DICEThe first entry of the beloved Battlefield: Bad Company series debuted in 2008 and was well-received. Two years later, its sequel was launched and sold over 2.5 million copies within its first month. Although the franchise seemed to have a promising beginning, the third game was never out, and no one clearly knows the reason.Recently, David Goldfarb, lead designer of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, has shared some details about the third game. On March 5, he found some forgotten antiques, which were the first three pages of the unreleased scripts that he wrote, and shared this finding on social media.Replying to a fans thought that EA never considered it even as a concept, Goldfarb said he just wrote them anyway for himself, although the studio didnt entertain the idea of BC3. Obviously, it had surprised him how accurate some elements might be to the extent that freaked him out. Short version is, russia won and partially took over alaska, he summarized.A few days later, a snippet of the script was posted, showing a scene featuring Haggard, the squads demolitions expert, working in the convenience shop Adiosvidaniya, interacting with a kid who got caught stealing snacks and smokes. A player had speculated the plot based on the scenario that they got kicked out of the military clearly Im guess theres a gang gets back together for a special(impossible) mission that theyre only willing to use expendable team like them to do. A confirmative reply was given by the developer, who said yes to the speculation.Although its been around 15 years since Bad Company 2 was released, the hope of getting a new BC game isnt dying out completely in the community. Unfortunately, this doesnt sound possible at this moment. Some fans also expressed their hopes of getting the script finished due to relevance, which is something Goldfarb might consider doing.Dont forget tojoin our80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us onInstagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads,where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Ex-Battlefield Dev Got Freaked Out By His Bad Company 3 Plot Accuracy appeared first on CG SHARES.