The William Hunt Double House,located at 10-12 Lynde Street in Salem, is a 2 story wood-frame Italianate building that showcases the emerging presence of the Victorian style on residential buildings in the mid-19thcentury, even in cities with strong support for Colonial and Federal period styles. The two-family house was built byWilliam Hunt, a prominent Salem merchant, as a rental property with occupants of the building in 1859 including:John W. Lefavour, a cashier, and Benjamin F. Faber, a merchant. The property remained in the Hunt Family for three generations, and was converted to a boarding house in the 1930s. InNovember 2018, a fire gutted much of the building, displacing the residents, and concerned neighbors as to the future of this great property. Luckily for us, the owners hiredSeger Architects, Epsilon Associates and Groom Construction to fully restore the building to its former glory. The resulting project won aSalem Preservation Awardand received Federal and State Tax Credits to offset restoration costs. What a great success story!