Get precision masking with the Snap Mask in Boris FX Optics. Mask faster by combining intuitive selections with editable paths. Use simple strokes, to define and refine selections, adjust challenging edges, and seamlessly convert your work into an editable path. // K E Y P O I N T S //* Intuitive Selections: Mark foregrounds and backgrounds with simple strokes to create accurate selections.* Edge Refinement: Use the Override Edge tool for fine-tuning tough edges with smooth transitions.* Editable Paths: Easily convert selections into paths for further customization and masking.* Dynamic Adjustments: Add strokes incrementally for progressive refinement without starting over.* Seamless Integration: Apply Snap Mask directly to layers in Boris FX Optics for streamlined editing.// U S E F U L L I N K S //Find out what Optics has to offer: Learn all Optics with free videos : ;amp;search= // D I S C O R D C H A N N E L // #optics #photography #borisfx