Godot 4.4 Gets Jiggle Physics / News, Tutorials / March 10, 2025 / Godot, TutorialGodot 4.4 was just released, a release I referred to as my favorite release yet. Among the many new features of Godot 4.4 is the addition of what is known colloquially as jiggle physics. In practical terms its the ability to take a chain of bones in a Skeleton3D and make them wiggle. This is implemented using the new SpringBoneSimulator3D node.To create jiggle physics in Godot 4.4, first you need a 3D object with a Skeleton3D applied with several bones. Then add a SpringBoneSimulator3D node as a child of the Skeleton3D node like so:With the SpringBoneSimulator3D node selected, in the Inspector click add element.Now expand out the Settings and select the Root Bone and End Bone from the skeleton. These two values represent the start and end point of the bone chain that will be wiggled.And presto jiggle physics. There are of course several settings you can use to control the way the bones wiggle controlling aspects such as gravity, drag, radius and stiffness. You can also keyframe all of the values over time as part of your animation. You can additionally apply multiple SpringBoneSimulator3D nodes to a single skeleton.Key LinksGodot 4.4 ReleaseSpringBoneSimulator GItHub Project PageGodot POLYGON BundleGodot Supernova Bundle (Use Code SN80 for MASSIVE savings)Best of Synty #4 Humble BundleYou can learn more about jiggle physics in Godot 4.4 using the SpringBoneSimulator3D node in the video below. Using other links on this page helps support GFS (and thanks so much if you do!).