Marvel Rivals Devs Denied Trolling Data Miners With Fake Characters
NetEaseAs NetEases hero shooter Marvel Rivals gains great popularity, the community grows stronger, and so do those who serve the community, like data miners who are keen on providing early information before official channels.There are various findings or theories coming from data mining, and one of them is an allegation that developers add fake heroes to the game to catch those who leak the information on the title.Is this the real case? IGN got the chance to talk with the developers directly, asking producer Weicong Wu and executive producer Danny Koo if they deliberately troll people. Koo answered straightforwardly, No. We would rather spend our time developing the actual game.Then, if those characters are not used to catch leakers or to tease fans, how would the developers explain why they appear in the game? Whats the purpose, and how they ended up there? Weicong explained:You can see that for each characters design, actually we come through a very complicated process, and we make a lot of concepts, trials, prototypes, development, et cetera. So there could be some information left in the code, and it might mean that we have tried those directions and they may appear or may not appear in our future plans. Koo further added, The team experimented with a lot of play styles, heroes. It was like theres someone doing scratch paperwork and then just left a notebook there, and someone [a dataminer] decided to open it with no context.Then what will happen to such characters that are believed to be baits for data miners? Do they stay behind the curtain without having a chance to stand on the stage, or is there a rule that the team follows to decide whether theyll make an appearance in the game? According to the games producer, its highly dependending on what kind of gameplay experience our players would expect in our game.Now, the situation has been made clear, and this is not the first time that the Marvel Rivals team has clarified such speculations. Earlier, they denied an allegation that the game would feature a loot box mechanism. Similarly, the icons and materials related to the loot boxes are leftover content in the game development stage and will not appear in the game.Join our80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us onInstagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads,where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Marvel Rivals Devs Denied Trolling Data Miners With Fake Characters appeared first on CG SHARES.
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