typically see the Galaxy Z Fold, the standard one-fold device.However, its more likely to debut in January 2026, after the hubbub of SamsungsAR projectandsuper-thinEdge smartphone have taken the spotlight. The leaker cites related companies and Ross Young, a noted display analyst who has successfully revealed trade truths about Samsung and Apple before, which is why we believe him. In January, Young tweeted that Samsung had been showing the G-type multi-fold for 3 years and that panel shipments wont start to ship until the last quarter of 2025. The G-type multi-fold is likely referencing a prototype called the Flex G display, which circulatedat CES and other subsequent tradeshows throughout the pandemic. The folding method of the Flex G shows a device that folds on two sides, similar to Huaweis trending tri-foldable, the Huawei Mate XT. The G Folds display is expected to be barely ten inches across, or about 9.9 inches. The phone will be about 6.5 inches high. The tri-fold effect will make the weight slightly more dense than the Galaxy Z Fold, and supposedly, its thicker than Huaweis device. The leaker alleges that the Galaxy G Fold will also have a new type of display and protective film to prevent it from tearing at the seams, but no detail beyond that. Itsstill unclear how the Galaxy G and Galaxy Z would exist in terms of marketing. Samsung now has enough folding competition within the platform from brands like Google and OnePlus. It might as well bring out something new and first-generation to keep its fans feeling exclusive. What was the point of showing off all those different folding display types if not to bring them to fruition and show off its manufacturing prowess? This is me encouraging Samsung to get us out of this boring smartphone era that were in.Daily NewsletterYou May Also Like By Florence Ion Published January 28, 2025 By Kyle Barr Published January 28, 2025 By Florence Ion Published January 23, 2025 By Kyle Barr Published January 23, 2025 By Kyle Barr Published January 22, 2025 By Kyle Barr Published January 22, 2025
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  • Last Days for Nominations in the ArchDaily 2025 Building of the Year Awards
    Last Days for Nominations in the ArchDaily 2025 Building of the Year AwardsSave this picture!Background photography Syam Sreesylam. Courtesy of WallmakersWe invite you to participate in the ArchDaily 2025 Building of the Year Awards. We ask you to recognize and reward the projects that you feel are creating the largest impact in the built environment, that ArchDaily has published on our projects database in 2024. By nominating and voting, you form part of an interdependent, impartial, distributed network of jurors and peers that has consistently helped us celebrate architecture of every scale, purpose, and condition, from countries large and small, and architects of all descriptions. Over the coming weeks, your votes will result in 4000 projects being filtered down to just 15 representing the best in each project category on ArchDaily.Remember, registered users will be able to nominate their favorite project for each of the 15 categories included in the Awards. One nomination per category. Nomination ends on February 12th, 2025 at 12:01 AM (EST). Thank you once again for helping us continue to democratize architectural excellence across the world.The ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards is brought to you thanks to Dornbracht, renowned for leading designs for architecture, which can be found internationally in bathrooms and kitchens.NominateAbout this authorCite: ArchDaily. "Last Days for Nominations in the ArchDaily 2025 Building of the Year Awards" 04 Feb 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1026475/last-days-for-nominations-in-the-archdaily-2025-building-of-the-year-awards&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Material Strategies for Updating and Repurposing Modernist Classics
    Material Strategies for Updating and Repurposing Modernist ClassicsSave this picture!Park Hill Phase 1 by HawkinsBrown and Studio Egret West. Image Jack HobhousePark Hill, a large social housing complex in Sheffield, stands out as one of the most ambitious examples of modernist architecture in post-war Britain. Designed in 1961 by Jack Lynn and Ivor Smith, its innovative concept of "streets in the sky" aimed to combine high-density housing with the community spirit of traditional neighborhoods. By the late 20th century, the complex had fallen into severe neglect, marked by social problems and structural degradation that undermined both its functionality and reputation. Gradually, Park Hill became synonymous with the failure of modernism, carrying a heavy social stigma and marginalizing its residents. Starting in the 2000s, significant efforts began to reverse this narrative through a two-phase revitalization process. The first phase, led by Urban Splash in collaboration with the architectural firms Hawkins\Brown and Studio Egret West, focused on preserving and enhancing the building's historical elements while introducing modern interventions to create a livable, functional, and attractive space. This stage demonstrated the potential of adaptive reuse in revitalizing communities and reclaiming architectural icons. The second phase of the renovation, carried out by the firm Mikhail Riches, sought to build on this initial work by introducing new elements that deepened the connection between the existing spaces and contemporary living. With an approach that combined historical sensitivity and architectural innovation, Mikhail Riches continued the process of transforming Park Hill into a landmark example of how modernist architecture can be adapted to meet current needs without losing its original identity.Save this picture!Save this picture!The exposed concrete faade was carefully restored, energy-efficient windows replaced outdated units, and vibrant aluminum panels enlivened the exterior. Apartments were reconfigured to meet modern standards with open floor plans, while shared spaces such as courtyards and community centers were revitalized to encourage social interaction. Sustainability measures, including green roofs and improved insulation, minimized the environmental footprint while maintaining the project's iconic brutalist character. The development created a vibrant mixed-use community with residential units, offices, retail spaces, and cultural venues. The project highlights the potential of adaptive reuse for modernist designs while addressing significant challenges, particularly in programming, materials, and construction solutions.Emphasizing functionality, formal simplicity, and a harmonious relationship between form and function, the 20th-century modernist movement left an indelible mark on architecture and design. While many structures and objects remain iconic, their relevance in the current context often requires careful adaptation. Reusing modernist classics presents an opportunity to bridge history and contemporary needs, demanding innovative strategies in materials and construction. Modernism championed materials such as steel, glass, and concrete, favoring clean lines and an unadorned aesthetic. These elements are often timeless, but decades of wear and evolving functional requirements mean that they may no longer meet current standards, including issues of energy efficiency, accessibility, and changing usage patterns.Save this picture!Modernist buildings can be transformed to meet contemporary uses, such as coworking spaces, cultural centers, or housing, balancing the original open-plan design with current demands for privacy and functionality. Flexible interiors, featuring movable partitions and adaptable furniture, preserve their characteristic versatility, while smart technologies for lighting, HVAC, and security enhance energy efficiency and practicality in an integrated way. Energy upgrades go beyond simple modernization: these buildings can generate power through discreetly integrated solar panels, optimize resource use with roofs adapted for rainwater harvesting, and incorporate shading systems, overhangs, and vegetation to mitigate the impacts of global warming.High-performance glasssuch as low-emissivity and double- or triple-glazed unitsreplaces the original single-pane windows, enhancing thermal efficiency without compromising aesthetics. Sustainability is further reinforced through the use of recycled materials, such as crushed concrete for foundations, reprocessed steel for structural reinforcements, and reclaimed wood for finishes, blending modern solutions with the essence of modernism. Advances in coatings, including anti-corrosion treatments and UV protection, restore aging concrete and steel surfaces, extending their durability while preserving authenticity. Additionally, External Insulation and Finishing Systems (EIFS) provide significant thermal insulation improvements, reduce operational costs, and help maintain the original architectural character. These interventions demonstrate how modernist buildings can continue to evolve, remaining relevant and inspiring for future generations.Save this picture!Save this picture!Modern construction strategies can also enhance the adaptability of these structures, such as modular additions that expand space or introduce new functions with minimal interference, as well as reversible techniques that allow for future changes without compromising the original integrity. By adopting hybrid systems, such as lightweight steel frames to reinforce concrete structures, it is possible to merge tradition and innovation, maintaining a balance between performance and preservation. These approaches ensure the continued relevance of modernist architecture while honoring its historical and cultural value.In recent years, several modernist landmarks have been revitalized through innovative restoration efforts, balancing preservation with contemporary functionality. The Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, designed by Alvar Aalto, recently reopened after extensive renovations by Arkkitehdit NRT. The project enhanced the building's accessibility and functionality to cater to a broader audience while rigorously preserving its modernist heritage. The process began with restoring the building to its ideal condition, requiring meticulous rehabilitation of the emblematic elements of Aalto's organic architecture. This included replacing the Carrara marble on the faades, worn down by harsh weather conditions, and carefully treating the interior surfaces and furnishings to restore their original elegance. Subsequently, a comprehensive renovation was undertaken, focusing on environmental aspects reducing emissions and improving the energy efficiency of the systems as well as functional updates to meet contemporary demands. Despite Aalto's innovative and flexible spatial solutions, the building had become outdated over nearly six decades.Save this picture!Similarly, Le Corbusier's iconic Unit d'Habitation in Marseille underwent a comprehensive restoration to address wear and the aging of its concrete structure. Its iconic bton brut faade was meticulously cleaned, repaired, and resealed, while the apartments were updated with modern amenities, and the public areas were reimagined as cultural spaces to foster community engagement. Moshe Safdie's iconic Habitat 67 in Montreal, a pioneering exploration of new forms of urban living that combined density with a sense of privacy and connection to the outdoors, also underwent restoration. The work involved the careful update of one of the units, with special attention to preserving original elements, such as the concrete modules and the characteristic layout, while integrating contemporary technologies to enhance thermal performance and energy efficiency.Save this picture!Save this picture!Other examples include the Pirelli Tower by Gio Ponti and Pier Luigi Nervi, an iconic project completed in 1958, which exemplifies a meticulous approach to preserving architectural heritage while integrating modern technical solutions. After a tragic plane crash in 2002, which caused extensive damage to the 26th and 27th floors, the restoration focused on repairing the structural core and the iconic concrete faade. The team employed advanced structural engineering techniques to reinforce the damaged areas, ensuring the tower met contemporary safety standards while respecting its original design. One of the major challenges was replicating the distinctive pre-cast concrete panels that define the tower's faade, enhancing their durability and insulation properties. The interior spaces were also carefully restored, maintaining the minimalist aesthetic while updating building systems such as HVAC, lighting, and fire safety to comply with modern regulations.The Velasca Tower, one of Milan's most iconic architectural landmarks, recently underwent a significant renovation led by architect Paolo Asti. The project demonstrated profound respect for the historical and cultural value of the building, originally designed by the BBPR group in the 1950s, while introducing contemporary interventions to revitalize its interiors and functionalities. The renovation stood out for its careful approach to preserving the tower's brutalist identity, integrating high-quality materials and modern technical solutions. This transformation aims to align the Velasca Tower with current demands while maintaining its connection to Milan's urban landscape and reaffirming its importance as a symbol of post-war Italian architecture.Save this picture!Save this picture!Contemporary material and construction strategies can balance historical preservation with current functionality, proving that modernist structures still have much to offer in terms of use, relevance, and cultural impact. By combining precise restoration techniques, the integration of sustainable technologies, and programmatic reconfigurations, it is possible to preserve the visionary spirit of modernism while addressing the social, environmental, and economic needs of the 21st century, projecting a renewed relevance for the future.This article is part of the ArchDaily Topics: 100 Years of Modernism. Every month we explore a topic in-depth through articles, interviews, news, and architecture projects. We invite you to learn more about our ArchDaily Topics. And, as always, at ArchDaily we welcome the contributions of our readers; if you want to submit an article or project, contact us.Image gallerySee allShow lessAbout this authorEduardo SouzaAuthorCite: Eduardo Souza. "Material Strategies for Updating and Repurposing Modernist Classics" 04 Feb 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1026214/material-strategies-for-updating-and-repurposing-modernist-classics&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • The Edwin Smith Papyrus Sheds Light on Ancient Egyptian Medicine
    This image is of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on papyrus and represents what the Edwin Smith Papyrus would look like, but is not the actual Edwin Smith Papyrus. (Credit: Jean-Baptiste Toussaint/Shutterstock) NewsletterSign up for our email newsletter for the latest science newsIn 1862, an American antiquities dealer was in an Egyptian marketplace, squinting at a scroll. The scroll was written in hieratic, a type of ancient Egyptian cursive, and the dealer, Edwin Smith, wasnt fluent enough to decode the text.Smith sensed the scroll had great value, and he also suspected the merchant selling the ancient text didnt recognize its value. Smith purchased the papyrus and returned to buy additional pieces he later identified as a continuation of the scroll.Now known as the Edwin Smith Papyrus, this ancient text has given scholars a greater understanding of medical practices in ancient Egypt.Edwin Smith Papyrus OriginsThe exact origins of the Edwin Smith Papyrus arent known, but scholars believe that it likely came from a tomb in the Theban Necropolis, a burial site in Luxor. Based on the writing style, scholars initially thought it dated back to 1650-1550 B.C.E. However, some researchers have also argued that it may be a copy of a text created during an earlier time.Smith was unable to translate the text. However, Egyptologist James Henry Breasted translated it into English in 1930.After the scroll was translated, scholars realized it was like an ancient Egyptian textbook that instructed readers on how to handle various medical ailments, emergencies, and traumas.The document is perhaps best described as a didactic trauma treatise, the oldest known such text in history. It is also credited with containing the earliest scientific writings on rational observations in medicine, says Roger Forshaw, an honorary lecturer at the KNH Center for Biomedical Egyptology at the University of Manchester in England.Other ancient texts tend to provide recipes for healing that read more like magic spells than a medical how-to. The Edwin Smith Papyrus, in contrast, is an organized guide that presents a prognosis and then recommended therapy. For the most part, Forshaw says the recommended therapies are rational.The Edwin Smith Papyrus follows a logical clinical approach to injuries that is not too dissimilar to the methodology that is practiced today, Forshaw says.The sections of the papyrus have a clear title and a procedure for making a diagnosis based on clinical signs. Three prognoses are offered favorable, uncertain, or unfavorable.Each prognosis then lists a treatment plan.This structured and systematic approach demonstrates a degree of sophistication in ancient Egyptian medical practice, Forshaw says.Read More: 52-Foot Long Ancient Egyptian Papyrus DiscoveredAncient Egyptian Medicine InsightThe scroll includes 48 case studies. These case studies help scholars understand not just how ancient Egyptians practiced medicine but what they understood about human anatomy.Case 25, for example, involves resetting a dislocated jaw: Then you must put your thumb upon (each) of the two rear sections of the forked bones that are (in?) the mandible/lower jaw, in the inside of his mouth. and your two claws under his chin. Then you should cause them to fall back so that they are put in their place(s).Forshaw says claws likely means two fingers, and the procedure is similar as to how clinicians would proceed today.Other cases, like case six, reveal ancient Egyptians sophisticated medical knowledge. In this case, readers are given instructions on how to proceed when faced with a severe head wound that fractured the skull and exposed part of the brain.The explicit and detailed anatomical descriptions of the brain and the dura mater membrane enveloping it whilst also recognizing the existence of cerebrospinal fluid are quite exceptional for this early date in history, Forshaw says.The ancient Egyptians had a more sophisticated understanding of human anatomy, but they were limited in what they could do to treat the patient. Case five, for example, addresses a severe skull fracture with an unfavorable prognosis.The care provider is instructed to put the injured person on bed rest and monitor them, particularly at the beginning when the patient is in a more critical state.This approach highlights a humanitarian aspect of ancient Egyptian medical care, demonstrating an emphasis on compassionate treatment even in cases with a poor outlook, Forshaw says.Missing Parts of the PapyrusThe papyrus has helped scholars better understand ancient Egyptians understanding and practice of medicine. However, there are missing parts of the scroll and ongoing questions that researchers wish they could answer.The papyrus addresses medical ailments, beginning with the head and then working down the body. The text stops mid-sentence in case 48 at the arms and upper thorax. This means the papyrus only covers one-third of the body and misses major organs in the chest and abdomen.The discovery of the missing sections would be an extraordinary breakthrough, potentially offering valuable insights into ancient Egyptian approaches to treating injuries in these regions, Forshaw says.Even the intact, translated parts of the scroll have unanswered questions due to scholars incomplete understanding of ancient Egyptian medical terminology.Many words related to their drugs, remedies, and constituents remain untranslated, posing significant obstacles to fully deciphering the text and reconstructing their medical practices, Forshaw says.Although scholars still have questions regarding the papyrus and its missing pieces, some researchers have noted that the scroll has succeeded in tying the past to the present. Many of the injuries listed on the papyrus are still seen in emergency rooms across the country, and medical care providers continue to try to help people who are experiencing great injury: Even across millennia, we face the same challenges, one physician wrote.Article SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:Edmund S. Meltzer, Gonzalo M. Sanchez. The Edwin Smith Papyrus: Updated Translation of the Trauma Treatise and Modern Medical Commentaries. Rosalie David and Roger Forshaw. Medicine and Healing Practices in Ancient Egypt Roger Forshaw, an honorary lecturer at the KNH Center for Biomedical Egyptology at the University of Manchester in England.Neurosurg Focus. Decision making in head injury management in the Edwin Smith PapyrusEmilie Lucchesi has written for some of the country's largest newspapers, including The New York Times, Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times. She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and an MA from DePaul University. She also holds a Ph.D. in communication from the University of Illinois-Chicago with an emphasis on media framing, message construction and stigma communication. Emilie has authored three nonfiction books. Her third, A Light in the Dark: Surviving More Than Ted Bundy, releases October 3, 2023, from Chicago Review Press and is co-authored with survivor Kathy Kleiner Rubin.1 free article leftWant More? Get unlimited access for as low as $1.99/monthSubscribeAlready a subscriber?Register or Log In1 free articleSubscribeWant more?Keep reading for as low as $1.99!SubscribeAlready a subscriber?Register or Log In
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