Streamline your workflow in Boris FX Optics by creating and managing custom presets. See step-by-step on how to save parameter settings as custom presets, making it easy to apply your favorite effects consistently. Youll discover how to name, organize, and locate your presets, plus tips for sharing them with others. // K E Y P O I N T S //* Custom Presets Creation: Save your parameter settings as reusable presets.* Easy Organization: Automatically add presets to the Custom tab and alphabetical filter categories.* Searchable Metadata: Add optional information to help you locate presets quickly.* Accessible Storage: Locate custom presets on disk via the presets window.* Preset Sharing: Easily share your custom presets with others for collaboration.For more Optics tips and training, visit or join the Discord channel.// U S E F U L L I N K S //Find out what Optics has to offer: Learn all Optics with free videos : ;amp;search= // D I S C O R D C H A N N E L // #optics #photography #borisfx