Monster Hunter Wilds Guide The 5 Best Early Weapons And Armor Sets
With 14 distinct weapon types on offer, it can be difficult to determine which to rely on in the early game, as you find your footing in the world of Monster Hunter Wilds. The 30+ starter armor sets that can be found or forged can cause even more indecision, with their diverse equipment skills and set bonuses on offer. Certain synergies between weapons and armor sets can provide huge advantages in monster hunts.This Monster Hunter Wilds guide is a recommendation of the best early weapons and armor sets in the game, as well as their required materials for forging and upgrading.WEAPONS:Best Early BowBows offer the ideal method for taking down monsters while avoiding incoming damage for the most part. With limitless ammunition, and a variety of applicable status effects through the use of Coatings, the Bow allows hunters to remain on the move as they chip away at their target. The only potential drawback is the high stamina consumption, but this is easily managed or mitigated with the correct armor set and skills.The Windbrace Bow can be found in the Hope Hirabami Tree. Aside from its elemental Ice damage, and Focus and Airborne skills, it provides early access to the Power Coating that boosts arrow attack power.Windbrace Bow I Forge Materials1x Frost Sac2x Hirabami Tail Claw3x Hirabami Scale1,500 ZennyWindbrace Bow II Forge Materials2x Hirabami Certificate S6x Freezer Sac8x Hirabami Tail Claw+10,000 ZennyWindbrace Bow II Upgrade Materials1x Hirabami Certificate S3x Freezer Sac4x Hirabami Tail Claw+5,000 ZennyWindbrace Bow III Upgrade Materials1x Wyvern Gem3x Jin Dahaad Certificate S5x Hirabami Hide+14,000 ZennyWindbrace Ibami Upgrade Materials1x Jin Dahaad Icegem5x Hunter Symbol I6x Hirabami Webbing+20,000 ZennyBest Early Dual BladesThe single most agile melee weapon group, Dual Blades allow for a gameplay style that is ultra quick and full of flair, but low in true damage dealt. Demon mode can mitigate that downside to some degree, however it then becomes an even more persistent drain on stamina. Add to that the rapid decrease in Sharpness, and this weapon can be a bit of a pain to micromanage for full effectiveness in combat.The Bone Hatchets are a high-damage pair of Dual Blades from the Bone Tree with the added benefit of the Attack Boost and Focus skills, that ought to get you into Demon mode more often.Bone Hatchets I Forge Materials1x Mystery Bone500 ZennyBone Hatchets II Upgrade Materials1x Monster Fluid2x Sturdy Bone800 ZennyBone Hatchets III Upgrade Materials2x Tough Guardian Bone2,600 ZennyBone Hatchets IV Upgrade Materials2x Colossal Bone4x Great Stoutbone10,000 ZennyWild Hatchets Upgrade Materials1x Beast Gem1x Dragonbone Relic5x Hunter Symbol I5x Monster Hardbone20,000 ZennyBest Early Light BowgunAs a ranged weapon that can also be used in a limited capacity while mounted, the Light Bowgun provides some interesting gameplay possibilities in terms of mobility. Special ammunition management can be an issue, but Normal, Pierce, and Spread types are unlimited. There are a myriad of ammunition types to choose from, for all occasions and opponents, that can apply a variety of status effects.The Dosha Faithbreaker from the Hope Doshaguma Tree has the Opening Shot skill for faster reloads as well as higher attack power when at full capacity. Additionally, it offers an early opportunity to use Sticky Ammo for an explosive and stun effect.Dosha Faithbreaker I Forge Materials1x Doshaguma Fang2x Doshaguma Claw3x Doshaguma Fur800 ZennyDosha Faithbreaker II Upgrade Materials1x Guardian Doshaguma Claw1x Guardian Blood3x Doshaguma Hide2,600 ZennyDosha Faithbreaker III Upgrade Materials2x Doshaguma Certificate S4x Doshaguma Fang+6x Doshaguma Claw+10,000 ZennyFaithbreaker Leibolkule Upgrade Materials1x Beast Gem5x Hunter Symbol II6x Doshaguma Hide+20,000 ZennyBest Early Long SwordThe Long Sword requires a true commitment to pure melee combat, as it has no guard/block functionality whatsoever. Once a combo is initiated, there is no way to escape incoming damage short of diving away. The spirit gauge mechanic eventually opens up new movesets to the wielder, dishing out even more damage. The Long Sword is an excellent starter weapon that maintains its usefulness into the endgame as players develop familiarity with combos and timing.The Iron Katana is from the Hope Ore Tree and grants the Critical Draw skill for a boost to affinity when performing draw attacks.Iron Katana I Forge Materials1x Machalite Ore2x Earth Crystal800 ZennyIron Katana II Upgrade Materials1x Lightcrystal2x Icium2,600 ZennyIron Katana III Upgrade Materials3x Gracium3x Monster Keenbone4x Fucium Ore10,000 ZennyKeen Edge Upgrade Materials1x Novacrystal1x Wyvern Gem5x Hunter Symbol I20,000 ZennyBest Early Sword & ShieldA classic combination that ought to be the default choice for new players with a propensity for melee combat, this is the ideal weapon to start with, as its basic principles set the foundations for mastering other melee weapons. With both stun and sever capabilities, the Sword & Shield is an all-rounder in the offense department. The ability to use items/consumables while still actively wielding both, comes in handy during extended monster fights. A major drawback is its limited range, requiring a lot of up close and personal combat, and exceptionally timed use of the Shield to guard against incoming attacks.Balahara Blade from the Hope Balahara tree offers early elemental Water damage along with fairly high attack power. The Offensive Guard skill grants a temporary bonus to attack power as a reward for skillful guarding, making the very best of this Sword & Shield combo. High affinity and sharpness round out its early game advantages.Balahara Blade I Forge Materials1x Balahara Skull1x Aqua Sac3x Balahara Scale800 ZennyBalahara Blade II Upgrade Materials1x Guardian Doshaguma Claw1x Balahara Tail2x Balahara Shell2,600 ZennyBalahara Blade III Forge Materials2x Balahara Black Pearl4x Balahara Certificate S4x Balahara Skull+4x Torrent Sac10,000 ZennyBalahara Blade III Upgrade Materials1x Balahara Black Pearl2x Balahara Certificate S2x Balahara Skull+2x Torrent Sac5,000 ZennyBalahara Blade IV Upgrade Materials1x Wyvern Gem3x Uth Duna Certificate S5x Balahara Carapace14,000 ZennySandsea Katduva Upgrade Materials1x Uth Duna Watergem5x Hunter Symbol I6x Balahara Scale+20,000 ZennyARMOR:Alloy Armor SetThis armor set is an early recommendation simply because it can be acquired purely through the act of mining rather than monster hunting. The Quick Sheathe skill that allows for fast-swapping between weapons and items, can come in handy for all but Sword & Shield wielders, that do not need to swap at all. Tremor Resistance may not come in handy as often, but level 3 will completely negate the effect of all ground tremors.Alloy Helm Forge Materials1x Machalite Ore1x Iron Ore200 ZennyAlloy Mail Forge Materials1x Machalite Ore1x Iron Ore200 ZennyAlloy Vambraces Forge Materials1x Machalite Ore1x Iron Ore200 ZennyAlloy Coil Forge Materials1x Machalite Ore1x Earth Crystal200 ZennyAlloy Greaves Forge Materials1x Machalite Ore1x Earth Crystal200 ZennyBone Armor SetThe Bone armor set may be of especial utility to wielders of the Bow and Dual Blades, as its inherent equipment skill, Marathon Runner, slows the rate of stamina consumption by between 15% and 50%. Being stunned in combat will be a regular occurrence for most hunters, making this sets Stun Resistance come in handy as well, with level 3 preventing stun entirely. One of the easier armor sets to assemble, consisting as it does of readily available Mystery Bone.Bone Helm Forge Materials1x Mystery Bone100 ZennyBone Mail Forge Materials1x Mystery Bone100 ZennyBone Vambraces Forge Materials1x Mystery Bone100 ZennyBone Coil Forge Materials1x Mystery Bone100 ZennyBone Greaves Forge Materials1x Mystery Bone100 ZennyChainmail Armor SetThe relatively ordinary appearing Chainmail armor set is an excellent choice for mining and gathering excursions. The innate Geologist skill confers bonuses to pickup from various gathering spots, which can be especially useful in the early game when critical resources are relatively scarce. Combat benefits from the Recovery Speed skill that, at level 3, can quadruple the speed at which the red section of the health bar is recovered. The entire set will set you back 500 Zenny.Chainmail Headgear Forge Materials100 ZennyChainmail Vest Forge Materials100 ZennyChainmail Gloves Forge Materials100 ZennyChainmail Belt Forge Materials100 ZennyChainmail Pants Forge Materials100 ZennyChatacabra Armor SetAs a product of the first monster that players battle, this armor set offers some excellent bonuses to aid in survivability in the early game. Item Prolonger extends the duration of item effects between 10% and 50%, while Speed Eating can greatly reduce the time spent on meat and item consumption.Chatacabra Helm Forge Materials1x Chatacabra Jaw2x Chatacabra Scale200 ZennyChatacabra Mail Forge Materials1x Chatacabra Shell2x Chatacabra Scale2x Chatacabra Hide200 ZennyChatacabra Vambraces Forge Materials1x Chatacabra Shell2x Chatacabra Hide200 ZennyChatacabra Coil Forge Materials1x Chatacabra Jaw1x Sharp Fang1x Chatacabra Certificate2x Chatacabra Scale200 ZennyChatacabra Greaves Forge Materials1x Chatacabra Jaw1x Chatacabra Shell1x Mystery Bone200 ZennyHope Armor SetThe Hope armor set can potentially reduce damage between 15% and 50% if it kicks in correctly. The Stun Resistance begins at 30%, and nullifies the stun status effect entirely by level 3. The entire Hope armor set can be purchased for 500 Zenny.Hope Mask Forge Materials100 ZennyHope Mail Forge Materials100 ZennyHope Vambraces Forge Materials100 ZennyHope Coil Forge Materials100 ZennyHope Greaves Forge Materials100 ZennyThose are the best early weapons and armor sets for low rank hunters to choose from in Monster Hunter Wilds.
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