Heavy Bowgun users in Monster Hunter Wilds have run into a little bit of a problem. Spread Ammo, one of the basic ammo types that excels at short ranges, is coming up a tad short in high rank hunts. The damage is okay, but the lack of mobility and the extra risk of being so close makes it hard to justify when Pierce Ammo is sitting right there, not to mention all the other fancier ammo types you can craft. However, all isn't lost for shotgun lovers. Some players, eager to figure out how best to use Spread Ammo in some of the game's hardest content, have turned to their trusty Seikret for help. It turns out, shooting a heavy bowgun while mounted fixes the mobility problem handedly, allowing you to move in front of weak points quickly for big damage.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. As pointed out by Altair_Gaming on Twitter, a heavy bowgun user on their Seikret can recover from the recoil quite quickly, letting loose blasts in quick succession. In addition, by pushing your Seikret into a dash between shots, you can quickly reposition yourself right in front of a monster's face. The damage output is great, and you don't feel like you're constantly rooted into one spot, or slowly lugging your big gun around. To see this content please enable targeting cookies.Now, some will rightfully point out that you aren't making the most of your rapid-fire mode or the special ammo type you've got equipped when doing this, and they'd be be absolutely right. But, given how quickly you can mount and dismount your Seikret, you can also jump off once you down a monster, switch over to a rapid fire magazine, and go wild at point blank range. All in all, it's not a bad strategy for those of you feeling a bit sluggish while shooting out slugs.Give it a try and let us know how it goes! It should help when taking on monsters when you're playing solo, without some Charge Blade user getting all the attention. If it works, it should make the high rank experience way less stressful, relaxing you for the Quality Bone and small monster farms.